Grocery Store dilemma

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Mia's pov

I woke up on the couch with my head on Billie's lap and my legs on top of Cat. When Billie saw that I was awake she kissed me. 

Billie- Hey I have to run to do some things around town today. If you want you can run to the store to grab extra food but make sure you check in with me okay

Mia- Okay don't I need anyone with me

Billie- No we took it out when you were sleeping

Mia- But 

Billie- Its like a little sliver. You winced at it though

Mia- Oh okay 

Billie- I'll see you later 

I then drifted off sleep since it was 5 am and I'm still tired. I slept till I felt a pillow smack me and Cat was doing it. I got up and went to see what food they had and they only had food that I would never eat so I was going to the store. I just got some toast then walked to Billie's room to to get ready. I saw that Billie had cameras every inch of this house except her room and her bathroom. I told Finneas that I was running to the store  and he told me to be safe. I texted Billie that I was headed there. She sent me this long text on being safe. I was walking around getting some food then I felt someone following me. 

Mia- Can I help you 

Guy- No 

Mia- Let me guess you saw me in the strip club last week

Guy- Yep 

Mia- Sorry I quit 

I continued to shop when he started to push me against the wall causing me to drop everything. The workers sat there scared since they were innocent like I was. He was kissing me and shit. I never knew what to do in these situations since I was so used to letting it happen. I was trying to move away. I could Billie blowing up my phone. 

Mia- Please stop

Guy- Shut up

Mia- Please

He kept going and then I felt his grip get loose from me. I then was taken into Billie's arms. She was hugging me and she had a gun pointing to the guy. 

Guy- A girl isn't going to kill me

Billie- Do you even know who I am 

Guy- Your Billie you don't scare me

She then shot him causing me to hide my face. She then hugged me fully as she walked out of the store with me in her arms. She walked me to the car putting me into the passenger side. 

Billie- We are going to run somewhere okay but please make sure to stay by me the whole time if you leave my sight there will be consequences 

I looked at her scared because she never has threatened me before. We drove to a house and we walked through without knocking. People started to walk to her and beat the shit out of her. I was walking back as she was fighting people. 

Billie- What did I tell you damn small gangs to leave women alone

I ran to her car and hid. 

Billie's pov

This gang tends to force women to do shit and I hate that. Why am I a gang leader? Well we have this big thing against the Ireland mafia. They stole money and our best selling drugs. Our thing is to get it back but the thing with the little gangs well they are trying over rule us and it won't happen. After I got done beating the shit out of them I saw Mia wasn't in the house. 


I looked all over the place and I couldn't find her. 


I then walked out to my car and saw her in a ball crying. I crouched down lifting her chin as she looked at me scared. 

Billie- Are you scared. Well I gave you one task and that was to stay in sight not to hide from me. Get in the car

Mia's pov

After Billie said all of that I was scared for my life that she would kill me. When we got to the house she didn't let me even talk to Cat. She took me into a room with many things. 

Mia- W...W....What is this room 

Billie- This room Mia you will be in for a while till you know to listen to me

She had me lay down on a table looking at a funnel thing. She put soft things around my wrists then cuffed my hands up leaving my feet free. Then I started to feel water droplets hit me. 

Billie- This is the Chinese water torture 

She smiled at me and left me in here with water dripping on my head. She only had my hands done up. But I beat the system and sat up dodging them. 

Billie- I knew you were smarter than that baby girl 

Mia- I'm sorry 

She put me back down putting something on my head so I couldn't do it again. But she screwed it in then left. 

*1 hour later*

Billie has left me in here for about an hour and I know she's not there because she locked the door. I heard her fighting with Cat about it. Thats when my emotions kicked in. I started to have a panic attack because I was getting major flashbacks from James screaming at me. My panic attack was sky rocketing and I heard a monitor beeping like crazy. I then heard footsteps running to the door and the door slammed open. I saw Billie, Cat, and Finneas. They were getting me undone quickly as possible. After I was free Cat jumped onto the table and pulled me into a hug. She got me out of there then to outside. Cat always had an inhaler she puffs into our mouths when we are having a panic attack. I was trying to breath and crying at the same time. 

Cat- Hey hey hey look at me.....Shelby you need to stay awake okay.......Mia keep your eyes on me

Then I felt Billie grab me and hold me. Cat was holding my hand and the smell from Billie made me focus on that. Usually when they get this bad I somehow calm down at the smell at the smell of something. I focused on that then calmed down more. 

Cat- Are you wearing anything smelly

Billie- Perfume

Cat told her about that and I got up walking inside. I got some water to see if I could calm down. I was still shaking pretty bad that I couldn't hold the glass. 

Billie- Here

Billie helped me and I then went to her room to get some sleep. After my nap I got some dinner and played a game with everyone of charades. Billie told me sorry 500 times and I told her it was okay. I fell asleep on Billie then she carried me to the bedroom. I was already ready for bed then I felt Billie get in bed as well then I was in a deep sleep.

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