Chapter 8

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Violet's POV

As I woke up I simultaneously registered that I was alone and that it was Christmas Day, creating a strange mix of confusion, excitement and anticipation. Without hesitation I blinked awake immediately, swung my legs from under the duvet and jumped out of bed. I threw on my fluffy dressing gown and began my hunt for David. I found him smoking what looked to be his 4th or 5th cigarette and sipping a large cup of coffee as he watched the world out of the kitchen window. There was some gentle KD Lang playing from the turntable, it was the ultimate scene of relaxation.
"Merry Christmas my love" I declared as I ran over to him, catching him off guard slightly. As he clicked onto my presence his face lit up. I dove at him, jumping onto him and engulfing him in a warm hug. I settled, straddling his lap, arms draped around his neck and I kissed his cheek softly.
"Merry Christmas my dear" he responded, speaking low and sexily into my ear. His arms wound round my torso, holding me in place, his warm hands rubbing my back soothingly. As our lips broke apart, we lingered in the embrace,  savoring the intimacy.
"How long have you been up?" I pondered, not really knowing what time it was at all.
"An hour or so" he shrugged in response, his eyes not leaving mine.
"Well your peace is shattered now" I chuckled, leaning to steal another kiss or two.
"Duncan will be up soon" David declared before we had a chance to get too carried away.
"Ergh fine" I grumbled, frowning as I reluctantly removed myself from his lap, taking the time to tease him as I did so. He followed shortly behind me as I fixed myself some cereal, trying my best to compose my excitement for opening our presents.
"You don't have to pretend not to be excited you know" I felt David's arms envelope me, his lips brushing against my ear as he spoke.
"I'm not" I insisted, doing my best to make my breakfast and not get distracted.
"We can open our presents while Duncan isn't around yet" David added, pecking a sweet kiss on my cheek.
"Fine," I mock sighed, taking my bowl of Cheerios with me as I headed for the living room, David still attached to my waist. I munched on my cereal as we took it in turns to open our presents for each other. Either we were eagerly shredding festive paper from our heartfelt gifts or watching in wonder as the other one unraveled theirs. From David I received some different flavored gins to try from around the world, a wonderful painting to hang in the studio and a beautiful pair of dangly earrings. I had gotten David a brilliant and funky Yves Saint Laurent satin shirt, a new moleskin journal and some cute stripy Calvin Klein Pyjamas. We were equally as great full and pleased with our gifts, so much so that I put my earrings in straight away and David our his new pyjamas on. He somehow looked adorable yet hot as hell at the same time. We then snuggled up on the sofa and watched some tv, Duncan would probably join us at any point now seeing as the morning was progressing and the sky was getting brighter. I was mid snooze when he joined us.
"Merry Christmas You two " I heard a voice as I was pulled from my doze.
"Merry Christmas son" David responded as I came to.
"Merry Christmas Duncan" I beamed, now fully awake again. He sauntered over similarly to the way David does, and sat down in the sofa opposite. He had with him, a bag of presents.
"I didn't know what to get you individually so I got things for both of you" he told us, holding over a big gift bag to the pair of us.
"Aw you're so thoughtful Dunc" I smiled at him, feeling nothing but love and gratitude.
"Your presents from us are under the tree" David nodded at the modest pile of presents beneath the tree. Then, we started to unwrap our gifts. I budged myself up to David's side and hugged up to his upper arm as he unraveled the present. My eyes flicked between the boys as they Shredded the paper from the gifts.
"Oh guys you didn't have to do this" Duncan proclaimed, holding the vintage video camera in his hands, a gobsmacked expression on his face.
"It was my idea but you know you're dad, he knows people" I chuckled in response.
"Oh this is brilliant, you have such good taste my son" David added, holding the large framed print of a poster for A Clockwork orange.
"I got fairy lights too so I thought you could jazz it up a bit" he shrugged.
"Come here kid" David stepped over to give Duncan a hug, "Thanks son" they patted each other's back in an attempt to make the act more masculine.
"Ah it's nothing, thank you" he responded, before embracing me a grateful hug.
"We have to spoil each other" I chuckled, as we all settled again on the sofa.
"Now we can spend the rest of the morning watching rubbish Christmas tv, attempt to make Christmas dinner" David laughed, setting back into the sofa.

An hour or so passed as we watched top of the pops, it was strange when David appeared on the screen. It always made me so proud and happy to see him doing what he loves but it always made me quite nostalgic, the sickly kind. I watched as he did his thing, fully engrossed and entirely captivating.
"My darling" I heard his voice speak from beside me, "I have another present, I forgot" his admitted, moving to reach for something under the sofa. I awkwardly glanced to Duncan who gave a confused shrug. Without another word he handed me a small rectangle box, wrapped in silver paper with delicate snowflakes on.
"Aw love, you have already gotten me plenty" I blushed. He gave a bashful smile and watched as I unwrapped the paper. In a dainty tin box was a set of vibrant water color paints. "David you are so sweet" I beamed glancing to David to offer him a thank you kiss. Strangely, he hesitated and instead nodded his head, baffling me. Then he knelt down before me like they do in the football team photographs, and pulled away the inner tray. There sat a delicate glistening ring, a huge rock sat sparkling between dainty grasps. My eyes welled with tears, the whole world seemed to disappear.
"Violet, will you marry me?" I heard David's voice, low and smooth. I tore my eyes away from the beautiful ring and looked across to David's. His were eager and anxious, anticipating my answer but I couldn't vocalize my words.
"Yes, Of course yes!"i blubbered, the words finally escaping along with all of my tears. I held my hands to my face, my smile uncontrollable as David leapt up and embraced me. He gently removed my hands from my face and kissed me like he's never done before. Duncan had made himself scarce at this point so we didn't hold back for a moment.
"Oh Violet I'm the happiest man alive" David announced, peeling himself away from me slightly.
"And I'm the happiest woman, David this is all I've ever wanted, you're all I've ever wanted" I declared, placing my hands on his face, his beautiful, teary eyes fixed on me.
"Here" he said, taking my left hand in his, the other hands taking the ring and gently slipping it onto my finger. "This was my Grandmas on my Dad's side" he told me as he focused his attention on the ring slipping onto my finger.
"It's...beautiful" I replied, smiling at the sweet, tender sight.
"Like you my darling" he leant over to plant a sweet kiss on forehead as the ring sat in place. Right on cue Duncan reentered the room, having found a bottle of champagne in the kitchen.
"Well congratulations" Duncan beamed, popping the cork. We laughed as it seemed official now, it wasn't just a dream. " Don't worry Dad, I've found the orange juice for you" Duncan joked.
"I'll have a celebratory fag instead" David chuckled, finding his carton of cigarettes. Duncan poured the glasses then handed them to us. Big, beaming smiles all round. This was the best Christmas yet.

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