Chapter 2

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Violet's POV

The last few days on tour had been draining as hell. I thought it was due to it being that time of the month or even that I might be pregnant. David and I take precautions but I don't know if I fully trust them so who knows. When the doctor informed me that it was anemia I wasn't shocked but Id be lying If I said I was a little disappointed that it wasn't a baby. David and I have been together for 5 years now and the thought of having a baby with him excites me.I think last nights conversation made him realize my wants and dreams regarding us. Since then, he's been super attentive and affectionate which is rather nice. I think maybe this health scare has been the eye opener we both needed.

" have a good show love" I leant up on my tip toes to peck a quick kiss on David's lips as we departed.
"You too my darling" he winked as he sipped his water, watching me as I left his changing room. This was the last night of a pretty long world tour. I exclusively tour with David now which is nice, so wherever he is I am basically. Once tonight was over, the focus was back to us as normal people rather than the rock and rollers we get to be sometimes. I still felt a bit under the weather but the energy drink kept me going and I actually had food in my stomach today. Luckily the show went really well and soon enough we were piling into the green room for the traditional last night send off party.

As always I was one of the last to make it to the party along with Francine and Bobby, a new technical assistant for this tour. When we arrived everyone else had already found their place.
"I'm gonna miss this" Francine announced, sipping her drink.
"Huh?" I glared at her baffled by her words.
"I'm gonna miss this camaraderie when I leave" she added, not easing my confusion.
"You're leaving?" I retorted. She had to come back. Francine was my best friend on tour, we were like sisters and without her David and I probably wouldn't have gotten together.
"I'm getting a bit old for doing this, I need a proper job" she chuckled. I just gawked at her, gobsmacked, "Lola and I are moving in together in San Francisco so we're settling down" she smiled, placing a friendly hand on my shoulder blade.
"But Francine?" I stammered, Just about computing.
" I'll still come see you all the time don't worry" she smiled sympathetically..
"I guess we have to be grown ups eventually" I rolled my eyes, realizing that Francine was in her mid forties and she was right, life on tour isn't a forever job.
"What's you're plan next with mr lover boy?" She asked, not letting the conversation get too depressing.
"Mr Loverboy!" I scoffed, finding the nickname hilarious, "Well I know he wants to make a new album so I guess there'll be no touring for a while, personally I'm happy going with the flow, painting and studying" I nodded along, sipping my gin and lemonade.
"Good, you two are honestly a power couple, I want to be your child" she joked, making me belly laugh just as the music faded out which made us giggle even more.

It was oblivious of David watching me, well everyone was watching at that point. Francine and I did our best to regain our composure as David sauntered towards us.
"You two are like naughty school children, over here giggling and snickering" David declared, Cooley taking a drag of his cigarette with a slight smirk on his face.
"Don't involve me in your bedroom kinks" Francine scoffed, rolling her eyes. Making me blush Scarlett and David was lost for words.
"Sorry" she continued to laugh, making me giggle again.
"You will have to come over to us for dinner sometime and vice versa my dear" David directed to Francine.
"Then we can tease each other mercilessly" she scoffed
"Of course" David sassed, slipping an arm around my waist protectively. We chatted a little longer about Francine's plan to move in with Lola and become a teacher in San Francisco. Then David and I mingled amongst the rest. David puffed on a cigarette the entire time. I was proud of him for staying t total and leaving the awful coke alone,  so I guess he had to have something to keep him occupied and relaxed.
"Touring life is becoming such a bore" David sighed, finishing off his second cigarette of the night.
"I thought you enjoyed it love" I scrutinized his expression, as he held me close to his side. We were no longer a secret item so we didn't have to worry about being caught.
"Oh I do but it's just a pain being on the road constantly. I just want to sit at home and read sometimes" he shrugged as he scanned the room, "tour life can be a bit much sometimes" his eyes fell onto me.  A sad, nostalgic expression on his face. I didn't realize he disliked it so much. Just as I leant forwards, up on my tip toes to kiss his cheek, a few familiar faces approached us for a conversation.
"How are you feeling? We should probably go get some sleep?" David declared, checking his watch. It was late and most people had left by now.
"I'm ok, I'm starting to feel better. I am ready for bed though" I smirked slightly, prompting David to do the same.
"Oh good" he kissed my temple before leading us off.
"Farewell love birds!" We heard a shout from the remaining members of the party.
"In a while you dirty fuckers" David replied, waving his free hand as we left it all behind. " Those lot are bloody boring" he sighed as we wandered towards our room.
"David" I laughed, "at least you don't have to see them for a while" I squeezed him.
"That is very true" he squeezed me in turn. We eventually found our way to our room and we soon found ourselves ready for bed.
"I can't wait to be back in Manhattan" I admitted, snuggling up to my David.
"You like it don't you?" David chuckled.
"Oh yeah, there's just a different vibe about it. Plus our apartment is lovely" I traced a finger along his bicep to distract myself from becoming too excited.
"You're adorable" he smiled softly, his eyes almost glistening.
"No!" I fought, threatening to show my bottom lip.
"Yes you are" he insisted, tightening his grip on me.
"No!" I tried again but this time David swing himself so on top of me so that I became trapped beneath him.
"Yes" he kissed my neck softly, "You" a kiss on my cheek, "are" he finished with a peck on my lips. My protest finished and I became far too distracted by his kisses instead.

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