Chapter 3

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David's POV

Landing back in New York never felt so good. For some reason I couldn't wait for this tour to be over. Things were becoming a bore and it seemed to be more effort than it's worth these days. Coming home with Violet meant a new chapter. Something different, who knows what but that's all part of the excitement. It also means I can focus on Violet and I a bit more too.

"Oh it's good to be home" Violet announced, running ahead of me into the apartment and throwing herself down on our big bed. I laughed before throwing the keys in the dish by the door. Our apartment was pretty swish though. This was our base now, I've always loved it here and Violet was up for anything really.
"I'll make us some kale salad for lunch, fancy some?" I called out to Violet.
"Mmm yes please" I heard an eager reply. And so I abandoned the cases and headed to the kitchen. I was equipped with a singular recipe up my sleeve thanks to Francine. I found all the things I needed and then got to work. A few moments later Violet appeared in the kitchen. She was clutching a record between her hands but I couldn't quite make it out. The kitchen was huge, with shiny laminate floor and smooth oak surfaces. I had a sound system in here too for when people were around as it was open plan into a dining area which over looked the city.
"What you got there my darling?" I quizzed her, my focus still on the food but I was curious as to what she had picked out.
"One of my favorites" she answered matter of factly. One of her favorites didn't narrow it down much seeing as she was a fan of almost everything and was always changing her mind. Then, after the thunk and hum of the needle hitting the groove, I couldn't mistake that distinct intro of 'I wanna be adored' by 'The Stone Roses' of course it was one of her favorites.
"Ahhhh" I responded making Violet chuckle before she headed my way. She slid up to me as I finished dressing the salads.
"Mmm, they smell amazing" she inhaled deeply as she fitted into my side.
"Not bad aye" I chuckled before picking the bowls up, then maneuvering us over the big wooden table by the window.
"This is actually great" she chuckled, eyes locking onto mine as she tucked into the food.
"I might sack the music in, become a chef instead" I joked, also quite enjoying the dish.
"Do it" violet teased, making me giggle.
"Maybe" I chuckled before we got too carried away. The record played as we enjoyed our meal. As we finished our food we took the time to just sit and admire the music.
"It'll be Christmas Eve soon" violet stated.
"Oh shit. I should get the shopping done" I blurted, totally forgetting about it.
"Me too" violet nervously giggled.
"I'll get coco to sort something" I laughed. Shopping only stresses me out.
" oooh can I decorate the apartment tomorrow?" she asked excitedly, resembling a gleeful child.
"Of course" I grinned at her. "We should see if your dad can come over?" I suddenly realized.
"Hmm" violet didn't sound convinced.
"What?" I queried, sensing her reluctance.
"Well we don't talk that much anymore, we can try but he probably won't come and if he does it'll be awkward" violet reeled off.
"Worth a try isn't it? We can always ask and if he declines then so be it?" I shrugged, placing my hand over violet's delicate one.
"I guess" she shrugged, staring at my hand.
"My darling it's up to you but I don't want you to have any regrets" I told her, taking her hand in mine and kissing it tenderly. "You'll make the right decision baby" I leant over to kiss her temple.
"It's just tricky" she sighed, I could feel her struggle.
"I know my darling" I stood up to take our dishes away, "but I love you and I will support you all the way" I kissed her cheek as I turned away.

The following weekend, I dug out the box of Xmas decorations out and we decided to make a start on the apartment. First, the tree went up then the tinsel, followed by our red and white stockings and it was finished off with a wreath on the apartment door.
"Finished?" I asked Violet as she placed her hands on her hips and smiled confidently at her accomplishment.
"Yes sir" she nodded sassily before turning her attention to me.
"Good, now come sit" I demanded, patting the space on the sofa beside me with a cheeky grin on my face. Without hesitation she hopped over and sat herself beside me, wiggling her form to fit flush under my arm. She snuggled into me, resting her head on my chest and her arm looping over my torso. "How you been feeling recently? Is the new diet helping?" I pondered.
"Getting there Yeah. My energy levels are better and I don't feel nauseous as much which is good but I can tell when I let my diet slip a bit" she explained, softly tracing circles on my jeans.
"Oh good. I'm glad the doctor here didn't need to take your bloods, needles are horrible" I squirmed a little at the thought.
"Me too" she chuckled lightly, still tracing circles.
"I don't like seeing you so unwell" I admitted before kissing the top of her head.

"Aww, you are such a sweetheart" she twisted up to look at me, "I love you" she leaned up more and kissed my lips.

"Its all for you my darling" I whispered against her lips as we parted. "oh my label is having a bit of a small Christmas party on the 23rd" I suddenly remembered as we settled back into a cosy cuddle.

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