Court Out Of Order

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"I could read her just fine. There were no issues there. All the Pokemon; Catherine, Electivire, the two Ivysaur, there was no problems," June stated.

Gary frowned in frustration, thinking about all they had been discussing so far.

June raised her head to the starry night sky and then looked down to the Pokemon.

Mostly everyone was eating.

Magneton and Rotom were trading Electric shocks to one another in turn.

Previously, they were being bothered by Porygon-Z who wouldn't leave them alone and kept flying after them. Gary's Pokemon then went after June and she lost it, running until Gary called it back.

"I don't really understand any of this, June." Gary removed his wet rag from one side of his face and placed it against the other side. It wasn't much to help his swollen face, but he figured it was something. "I don't know how to advise you here. Now you're saying you hate my Porygon-Z because you can't understand it when it speaks, too."

June had opened her mouth, but nothing ever came out, even as it continued hanging wide.

She can't even deny she hates it, Gary noticed. June loves all Pokemon, but is literally terrified of my Porygon-Z. And she doesn't even know why. Rather than getting upset at her, Gary chose to try and be reasonable with the situation. "Maybe it's just stress. Maybe you're unable to do it under high levels of stress."

"I can! I can hear just fine. Just like I can hear any human. And I wasn't stressed around Ish, just annoyed. And that... damn monster affected me like nothing I've ever gone through! It's not the same with Porygon-Z. The monster is... something else. Porygon-Z isn't like that, but..." June shook her head. "It's like... this thing. It's not painful like when I hear that monster. Porygon-Z is more... wrong..."

"Wrong? What does that mean?"

"It just sounds wrong, Gary! It's like, nonsense! It's frightening!"

The Pokemon were eating more quietly, purposely keeping their eyes down.

June stood up, lifting her black duffel bag. "I'll be back later. I'm going to feed Electivire and try to talk with him. Try and figure out what he and that... Pokemon thing said to each other."

Gary nodded and watched her walk along the rocky path, glad their conversation was ended.

There weren't any trees to hide amongst, and June just kept on walking until she was far from Gary's sight. She glanced back and turned away, sending out her Pokemon.

Gary kept his eyes on them, and before long, Electivire was zapping June. He sighed and looked away. I should have called my mom to let her know I'm okay, he told himself. After those Gym explosions, she must be losing it right now. Especially since I didn't call her. But what do I have to say to her? Man, why is there so much happening with me?? With this world! He yawned and placed his hands on the ground behind him, stretching out his arms and leaning backwards to relieve his back. With a release of air, he relaxed his body and sat hunched over, listening to the Pokemon.

Amongst the eating were other sounds, including laughter and talking.

Gary looked up and jumped a little on the inside.

Absol had finished eating and was sitting, staring directly at her new Trainer.

Gary looked away uncomfortably. What the hell? he thought nervously.

Pikachu and Ampharos were chatting, having a good time.

Tyrouge was grunting while doing push ups, his yellow scarf around his neck.

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