Chapter 10

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Violet's POV

A few days had passed since the Christmas Day and David popped the question. It felt strange, partially due to it being that weird period of time between Christmas and new year but also because of the idea that I was engaged. Engaged to the man of my dreams as cliche as it sounds. Tomorrow's New Year's Eve and we're holding a party at a hotel downtown. It was David's idea, to hit a few birds with one stone kind of thing. Duncan has headed back to LA but my dad was coming over for this and do we put him up for a few days. He and David got on really well which is nice to see, especially seen as my relationship with Dad has gone downhill since Ryan passed.

"I'm so pleased for you two, you really bring out the best in each other" Dad admitted, firmly shaking David's hand as we sat down to eat lunch in our apartment.
"We really are" we replied in unison, smiling awkwardly at each other.
"So hows retirement?" David questioned, having nearly finished his pasta.
"Ah it's not bad at all, plenty of time down the social" dad admitted, hearing him speak so positively relieved me, I felt guilty for moving over here to the states. David did reassure me though that we could fly back and forth as much as I wanted or needed. Since Ryan died, there hasn't been too much holding me to England and Dad can be very stubborn and temperamental. We continued chatting and asking questions about how dad is getting on. Luckily he was getting on well and I shouldn't have been worried or felt guilty for anything.

Over the afternoon we took Dad for a walk around our area and showed him the sights of our neighborhood before heading back home to get ready for the evening.
"You look stunning my dear" David declared, stepping behind me at my dresser as I finished my makeup.
"You're not too shabby either mister" I admitted, making eye contact with him through the mirror as he placed his hands on my shoulder.
"I could just eat you up right now" his eyes darkened before he leant down to take playful nibble at my neck, making me squirm slightly which only made him latch on with his lips.
"You'll leave a mark!" I feared, trying to prompt him to remove himself from me.
"Aww" he sighed, straightening up and pulling a childish frown.
"Later" I winked, out-sassing him. He grinned, happy with the negotiation. I stood up, straightened out my outfit and headed for the living room, David not far behind. Dad was already to go in the living room.
"Looking good Dad" I praised Dad, looking dapper in his freshly pressed suit.
"You two aren't too bad either" he smiled, checking his watch.
"The car is down in reception, we may as well head off, if we're ready" David declared, also checking his watch. We nodded and proceeded out of the apartment and to the lift.

On arriving at the hotel, I realized we weren't the first to arrive, in fact we were the last and everyone was waiting for us.
"Just smile and wave baby" David's hand slipped into mine, Dad was already clambering our of the front passenger seat. I took a deep breath as David smoothly opened up the door and climbed out. I headed the crowd erupt and the flicker of cameras went crazy. I instead focused on David, his hand still holding mine as he held the door open for me to climb out. That's when I heard shouts and heckles but David tugged me straight into his side. He nodded to my Dad and the three of us quickly headed in side to escape the press.
"I don't know how you put up with that" Dad empathized.
"Years of practice" David joked, slowing our pace down now we were safely inside.
"Ahh mr Bowie, I have been informed to tell you that Coco will be here in 5 minutes to brief you.... congratulations to you both by the way " a friendly waiter greeted us as we reached the doors to the party. David simply nodded, while I beamed at the sweet waiter.
"She's going to make me do a speech" David vented, despite knowing that he'd have to say make an official statement somehow.
"You'll be great, just say it as it is" I leant up to kiss his cheek assuringly.
"David!" A sharp voice called, we instantly swiveled our heads round. The voice belonged to Coco. "Come!" She demanded, prompting the three of us to quickly walk over to her. "So you're going to make a speech, you know the usual new year shite but then weave in your engagement. Keep it short and sweet. There's 2 or 3 photographers but they've only been given permission to publish a few each." She rambled on, I watched Davids face as we hastily followed the lady like sheep. "Violet will wait to the side with me for the photo session, I'll get someone to take Dad to your table" Coco finished rather bossily. Coco and I had this unwritten respect for one another. I let her do her thing with organizing David, knowing she prioritizes David's wishes and she left everything else to me, knowing the love we have for one another. We waved to my dad before we split off. We continued walking down a corridor and twisted around to a backstage type area. " they're ready for you now" coco pushed David forward but he retracted to give me a quick kiss first. I smiled as his gentlemanly ways before I was left alone waiting with Coco. "That man adores you" she admitted, maintaining her straight face. I smiled at the sweet words from a lady so serious and stern.
"I know" is all I managed to respond. Then we waited in silence, watching and listening to David make his speech. It was dramatic as it needed to be to please the media but I just loved how his face lit up as he spoke. No longer than 5 minutes later David returned to us and we were taken to a picturesque room for some publicity shots. I hadn't done this kind of thing yet so the idea filled me with dread. David's hand didn't leave mine. Coco left us in the capable hands of the photographer.
"Right you two, just be natural" the bossy photographer informed us. " let's have you holding each other, cuddles up" the photographer bossed is about, getting us to pose in various ways, eventually after half an hour or so he finally had what he needed. The outcome was an adorable selection of intimate photos, despite how uncomfortable it felt to shoot them. The successful images were one of us holding each other, my ring glistening as I held David's face, massive smiles all around, another of us simply standing side by side, hands entangled and David's attention on the dazzling ring. The last one was my favorite, I'm behind David, my hands resting on his chest, his head is turned to me and we've both got enormous smiles stretching across our faces. We looked so classy and loved up, almost like a classic 1960s couple from a movie. "Yep that's the money shot, you can go now" the photographer finished, nodding for us to leave. Instantly David took my hand in his again, he thanked the man then we couldn't get out of there quick enough.

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