Ish Hits The Fan

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"Man, if I was them, I woulda raped Lin Lardasshian," Ish stated bluntly.

June and Gary's eyes were wide, mouths dropped in horror at Ish's words.

Gary forced out a short laugh. "Raped? You would have raped someone?"

"If I had her kidnapped and robbed?? Might as well," Ish shrugged.

June came to a complete stop, watching Gary and Ish walk by.

"Ish, you can't be serious. You can't be seriously saying you would rape a woman!" Gary's head was going bananas! He couldn't be friends with someone who believed in this! Ish just had to admit it was just some crazy "guy joke" or something!

"I'm dead ass! Lin Lardasshian?? You got her tied up in some hotel in Kalos, you wouldn't hit that?!"

"I'm..." Gary swallowed, himself stopping, Ish looking back at him blankly before stopping as well. "I..." Gary took a breath. "I'm saying I wouldn't rape her, Ish!" Gary said, mortified.

Ish shrugged. "Well, I would."
Gary shook his head in disgust, absolutely desperate for Ish to admit that this couldn't be truly how he felt.

June had appeared beside Ish and grabbed his shoulder.

Salandit looked up at June from his position on Ish's back.

She looked Ish in the eyes with a focused look. There was no anger. No sadness. Not even sternness. She was just focused. "So you mean to tell me, you would rape a woman?" she asked carefully, plainly.

"Nah, man, I wouldn't rape a woman," Ish denied.

"You just said you would!!" June exploded in the middle of the forest, her echoing burst causing birds to flutter and critters to scamper.

Even Salandit hid behind Ish's back.

"Nah, like, I obviously wouldn't rape someone. I'm saying, like; alright, look. If you kidnap a celebrity, a bad ass bitch, or a hot ass nigga for you, June, and you have them at your mercy, helpless, nothing they can do. You might as well just go for broke and fuck 'em! When you ever gonna get that opportunity? I'm not saying it's right, or that I would actually do it, but just, like, if you're already a criminal and going down, you might as well go all the way, right?"

"NNOOO!!" June and Gary shouted together.

Ish laughed powerfully, leaning backwards, gripping the capsule with his Bonsly Egg in it. "Yo I'm weak!"

June was fuming, red in the face.

"I mean, like, if you already are a criminal and have done something as bad as kidnapped a world famous celebrity..." Gary said thoughtfully.

"Gary!!" June gasped, mortified.

"Not saying it's right or that I'd do it, June!" Gary held out his hands.

"GARY!" June was furious.

"I'm only saying, if you were a bad guy and you already went there with it, I get what Ish is trying to say! I'm glad it didn't go that far, and I would never! But they could have! It would have been terrible but it's like, if you already are dead, yano, like, just kill yourself? I think that's what you're saying?" He looked at Ish, regretting pretty much everything he'd just said.

Ish laughed again. "Thank you! That's all I mean! Not that I would do it, it's just if I were to do something that bad, just fuck it, go all the way!"

Gary felt bad and cringey agreeing with Ish on any level of this kind of topic, but he did understand the point Ish was trying to get at?

Kind of?

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