Chapter 11

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David's POV

I hated doing publicity shoots and speeches, but it was a means to an end. By doing this it would mean that the media wouldn't be lurking as much and they wouldn't have to hunt out any gossip as it would already be old news. Luckily, the shoot wasn't so much of a pain and the photos were great so I was sat at our table with Violet and her Dad in no time. Now we could just enjoy the evening and the moderate attention. Plenty of familiar faces made appearances and congratulated us. Having been with Violet for over 5 years now, she had met a few famous faces and was on friendly terms with some but her face still lit with wonder every now and then. It's always nice to see her make her own friends with the people I associate with and some of my friends as she isn't the most comfortable social butterfly.
"Having fun my dear?" I asked Violet as she returned to our table.
"Of course" she responded confidently.
"Good, glad to hear, musics a bit naff tho init" I laughed, puffing on a cigarette. Violet's Dad was chatting to some executive from the table adjacent to us, something about the old Manchester or something.
"We should go dance" Violet suggested.
"Come on then" I didn't hesitate as I moved my free hand from my cigarette, allowing Violet to use it to tug me towards the dance floor. I gripped the cig between my lips, trying not to smile too big as she adorably pulled me into place. Luckily the next track was some old school Motown and we danced like we did the first time. We enjoyed the closeness as we swayed to the soulful music. Occasionally we were interrupted by someone giving us there regards or patting my back. A little while on, I noticed Violet began to look a little weary.
"Tired my love?" I questioned as the music lowered slightly.
"A little" she confessed, "one more then I'm gonna sit back down for a bit.
"Ok my dear, your call" I kissed her cheek softly. And that's what we did, we finished the song then headed back to the table.
"Are you sure you're feeling ok?" I double checked, her eyelids seemed to grow heavier.
"Yeah, I just a bit tired" she admitted as we sat ourselves down at our table.
"Well we can go whenever you're ready" I informed her, checking my watch. The night had slipped by and it was getting rather late now. "All these people and I only want to spend time with you" I whispered against Violet's ear. Watching the corner of her mouth pull up into a smirk.
"I only want you" she reciprocated before shielding a yawn. " I'm just going to the toilet" she announced before jumping up with her little clutch bag.
"Ok baby" I nodded and sat back, watching her stroll off to the toilets.

A short while later, a pale Violet darted straight back to me, her eyes dark and anxious.
"Ok?" I questioned, she didn't look so bright as before.
"Er yeah" she began unsurely, " I may have just been sick" she did her best to play it down but I could see she wasn't well.
"Oh no, my dear let's get you home" I told her but she didn't seem to cooperate.
"No, it's ok, I'm ok now" she insisted.
" my dear if you've just thrown up, then we need to get you home" I persisted. I clocked her dad had noticed the scene.
"Violet lets just go home if you're unwell" her dad added, I nodded in agreement with him.
"Fine" she sassed, folding her arms.
"Good thank you" I pulled out my mobile to call the car. So, between her dad and I, we managed to successfully extract Violet and get her home despite her insisting she was ok, which she clearly wasn't.
"Look, Violet stop kidding yourself, go get in bed" I insisted, after she had told us for the fifth time that she was ok.
"I just need a drink" she tried, as we entered the apartment.
" here" I filled a glass of water for her, "take this to bed, I'll be with you in a moment" I handed the glass to her and kissed her on the cheek before gently giving her a push in the direction of the bedroom.
"Goodnight Vi, hope you feel better in the morning" her dad kissed her cheek as she passed him.
"It's been good to have you round" she replied, before heading out to the bedroom.
"I'm afraid she got her mother's stubborn streak" her dad declared as we were now alone in the kitchen.
"Thought she might" I chuckled lightly, fixing myself a glass of water, then leaning against the counter.
"She's mad about you, she just doesn't want to disappoint you" he added.
"She can never disappoint me" I assured him, "I've never loved someone like I do her" I let my guard down, feeling completely at ease with him.
"You're a good bloke, I'm so happy you found each other, you compliment each other so well. She needs someone like you, someone a little older and who's lived a bit" he told me.
"Yeah, she's eat any man her age, alive" I chuckled, so did her dad.
"Two right" he acknowledged, "right, I'm going to hit the sack as well, goodnight son" he patted my back firmly before dispersing.
"Night" I told him, finishing my water before making tracks myself.

I found Violet tucked up in bed, seeming to be sulking.

"Hey baby, hows you feeling?" I questioned, pulling off my formal clothes.

"hmm tired" her voice was quiet and shaky.

"maybe you just need a good night sleep" I headed over to the bed in my boxers. She just nodded, a glum expression on her face. "I'll tickle your back until you fall asleep" I soothed her, and a glimpse of a smile returned. Then I did as I said, I slipped beneath the covers behind her and began tickling her back. 20 minutes later I noticed her breathing slow and deepen, she had thankfully fallen asleep and I could then join her.

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