Chapter 5

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David's POV

The dinner got off to a great start. We bumped into Paul and Ben, a pair of event organizers from my earlier days. They hadn't aged a bit except Paul had grown a beard. It was nice to see them. Parties and dinners at the label always seemed to take me back, reminding me of how I used to be. Then when we took our seats at our table and I was sat beside Gemma, the receptionist for the label. I don't understand how they work out the seating plan for these things, it seems completely random, every time, to me. Despite this, we successfully made small talk.
"Never thought I'd see you settle down" Gemma announced as we chatted after having desert.
"Pardon?" I retorted, taken aback slightly by the change in her tone.
"Your girl?" She flashed her eyes at Violet who was busy chatting. "A bit young isn't she?" She shot, causing an overwhelming feeling of discomfort.
"Excuse me?" I tried to keep my voice low and calm.
"She's probably sleeping around, a little twink like that. You deserve a real, woman" she continued. I was speechless.
"Baby," I heard a familiar voice, pulling me from my trance, "Baby, come on, let's go dance" I felt a hand on my knee, thankfully it belonged to Violet. She was trying to get me to go dance with her as everyone began to spill on to the dance floor. Without hesitation I followed her. "Are you ok love, you seem a bit...quiet" she asked, looking deep into my eyes.
"Er, Yeah, just seeing these people, it takes me back" I explained, pulling her into me as we swayed to the jazzy music. After a few dances, Violet excused herself to go to the toilet, so in the meantime I fixed myself a drink and mingled.
"Don't tell me she's got you on the wagon" I heard that sickly voice again. I reluctantly turned to see Gemma. "David Bowie, the boring T total...come onnnn, have a lil gin, she won't notice" she stepped uncomfortably close to my side as I finished pouring myself a lime and soda.
"Gemma, I don't know what you're trying to do but I suggest you stop before you make a fool out of yourself" I told her sternly.
"I'm not trying to do anything David, and a fool, if anyone's a fool it's you" She snarled. I felt the fury boil in my veins.
"Leave me, the fuck alone, you're a bunny boiler" I snarled back, heading back to the table to escape from her. Luckily she didn't follow, hopefully she got the message. I sat alone with my drink and a cigarette, organizing my thoughts and doing my best to compose myself.
"David!" I heard a voice, I glanced up, thank god it wasn't Gemma. This voice instead belonged to the lady who was sat beside Violet earlier. "David, you need to come" the lady placed a hand on my arm, the serious tone of her voice worried me.
"What?" I asked, as she guided me through the labyrinth of tables.
"Violet isn't doing well, I think she needs to go home" she pulled me to her side as we walked hurriedly towards the toilets.
"What do you mean?" I was certainly worried now.
"She's ok, don't panic. She just had a bit of a wobble that's all" the lady's voice was soothing, she was kind and caring, unlike my previous encounter. I was again speechless but for a different reason this time. We eventually reached the toilets and I was pulled into the ladies room. My natural instinct was to cover my eyes.
"David!" The lady laughed, pulling my hand back down. There was Violet, sat on a chair at the opposite side of the bathroom. There was another lady sat beside her, hugging her into her side, coaxing her to sip some water. "We'll leave you in David's capable hands now Violet.... it was lovely to have met you, hope you feel better soon" the lady waved and winked affectionately at Violet before placing a reassuring hand on my bicep as she disappeared out of the room along with the other lady.
"Thank you!" I called after them before darting straight to Violet. "Vi! What happened?" I held her tightly against my side, my eyes locked on hers, searching them for a hint of an answer.
"I...i er, I felt a bit light headed and tired so I came in here to you know, feel better but I guess I nearly fainted" she stumbled over her words. Her fingers fiddling with the tumbler of water between her hands.
"Ohhh my darling" I kissed her temple. She was clammy. "Good job those lady's were here, I'll get someone to send them flowers for us" I kissed her temple once more. "Let's get you home" I took her hand in mine.
" I don't want to spoil your night" she protested.
"Violet no, this is certainly not spoiling my night. You're my priority my darling, we are going home and looking after you" I insisted. She bashfully gazed at the floor in front of her. "You ok to walk?" I asked, trying to figure the best way to go about this.
"Yeah" Her voice was shaky but quietly confident. And so I had one hand looped around her back with my other holding hers tightly. Then, with relative ease we managed to exit the building without causing too much of a scene or making Violet any worse.

When we finally made it back to the apartment, Violet was very sleepy. In fact I gave up trying to get her to walk once we reached our floor. The lift doors opened and I carefully raised the snoozing Violet up into my arms. Bridal style, I carried her down the hall, getting the keys out was a little complicated but I managed somehow. The alcohol was maybe not a good idea for Violet considering her current situation with the anaemia. Once I successfully got her into bed, I jogged back to close our door and lock it. I instantly returned to my sleeping beauty. She was fast asleep. I stroked the hair from her face, then removed her heels before bringing the duvet over her.

After all the drama of the night I needed a smoke. So I sat myself by the window in the kitchen, lit a cigarette up and admired the illuminated skyline as I inhaled the nicotine. I felt it enter my bloodstream, relaxing me. I replayed my encounter with Gemma. It was nothing but a jealous, nobody wanting to slip her way into my life and ruin things for her benefit. I am not the man I used to be. I love Violet and nothing will ever change that. Especially after her little wobble tonight, that made it even clearer. Then it reminded me, it was probably best that the doctor sees violet urgently in order to sort this out. She clearly needs a bit more help keeping her condition in check, like some tablets or something. I pulled my phone out and called the right people. Once that was sorted, I headed back to the bedroom and joined Violet. As I got myself comfy under the sheets I felt her shuffle up behind me, then her arms automatically snaked around my torso while her legs tucked up behind mine. Yep I definitely love this woman with all of my heart.

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