Chapter 1

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A/N: I hope you enjoyed my first story 'melodies & madness', this story is intended to be its sequel so I would recommend reading that first. However, I'm sure this story would flow ok as a stand alone story. Enjoy Xx

David's POV

"Hows Violet doing? Hope she's feeling better for tomorrows final gig" Francine placed a friendly hand on my shoulder. Violet, unwell? She was fine when I left her this morning, just a little slow getting ready. We were just finishing up a world tour and we're due to be heading to our home in New York in a few days.
" Yeah, she's just a bit run down bless her, she should be all good for tomorrow" I lied, masking my confusion. Before continuing out of the venue to the hotel.
"Good cos she's my lil tour side kick" Francine chuckled as she left me to blend back in with my surroundings. Now focused, I headed straight to Violet and I's room. Cautiously, I opened up the door unaware of what I was going to find on the other side. "Baby?" I called as I entered the cool room. No response, I quietly set my key down and slipped my shoes off, "Baby?!" I tried again this time turning to investigate the room. My worries and overactive mind we're eased when my eyes fell onto Violet. She was fast asleep in bed. It was a little strange seeing as this morning she seemed well. I quietly sat myself on the bed beside her. She stirred slightly as I gently caressed her cheek.
"D..David?" She stammered, fidgeting uncomfortably, her eyes blinking open.
"What's wrong Vi? You were ok this morning, weren't you?" I continued to caress her cheek, trying to calm her.
"Erm, Yeah" She shyly glanced down, "when you left, I just felt so tired and I couldn't eat my breakfast. I've slept all day" she explained, avoiding my eye contact.
"Aw no. Why didn't you tell me? I can get a doctor" I told her, worried about her health.
"I'll be fine" she shook her head. I wasn't having it.
"My dear what if there is something that they can give you to make you better. I don't want you like this, you're precious. I want to look after you" I insisted, planting a tender kiss on her warm forehead.
"David, I'll be ok" she persisted.
"Vi, no you're burning up still, have you eaten anything today?" I fussed, I was genuinely concerned.
"Fine" she huffed, sulking slightly.
"Good, thank you, I'll let you take the piss if they're no use" I winked, giving her another loving kiss as a reward for not being so stubborn for once. So, I called up management and arranged a doctor to come over straight away. In the meantime I managed to get her to drink some water and we began watching some rubbish tv. When the doctor arrived Violet went quiet.
"Hi there Miss Chambers, Mr Bowie, I hear you've not been feeling too well. I just want to do check a few checks to rule some things out and to see if there's anything I can do to help you feel better" the kind older man informed us. He asked the usual questions, took her blood pressure, temperature etc before he made his diagnosis. "So...Miss Chambers I believe you have an iron deficiency as that explains the fatigue and nausea, when you get home I would advise seeing a doctor and get some bloods taken to be certain. For now, I recommend trying to add more iron rich foods like leafy greens and pulses to your diet, maybe decrease your caffeine intake a little too" he offered his friendly smile before shaking both of our hands and seeing himself out.
"So that was useful after all" I beamed, relieved that there was no serious issue with Violet. The news did wake me up though, it made me realize that I need to look out for Violet more. I shouldn't be so sure that she's ok looking after herself. She needs a hand sometimes to make things easier, she always puts too much pressure on herself.
"I guess" she shrugged.
"I'm just glad you're ok" I smiled softly, kissing Her temple, "I'll get Francine to teach me how to make that lovely kale salad she has all the time" I chuckled. I was awful in the kitchen, I could just about boil an egg so anything more from me is an extravagance.

By time we settled down it was gone midnight and I was hungry and Violet definitely needed to try and eat something so I ordered room service. I opted for a cheese and ham grilled sandwich while we decided Violet should try opt for a iron rich choice to boost her health. So she tried the spinach tortellini. The food eventually arrived and we sat on the luxurious king size bed, eating our food and watching Friends on the big tv, it was the only English speaking program available. I soon polished off my sandwich while Violet had successfully eaten at least half of her pasta which was progress.
"I thought I might've been pregnant you know" Violet admitted, almost completely out of the blue, making me swallow hard. "It felt like how I imagine morning sickness would be" she laughed lightly, picking at the remaining pasta.
"Yeah, I can see that" I nodded, removing my plate from the bed and turning my Attention to her.
"And then it made me think of what I might do if I was" she continued, her eyes remaining on the pasta.
"And what do you think?" I questioned,my face reading abilities stalling. She shrugged, going all coy on me.
"I think I'd be happy at this point" she smiled, bringing her eyes cautiously to meet mine.
"I'd be overjoyed too" I grinned at the thought, my hand rising to hold her face, bringing her face down to kiss her lips passionately. I sat up, removing the bowl from between us and sitting it on the floor. Her hands slid around my neck before resting at the sides of my face, our eyes locked.
"I want to have a baby with you David, I do" She smirked before kissing me. I leant forwards, gently pushing her back onto the bed.
"We need to get this deficiency straightened out first" I tenderly kissed from her collarbones up to below her ear, "but" I smirked before nipping at her ear, "that doesn't mean we can't practice" I chuckled lowly before seeing back to her.

The food had perked Violet up and the exercise seemed to do her some good. By time morning came round after a good nights sleep, she was virtually normal again. However, for breakfast she made the good choice of having some proper cereal and fruit rather than just a couple cups of coffee. If she keeps this up then maybe she would be ready for our baby. A few things needed to happen before that can though.

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