The Jackets

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Mia's Pov

Its 3 weeks later and my foot is healed 100% now. You don't even understand how happy I am that I don't have Billie on my ass about it. Another thing is that I'm almost 100% vegan  and I don't really regret it because every time I  would eat any meat lately I would get a bellyache. I still working on with the dairy part of it still. Billie is also letting me go back to the club and sing again since they are having some people wandering around making sure nothing bad happens. 

Billie- Hello angel 

Mia- Hi 

Billie- I got a gift for you and Cat

Mia-You do

She nodded and grabbed my hand as she pulled me downstairs. Billie had a little dance studio in her house so I've been spending a lot of times in there. 

Cat- Do you know what it is

Mia- No you

Cat- No

Billie brought 2 big boxes out and I was confused. She set them down and on the boxes had our names on them. 

Billie- Okay so before you open them I have to say something. So you both have proven to me that you are fully capable on officially joining the mafia. So I've been working on these for a while for this moment and the second you get them out you are officially apart of the mafia.

Me and Cat were excited to see what it was and we took a breather. 

Mia- On 3......1

Cat- 2

Mia- 3

We then opened the boxes and moved the paper that was in the way. We saw that it was the jackets that everyone had in the crew. Cat's was a normal one with the name and logo on it. I looked at mine and its a white & light blue one. It has the logo, name, jewels, and it said Billie's girl on the back. I was so shocked that we actually got the official jackets. We got them out and put them on. We just realized that everyone was here. I got up and hugged Billie. 

Mia- I don't know how to thank you 

Billie- With your lips

I gave a her a kiss. I ran to Finneas and Claudia to give them a hug. I then saw Lisa and Pope here. 

Mia- What are you doing here

Pope- I guess we didn't never finished. So we are a gang that helps Billie out 

Mia- Oh okay cool

Lisa- Congrats by the way

Mia- Awe thank you. So how did you meet 

Lisa- Us or with Billie

Mia- You girls

Pope- Well she was at this gay bar and I ran into her. We exchanged numbers got close and yeah 

Mia- Awe cute. So do tell how you met the Billie Eilish

Pope- Well we were going to her club and we were getting shit talked because of our sexuality then Billie yelled at them and we became very loyal friends

Billie- Oh do tell more

I didn't realize that Billie was behind me and it scared the shit out of me. All 3 of them started to laugh at that reaction. 

Mia- Your so mean 

Billie- I didn't mean to scare you 

Lisa- I know you have had a rough past but we never heard how you met 

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