Chapter 4

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Violet's POV

Quietly, to myself, I sat in our studio, focusing on my painting of the New York skyline. The view from the flat was stunning, the buildings literally scraped the sky and the glass would glisten in the low winters sun. I was cautious of the time as David and I were attending a dinner party at David's label's HQ later on.

"Baby?" David called, but I was to wrapped up in my painting to respond, "Baby!" he called again.

"yeah' I answered as he appeared in the doorway behind me.

"How's it going?" his voice was low and calming. He began sauntering over to me.

"Good" I placed my brush in the water pot and turned to David who was now right behind me.

"wow Violet, that is really good" he praised my work, prompting my cheeks to flush slightly. "your so talented" he added, turning his gaze back to me. I shrugged awkwadly. "You are also far too modest" he pecked a sweet kiss on my cheek and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"we should be getting ready" I announced, realising the time.
"Yeah we probably should" he replied reluctantly. I abandoned my work and stood myself up.
"What are you wearing??" I asked David as he took my hand in his, leading us out towards our bedroom.
"Currently blue jeans and a t shirt?" He sassed, turning slightly to gauge my response. I shot a sarky glare. "Sorry" he chuckled like a naughty schoolboy, "the usual black three piece I think" he smirked through his response.
"Hot" I liked the mental imagery that prompted.
"What about you??" He pondered as we reached our room.
"I'm going to have to grin and bare wearing a dress" I sighed. I have never felt truly comfortable in a dress but tonight I had to, if I didn't it just wouldn't be right.
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do you know" David explained, his hand still holding mine.
"I know but it's a formal event and I don't want to show you up" I glanced down at the floor, suddenly feeling insecure.
"My darling you could never show me up" he pulled me closer to him. His chest gently rising and falling, soothing me. "You can wear trousers, you've got some nice trousers, come on," he started towards my side of the wardrobe., "let's find something you'll feel comfortable in" he kissed my temple before opening up the wardrobe, "something comfy, sexy, smart and sassy for my lil lady" he chuckled to himself as he sifted through my clothes. It's things like this that make me adore David. He's different to other people, he understands how it feels to be different and to feel uncomfortable when conforming. His fashion taste was also spot on and understood the female mind surprisingly well which was even better.

So half an hour later I was dressed in some sassy pinstripe, navy trousers, and matching blazer, which showed just enough skin but was still classy. I initially had a blouse underneath but David thought it'd be hotter to show a little skin and to wrap the blazer round me a little more instead. He was right. I looked like fire and I actually felt comfortable. With plenty of time to spare we hopped out into a car and headed across the city to the labels building.
"You're stunning my dear" David told me as he held my hand in the back of the car. " I'm not taking my hands off of you tonight, I don't want anyone getting a hold of you apart from me" he smirked, his eyes taking me in.
"Good, I don't want anyone else" I rubbed the back of his hand with my free one.
"Fair deal" he held my hand up to kiss it tenderly.

By now I had appeared publicly with David quite a few times and I have experienced the obsessive fans and the ever so trying press. I was kind of used to it now so I wasn't so intimidated as I was the first few times but I still felt the need to clutch onto David's hand. As I climbed out of the car and returned to David's side, the cameras went mad. There wasn't too many fans seeing as it was a low key event but there was still a good bunch, watching on, taking photos and shouting. We strode on and quickly and entered the building, away from all of the media attention.

We were handed a flute of champagne as we entered the room, David handed his straight to me.
"Trying to get me drunk, Mr Jones?" I joked, happily accepting the extra drink.
"Me, nahhh, why would I do that?" he chuckled, flashing a cheeky smirk before his eyes moved to scan the room as we moved in to mingle.
"Ahh David!" We hear a friendly voice call. We turn towards it and there were 2 important looking men with smiles on their faces. "It's so good to see you my man" the man continued, pulling David into a quick hug.
"Looking good man" the other guy followed suit.
"You must be the lovely Violet, it's great to meet you love" the first guy leant in to peck a kiss on both of my cheeks. The two guys were so chatty, David and I hardly had time to respond so I watched and admired as they conversed about technical music things and official label talk. The entire time, David's hand never left the small of my back. A little while later the conversation ended as everyone was ushered into a big hall with dining tables set out.
"Ladies and gentleman, please find your names on the seating plan as you enter then take your allocated seats. Entertainment will begin shortly" a very stiff and official ladies voiced boomed through the speakers. So we did as we were told and eventually found our place. I got chatting to the lady sat beside me, she was a liaison officer that worked for an up and coming British band, Oasis. We had a few interesting conversations discussing Manchester, seeing as that's where I'm from but also where Oasis are from. She's a New Yorker but her Dad was British so there a few overlapping interests. Meanwhile David was chatting to the lady to his right. When our courses arrived, that's when we took the time to chat to each other and to enjoy each other's company. It was a very pleasant dinner, there was jazzy background music playing, then a steady hum of conversation. Everyone was dressed smartly and everyone was smiling and enjoying the evening.

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