Shedinja Gaiden

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"In the most recent update of the attack that occurred in Viridian City yesterday, what was confirmed to be an attack by terrorist organization Team Solace using a Musharna's Dream Mist to put the city to sleep, is further shown to have had even more mysteries than before," a newsman spoke from the hanging TV screen. He had thin, short blonde hair and dressed in a blue suit. "Musharna had been held in custody following the attack, but with newfound evidence, it's now believed that Musharna itself was under a form of Hypnosis, forcing it to attack as it did."

The screen now showed Viridian City during that attack, covered in a gray mist with black flakes falling everywhere as people panicked, trying to carry their sleeping Pokemon or wake them up.

"A pendulum was found during the investigation with fingerprints from various people," the newsman continued. "But it's what they found not far away, being picked at by the bugs and animals within Viridian Forest, that was perhaps the largest shock of all. A deceased Hypno. A Hypno without a pendulum. While nothing is certain yet, investigators believe this Hypno may have been spotted by Team Solace either before or after hypnotizing Musharna, and was then killed for the pendulum, and Team Solace members controlled Musharna to attack the city, the purpose of this unknown and never fulfilled due to the further unfortunate arrival, of the monster."

The video then showed her, the vicious monster being, when the Dream Mist had been cleared already. She moved swiftly, dodging Aly's Ivysaur's Double-Edge. In the next clip, she was blasted by Solar Beam. The clip froze as she was taken down.

The video shrunk to one corner of the screen, making room for the newsman again. "The monster, its own terror shown here, was battled by Pokemon Trainers nearby and local law enforcement. While there were numerous critical injuries, thankfully no one was killed. While it appears the monster, some witnesses and experts even referring to it as female, is shown here to be taken down, it did fight its way out and was reported to have literally flown away. Some believe there is an obvious link between Team Solace and the monster, while Team Solace maintains the attacks from the being, and what they are doing, are unrelated. They continue to vow to stop the monster, but fail to explain exactly what it, or perhaps, she, is."

Gary looked away from the TV and closed his eyes. With a sigh, he got up and walked to the front doors, his Town Map open in his hands.

There were several strips of yellow tape marked DANGER in black letters taped around orange traffic cones which surrounded ladders, construction workers on them working on the destroyed roof of the Pokemon Center.

"How much can I get for these Star Pieces?"

Gary stopped and looked to see a young boy talking to the cashier at the Poke Mart, the kid holding something in his cupped hands that Gary couldn't see.

"Kid, things are kinda tough right now. I'm sorry," the cashier was explaining uncomfortably.

The front doors opened for Gary and he walked out of the building. He went straight, looking from his Town Map to his surroundings a few times, and after just a few minutes of walking, turned to see an enormous building that was exactly where the map said the location would be. He put the Town Map away and his fists clenched tight.

The building was wider than it was tall. It was green, and the roof was curved, reaching down the sides, as blue as the sky above. The door was tall and green and a golden door knob stuck out from it. The words Viridian City Pokemon Gym were painted in turn of black and yellow letters.

"It would've been nice for Aly and Rob to have watched you go for your final Badge," June mentioned. She'd been exploring the city and ended up at the Gym, waiting for Gary to feel ready for the big match and meet her there.

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