Chapter 13

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David's POV
As I drove back home from dropping Violet's Dad at the airport a thought suddenly occurred to me. Could she be pregnant? After all, the symptoms matched and it couldn't be her deficiency playing up again, she had straightened that out. When I returned I tested the idea and she didn't seem to disagree, she didn't panic either. I saw a glimpse of excitement and hope in her eyes. I just had to go straight back out and hunt down some tests, knowing full well we wouldn't sleep until we knew.
"There's food on the stove" she told me, taking the tests from my hands, "I'll do these" she nodded before spinning and practically running to the bathroom. Awkwardly, I tended to the stove to prevent it from burning but my mind was clearly on Violet. I kept checking my watch, the time creeping by slower than ever. I transferred the food to some plates when I heard the bathroom door go. Instantly, I dropped the pan and turned to the door to see Violet. She was deadpan. No expression whatsoever or at least I couldn't read her. The atmosphere was thick. We slowly stepped towards each other. I glanced down to her hands, they held the tests and I looked to see a sign. Gently, I took her hands in mine and fiddled with the tests trying to read them. One by one I looked at the little indicator squares. My brain was lagging. They all read the same. Pregnant! My mouth dropped and whipped up to look at Violet. Her eyes were brimming with tears.
"You're" I blurted, unable to speak, I pulled her into me, embracing her.
"Yeah!" She sobbed, the light, positive kind.
"Oh baby! I can't believe it!" My words finally computed.
"I can't either. Your baby" she spoke, her words quiet but happy.
"Our baby my darling, ours" I squeezed her tightly. " We should go see a doctor, just to check and make sure everything's ok" I told her, I wanted everything to be ok, so this meant regular check ups. Especially now there's a baby too. Violet nodded and cuddled into me.
"I'm scared David" she admitted, her voice all vulnerable.
"Oh baby, that's ok" I cradled her head into my chest, "It is scary, but it's ok" I rubbed her back. I hated how scary it seems but I needed her to know I was going to be beside her the entire way and make everything better. "I'm here too" I kissed the top of her head.
"I love you so much" her voice was full of all sorts of emotions.
"I love you too, and the lil one" I gave her another kiss before leaning back to look into her glassy eyes. "Let's just relax for now and adjust to the news hey?" I placed the positive tests on the side before taking her hands in mine. "We have a lot to get our heads around" I chuckled lightly, guiding her to the sofa.

We sat in silence as the tv screen flickered before us. I don't know about Violet but I wasn't really watching it, I was busy thinking about the baby, our baby.
"I told you It wasn't the deficiency making you ill" I sassed before cuddling her tighter into my side.
"I guess so" she chuckled. "I'm gonna get fat"
"No you're not" I frowned, "you'll be carrying a little person in your belly, it's not fat" I smiled at the image of a full term Violet. " you'll still look beautiful"
"I'm going to have to buy new clothes" she sighed.
"Yes you are" I nodded, " we're also going to have to buy baby stuff" I thought aloud.
"There's so much to think about" she sighed, resting her head on my shoulder, "and the wedding, this one might arrive before the wedding!" She gasped.
"It depends when know...well, when they were made" I stammered, trying my best to word things well.
"Do you want a boy or a girl?" She quizzed, a serious look on her face.
"Either?" I shrugged, " I don't care as long as they're healthy and adorable which of course they're going to be" I shrugged again. "What would you like?" I asked.
"Oh I don't know, a girl would be cute but I was a tomboy as a kid so I'd also like a lil boy, oh I'm not bothered what they are" she responded confidently before rubbing her belly. She gave me an unsure smile and repeated the action. "They're a lil peanut at the minute" she chuckled, enjoying the feeling.
"Our lil peanut for now" I beamed. wrapping my arms around Violet and our little peanut. "We should probably eat that pasta now" I added, my brain finally catching up with the news and landing me firmly back into reality.
"Yeah we should" she nodded, fidgeting beside me before we both took a stand to head to the kitchen.

Between us we ate up all of the pasta and we were well and truly full. Time had gotten away from us and it was now rather late.
"I'll get onto a doctor, we should see them ASAP" I announced, removing our dishes.
"Ok" violet nodded, sitting more comfortably.
"I'll run us a bath too if you want" I winked suggestively at her as I began tracing down the phone.
"Yeah!" Violet cheered excitedly. And so I found the phone in living room on my way to run a bath. As I finished up the call, Violet appeared in the doorway. I hung up before turning the tap off and stepping towards Violet.
"Now then, where were we?" I hummed, an eager smirk playing on my lips.

A/N: I do apologise for this being quite a short chapter, things are getting interesting so I'm trying to keep the rhythm. I hope you're enjoying the story and the selection of gifs :) xx

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