Chapter 15

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David's POV

The joy I felt, finding out that Violet and I are having a girl, was unreal. I was unbelievably happy, happier than I'd ever been before. We had to physically compose ourselves all evening.
"A little girl!" I kept repeating, I was slowly getting my head around the concept.
"You know what that means" Violet announced sassily as if I was supposed to know, "arts and crafts, tears over boys and princess tiaras" she joked.
"How do you know?" I sassed back with a smug smile, "she might like boxing and prefer girls and like action men" I shrugged, enjoying thinking about all possibilities. After all, with a dad like me, quirky will run through her veins.
"Touché" violet nodded in defeat, "she can be whoever she wants to be" she finished, the same smug smile on her face.
"So do you have any names in mind?" I pondered, thinking it would be nice to start things rolling, rather than referring to her as simply 'she' or 'her'.
"I don't know, something cute, something different but not too girly or old like Elizabeth" she declared.
"Fair enough" I replied, "how about?...Jaz" I tried, thinking aloud.
"Hmm" She hummed, "Nah"
"Millie? Maisy? Daisy? Blossom?" I reeled off, all achieving dissatisfied reactions from Violet.
" I don't know, but I'll know when I hear it. We've got to both fully agree though" violet explained, just as our main dishes arrived. the food was delicious and it successfully took our minds away from the baby or the wedding albeit partially. Once we had eaten all could manage, we began to saunter back to the apartment. Wrapped in our thick winter coats plus scarves and hats, arms hooked onto one another, we took our time.

"We should probably call everyone, update them" I suddenly realised.
"By everyone you mean Duncan and my dad" Violet chuckled.
"Fair point" I retorted, "lets just bite the bullet and do it when we get in then".
Just a short stroll further and we were back in the apartment, cosy and warm. Violet went first and called her Dad. She came back not 10 minutes later with a satisfied grin on her face. She looked gorgeous, like genuinely happy and at ease. She waltzed over to me on the sofa. Planting herself on my lap, she handed me the phone. Hugging, herself onto me like a personal koala, her eyes flicked between the phone and I. I guess she wasn't planning on budging then. I rolled my eyes before pecking her cheek and dialling Duncan's number. It rang for a moment before he picked up.

"Hello?" he answered unsurely.
"Hiya Son, alright are you?" I piped up, excited to break the news.
"Yeah, I'm good thanks dad, are you? What you got to tell me then?" there was a laugh as he spoke.
"Yeah, how do you know I have something to tell you?" I responded, running my hand back and forth along Violets leg.
"No I'm just guessing, you always call when you have some news" Duncan continued to chuckle.
"No, well yeah, but not always" I defended.
"Dad its ok, whats up" Duncan insisted, relaxing me only slightly.
"Well, erm...Violet's pregnant" I blurted, feeling a strange sensation of a weight being lifted that I didn't even realise was there.
"... oh dad thats great news!" he excitedly responded once the news settled in, "when did you find out? I'm excited for you two...wait, I'm going to have a brother or a sister" It smiled hearing Duncan so excited, it reminded me of when he was young and would get really excited when I got him tickets for the football.
"We've only just found out, we didn't realise" I began to explain, laughing at how juvenile it sounded, "but yes, you're going to be a big brother" I smiled at Violet as I spoke, still running my hand along her leg.
"Oh Dad I'm so pleased for you guys, you need to keep me updated" he added.
"Of course son, everything is falling into place for us Duncan, I'm the happiest I've been in years" I announced, enjoying looking at the love of my life and talking to my wonderful son.
"good, you work hard dad, you deserve this" Duncan declared, making my heart swell with love and pride.
"Thanks son, I love you" I told him, allowing the conversation come to a natural end.
"I love you too dad and Violet...and the baby" Duncan chuckled as he began to hang up. I followed suit and my attention was back to being entirely on Violet. I smiled sweetly, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her impossibly close to me.
"how are my two babies?" I asked, looking into those gorgeous sparkling blue eyes.
"babies?" she looked puzzled.
"yeah, you're my baby" I smiled fondly, "and my other newest baby is in here" I joked, before sliding my hand up her side and onto her belly, knowing full well how she would react.

"Stopppp!" she yelled instantly and squirmed out of ticklishness. She wriggled and squirmed to get away but she couldn't as I had the advantage of being bigger and already slightly positioned above her. "Stop! This isn't fair" she continued to squirm. I made sure to be careful not to hurt her, being just firm enough to make her squirm and giggle. Eventually, she began to run out of energy and gave in. "I will pee if you don't stop" she snarled. Immediately, I leant back and sat away from her. She just smirked and chuckled to herself. "Just joking" she smiled proudly.

"Ergh you girl" I sighed in defeat, shaking my head and smiling "I can't wait to marry you."
"me too, I've dreamt about it since forever" her voice suddenly took on a serious tone, "but I never thought it'd be with someone like you" she informed me.
"Someone like me?" I questioned, feeling partially insulted.
"Yeah, someone so genuinely lovely, so kind and funny. A real gentleman... you're handsome as hell too" she explained and I suddenly felt warm and adored.
"is that so?" I wagged my eyebrows at her jokingly, feeling flattered. "when I meet with coco to update her on the baby front, I'll see how she wants to handle wedding planning...the three of us should meet up to discuss everything and get everything straightened out" I rambled, again thinking aloud.
"I agree, we have to be in control of everything, it is our wedding" she spoke, sounding a little apprehensive.
"of course my darling" I moved my hand to cup her cheek, 'coco is great at this kind of thing, don't worry" our eyes locked on one another before I pecked a tender kiss on her cheek.

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