Chapter 19

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David's POV

The road that led to Scarlett arriving with us was one heck of a roller coaster, one we didn't expect and it was emotionally exhausting, and for Violet, physically exhausting. It was heartbreaking not being able to hold our little girl yet, she was so small and so fragile, I wouldn't want to try even if we were allowed. Violet was busy recuperating and catching up on her sleep while she could. In the meantime, I couldn't stop looking at Scarlett. Her little chest was gently rising and falling, aided by the smallest oxygen machine I've ever seen. It was unbelievable that something so small could be so perfect.

Her tiny fingers grasped my finger, her little eyelashes fluttered slightly, her teeny toes wiggling every now and then. She had a nappy on but it completely swamped her lower body, she had her little knitted hat on now to keep her warm. I had already read her "Where the wild things are" so now I figured I'd sing to her, not knowing what else I could do. I opted for Starman as it made most sense right now. She drifted to sleep halfway through but I continued just incase. Smiling to myself, feeling surreal to see my little family right in front of me, so perfect. My mind instantly drifted to Duncan. The day had been a whirlwind and it suddenly dawned on me to call him.

I glanced at my watch. 10:35pm, it wasn't too late, not for him anyway. Pulling out my mobile, I wandered away from my sleeping girls so I wouldn't disturb them. It rang a couple times and then his familiar voice answered.

"Hi, Dad?" he answered.
"Hey son, big news" I responded excitedly.
"Yeah?" his tone was plain, clearly not expecting what I was going to say next.
"Your sister made an early appearance!" I beamed with pride.
"What! She's not due yet? Is she ok? Dad oh my God!" he stammered, his brain working too quickly for his mouth to keep up.
"I know, she gave us a bit of a surprise, to say the least" I chuckled, "but she's here, she's doing ok, quite premature though bless her so she needs to get her strength up before we can take her home" I explained.

"Oh... is she ok? can I come see her?" he asked so cautiously.

"of course son, we'd like that" I told him excitedly.

"Yes! I'll come across as soon as I can, it'll probably be tomorrow evening" he told me with confidence. We exchanged a few more excited remarks before we hung up, allowing me to get on with contacting people and for Duncan to get organised. I figured I should also call Coco, to update her but also to get her to bring a bag over for us. She asked what we needed but I had no clue. She promptly arrived, not an hour later with a big bag full of stuff for all of us, the girls were still fast asleep.

"Oh David, she's beautiful" Coco cooed, instantly dropping the bag down and going to take a look at Scarlett.
"Isn't she just" I smiled fondly, watching her admire my little beauty.
"What did you call her? She's a little wonder" Coco turned to me, speaking quietly.
"Scarlett Lynn Jones" I beamed proudly, "all being well, we should be allowed to go home in a fortnight"
"Aww thats lovely, I'm so proud of you two, if you need anything just call me" she continued, rubbing my arm comfortingly.
"Thanks Coco, we really appreciate this" I responded, pulling her in to hug her before she had to dash back off to head home.
After my little stint of phone calls and admin, I settled back in the chair, watching Scarlett and Violet doze. Then before I knew it, I had also dozed off. I was awakened by the sound of a nurse and Violet talking about something. I blinked my eyes open and adjusted to the environment. It was dawn, the sky was a wondrous shade of lilac as the summer sun began its ascent into the clear blue sky.
"Morning mister" Violet beamed cockily, sitting up in her bed, looking bright.
"good are you? how's Scarlett?" my brain whirled, standing up to stretch my back out.
"I'm ok, mending" she responded as I leant over to kiss her on the cheek, "this lovely nurse is going to let me cuddle Scarlett"
"What?" I blurted, confused.
"Well some skin to skin contact with mum can be really beneficial to baby and mum" the nurse explained, tending to our little baby, "she just needs to be positioned carefully on mum's chest and then it'll be ok". my face lit up and so did Violet's. So, I watched as the nurse expertly, cradled our baby. Despite the wires, she looked so beautiful. The nurse, placed Scarlett onto Violet's chest. Violet glowed as tiny Scarlett settled on her chest, wrapping her gown over her tiny form, keeping her secure and warm. "she should stay settled like that, if she starts having a bit of a strop, just give us a shout" the friendly nurse informed us before leaving us to it.
"I can feel her heart beating" Violet beamed, her eyes beginning to well with emotion.
"Well done my darling, you've coped so well" I sat myself on the bed next to her, draping my arm over her shoulder, taking my free hand and placing it on Scarlett's little back. We settled down and enjoyed the moment. The three of us enjoying each others presence and closeness for Scarlett, she needed it more than she realized.

Later that afternoon, the nurse came in to check on Violet and Scarlett who was now back in her cot. News had spread fast because shortly after, a few of my band mates made a surprise visit.
"Gail! Zack! Mike!" I gasped, genuinely surprised by their visit. The three of them entered smoothly, big smiles on their faces, presents in their hands.
"Congrats Daddy" Gail came up to me first, hugging me and kissing my cheek.
"Thanks Gail, who told you?" I asked , taking a little chestnut teddy from her hand.
"Coco, news travels fast you know" she winked, handing me a box of chocolates.
"Hey Dave, she's a beauty isn't she?" Mike chirped up, taking a look at Scarlett.
"Isn't she just" I beamed turning to the focus of attention.
"I was taking about Violet" Mike chuckled, jokingly. We all burst into laughter and settled down, finding suitable places to sit and perch.
"You're looking great Vi, to say you just gave birth" Zack chirped in, "we all brought some bits for you, we tried to get something for each of you but you and the baby really" he explained, handing her some chocolates.
"aw you are a good bunch" she replied, happily pinching a chocolate, "the food here's a bit, meh' she pulled a funny face. We then chatted about all sorts, baby related, music related, anything. Hours later, just when the guys were about to head off, Duncan arrived. Then the band stayed even longer to catch up with him as well.

"busy day?" Duncan asked, now it was just the four of us, in the suddenly quiet room.
"oh yeah" Violet chuckled.
"they're great, just a little energetic" I laughed, getting comfy in the armchair beside the bed.
"Hows the little one been?" he questioned, watching her contently.
"she's really good, she's hardly made a noise" Violet answered.
"all being well, she'll be home in a fortnight" I added for what felt like the hundredth time, the prospect thrilled me.
"thats great news, I'm definitely going to teach her to play soccer by the way" he chuckled, fiddling with his back pack.
"you are her big brother, just make sure you teach her how to deal with boys" I remarked, delegating my most worrying task.
"Oh don't worry about that, I'll get started now" he joked. He then pulled out a camcorder. "Is it ok if I film, it can go in the home video collection" he asked respectfully, making me smile.
"Of course, don't be daft, we'll love it actually" Violet responded, smiling happily. Then, before he concentrated on filming, Duncan began to tell Scarlett how boys are bad and that the only good ones were him and I, which made Violet and I chuckle. Once he had said his bit, he began to film the moment. It was such a pure and happy moment to be apart of. My children and the love of my life, all in one room with me, everything was as it should be.

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