Car crash part 2

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Mia's pov

I woke up the next day and I looked at my phone with so many notifications. 100 missed calls from Billie 25 texts from Billie. Jesus I leave her for one night and she does this. I then get up to go downstairs. I saw the jacket and I put it on then I go see where these 2 girls are. 

Lisa- Hey your up

Mia- Yep 

Lisa- Don't worry Billie did the same to us but give her time she will relax soon

I nodded and they handed me some food. I then heard someone coming through the door and I saw the guy from last night. 

Mia- Shit

Pope- Whats wrong 

Mia- thats the guy

Pope- he did it

I nodded and I didn't have anything on me. But I then was confused. 

Mia- I thought you were dead

Guy- Yeah well she missed

Billie- try me fucking again bitch

He then was shot dead as I watch Billie come over to me. 

Mia- Wait are you still drunk

Billie- No why would I be 

I looked down and she was confused. 

Pope- Dude you almost assaulted your girl

Billie- Fuck 

Mia- Billie I stayed here last night

Billie- I can see that.Come on lets get you home. I already got your stuff. 

I got up and started to walk to the car. But I then was swept off my feet in to someones arms. 

Billie- You can't be on your feet. Doctor told me that you have a really bad swelling that you have to sit off so I hate this but you have to be in a wheelchair

Mia- Oh my god really

She nodded and I was put into the damn chair. I was not happy about it. Billie put me into the car and we went back home. I was so mad about the damn wheelchair that wouldn't even talk about it. When we got home Cat laughed at me and I almost went at her but Billie pushed me down. 

Billie-Its only going to get worse if you stand on it

I made Cat come closer to me and I slapped her. She acted all hurt and all dramatic about it. Finneas came up to us and hugged me. He knew about it so he wasn't judging me at all. Of course Cat was because she is Cat. Billie was being helpful with me since she wouldn't even let me walk at all. But when she picked me up it hurt so bad. 

Mia- Stop stop stop


Finneas- Billie you are squeezing her leg

Then the pain stopped and I was relived about it. 

Mia- Can I walk at all though

Billie- yeah but you can't do it for very long though that means no mafia stuff

Mia- are you joking

Billie- No I'm not you are hurt and it will make it worse if you train 

Mia- But I wan't to 

Billie- Do so and you will be punished 

Mia-Like you can do anything

Billie- Oh really 

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