Chapter 20

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Violet's POV

After a fortnight in the hospital, Scarlett was finally strong and independent enough to come home. She was feeding and breathing perfectly well by herself and there were no signs of anything else holding her back so we could finally get her settled. The relief I felt when I the doctor uttered those words was indescribable, I cried and couldn't thank him enough.
"Time to go home lil baby" I cooed, getting Scarlett clipped in and comfortable in her little carrier.
"Here, I'll carry her" David insisted, carefully taking the carrier into his strong hands. As we departed we thanked everyone before waving and heading towards the car.

Returning home was strange, it was like I had been on holiday without actually going anywhere and the souvenir was instead a baby. I was excited to be home and to start this chapter of my life. As we arrived in the apartment it was all a little overwhelming.
"What's wrong?" David questioned, quickly setting Scarlett down and coming to my side. "My love, what is it?" He looped an arm over my shoulder and pulled me into him.
"It's's a little overwhelming" I sobbed a little, feeling a little embarrassed for being so emotional.
"Oh my darling, one step at a time.." he rubbed my shoulder soothingly, "I tell you what, you get used to being back home, I'll tend to Scarlett, yeah" he suggested.
"Ok" I nodded. The idea sounded very appealing, "I just needed some time to adjust and think things through". I wandered into Scarlett's room. We hadn't finished it yet but luckily all the essentials were there, it just wasn't completely put together yet. So I put some music on and finished organizing everything. I looked at the little baby grows and socks and other little clothes as I folded them and put them away, the hundreds of nappies all bunched together and overflowing everywhere. Everything would be far too big for her yet and the thought made my heart swell. I fixed her mobile above her cot and laid out her blankets and toys ready for her first night time. Then I decided to go find my little girl and see what David was up to. It was like a sort of meditation that I needed, it organized the chaotic thoughts into something more comfortable and manageable.

David and Scarlett in the living room, laid on the sofa, I almost missed them, they were so quiet. It was definitely a sight for sore eyes. David was stretched out on the sofa, snoozing away with his hand resting on Scarlett's back. She was nestled into his bare chest, her tiny eyelashes fluttering slightly as she also snoozed. I quietly knelt down beside them, the sight making my heart feel full. Gently, I stroked a hand through David's hair, while the other stroked Scarlett's cheek. They both adjusted slightly at the new sensation but kept snoozing. After a moment I kissed David's cheek, his eyes instantly flickering open. Once his eyes opened fully he smiled widely.
"Hey sleeping beauty" I chuckled lowly. Without a word, he took a free hand to cradle my face, bringing me closer to him, he kissed me passionately and lustfully. "Someone's feeling in the mood" I raised a brow at his eager kiss.
"We should get a move on with baby number two" he practically whispered, a sly smirk playing across his lips. Sassily, i simply raised my eyebrow again and ignored the remark, instead kissing Scarlett's head.
"Let's just focus on baby number 1 first" I suggested cockily.


Settling the three of us back down into a routine was difficult to say the least. Luckily, Scarlett is such a happy lil baby, she would hardly cry, but she'd gurgle and mumble to herself all the time. She was perfectly happy in her new cot, a little pink nightlight beside her, a projector displaying twinkling stars into the ceiling and a little mobile with rockets and planets on. We had a baby monitor connected to our room so we could hear if she needed us.

At 3am one night, when I had finally gotten her back off to sleep after a feed, I rejoined a snoozing David. The late night/early morning feeds made me so much more grateful for my bed and especially my bed with David in it, with nothing but a pair of boxers on. He stirred slightly as I slid under the covers and beside him. His arms automatically traveling over the sheets to find me, then snaking around my body to pull me close. His tired eyes opened slightly to gauge my expression. He smirked and closed his eyes again, I was tired but he was currently very attractive.
"David?" I murmured, conscious of the volume of my voice, I could tell he was awake.
"...mmm" he responded, nestling his head in the pillow.
"Erm, your hands are on my bum" I giggled, trying to play it cool but failing miserably.
"Well.." he chuckled cheekily, "I do apologize" he declared, without actually moving his hands.
"No, I like them there" I sassed, smirking, the tiredness enhancing my confidence.
"I do too my darling, it's a wonderful bum you have" he chuckled, before edging his face closer to mine. His lips tenderly brushing against mine. "And your lips taste rather wonderful too" he admitted, his breath tickling my lips, before in turn I brushed my lips against his. Electricity crackled as our mouths and souls connected, entwining and exploring. Our fire was definitely still burning.


"My love..." I called as I finished feeding Scarlett her morning milk.
"Yes darling?" David responded, from the kitchen.
"I feel like trying a run or something, get some exercise..." I explained, wandering in to find him browsing a newspaper whilst sipping a coffee. "Can you keep an eye on Scarlett?" I asked.
"Of course my darling, you don't have to ask" he dropped the paper and turned his attention to me. I stepped over to his side, to look at the paper myself. He instead pulled me to sit on his lap. "My darling, you're not alone in this you know" he began, his voice soft and rich, "we're in this together, if you have things to do, I can be the good responsible daddy for a while" he reasoned, a seriousness to his voice.
"I know... I just, I don't know, I'm not used to being the mummy kind or the good housewife kind" I gulped, avoiding eye contact.
"Oh baby, you shouldn't think like that" he kissed my temple, "being a mum is whatever you make it, there's no set rules, you find your own definition of being a mum and you're doing a great job anyway" he punctuated his point with another kiss, "and housewife? I don't expect you to be a housewife, I just want you to be my wife? I don't expect anything from you but love" he kissed me again. It was almost as if each kiss, took away a concern of mine. I built up the courage to look him in the eye, his honest eyes were so close to mine, scanning my face for a sign of emotions. I nestled my head into his neck, feeling nothing but comfort and home as his hands held me in place.
"I can't wait to be your wife" I admitted, turning my head slightly to look across his chest.
"I can't wait to be your husband" he returned smoothly.
"I can't wait to see you in that suit, and that waistcoat" I beamed, relishing the thought.
"Oh do you?" He sassed cheekily, I kissed his neck teasingly. "Well I can't wait to see you in your dress, and your hand will look even better with a wedding ring on" he added, feeling around for my hand. When he found it he gently brought it up to his mouth, placing a sensual kiss on the ring finger. "Or..." he began, his voice soft and low. "To tide me over, we can go into the bedroom, and I can see you with nothing on" His lips purposely lingered against my knuckle, his breathing teasing me.
"Is that what a good, responsible daddy would do?" I daringly returned, looking up through my lashes at his pretty face.
" well, you won't need to go for a run, I'm sure we can think of alternative exercise" he bit his lip, while his eyes drifted back to mine, glinting with wonder. He had a point, and so I gave in and we were like teenagers all over again.

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