Chapter 21

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David's POV

Now with Scarlett home, our lives had changed so drastically. After a week or so and with Scarlett almost a month old, we settled into a nice little routine. Violet and I alternated who got up during the night to tend to Scarlett. Then, we would spend our days balancing walks, meeting friends and work meetings in coffee shops and in the afternoons Violet would go for a run or I would go to the gym. We were a happy little family.

Todays different for a change, Violet is dress shopping with Francine and Coco, so Scarlett and I get to do some daddy-daughter bonding.
"Have fun my love, I'll bring tea back for us" Violet tip toed up to give me a kiss before departing.
"Of course, now you go have some fun baby free time" I reacted, smiling as she wandered down the corridor. Then that was it, just Scarlett and I, free to do whatever we wanted. First, I returned to her, she was perfectly content, snoozing away in her crib. It was still rather early so I figured I would leave her in peace to get myself showered and ready. When I returned she was awake, so I took this as my chance to get her washed, dressed and fed, ready for a little outing. I was treating her to a visit to the aquarium and maybe the beach. The baby bag, nappy bag, the buggie and everything else was ready to go by the door, containing all the essentials and all the not so essentials. An hour later, she was dressed and ready to go in the most adorable pastel purple and powder blue romper with a matching bow headband. Her bright blue eyes twinkled with excitement as I pulled funny faces at her. She chuckled and gurgled at me adorably as I then got her comfy in her stroller.


Scarlett thoroughly enjoyed her time at the aquarium, seeing all the colorful fishies and  sharks and things. I am aware she probably couldn't see very well yet but I figured it would be stimulating and different for her. Disguised as a tired doting Dad, I didn't get spotted, just a few suspicious glances but nothing truly irritating. Afterwards, we went over to Coney Island beach, there we enjoyed sitting and watching people mess around and have fun.
"You are one special little girl Scarlett..." I told her, carefully laying her against my lap, her content little face filling me with such joy and love, "you're going to have all the opportunities in the world, I want you to achieve everything you could ever possibly want" I nodded at her, widening my expressions for her. I watched a group of teenagers joking about in the distance, a girl was messing about with her boyfriend in the water. It made me think of Scarlett, knowing she would grow up to be beautiful young girl, a possible object of so many young men's attention, a fact that admittedly scared me a little.
"You're going to break so boys hearts, I can tell already" I chuckled, knowing that with parents like Violet and I, boys are never going to be a big issue.

After my little pep talk, it was time to head back. Probably exhausted from all of the new things to look at and hear, Scarlett slept the entire way home. Carefully, I picked up her up from her push chair, however I didn't put her straight into her cot, I held onto her. She snuggled into my chest and a little snore escaped. I rocked her slightly and enjoying holding her, she was still so little and delicate, I wanted to hold her forever. Moments later, Violet returned. Instantly, she darted to my side, hugging into my side to kiss me and to get a look at our sleeping angel.
"She is a adorable" she whispered, "she's going to be a lil heartbreaker" she chuckled.
"She sure is, but don't worry, I gave her the boy talk this afternoon" I joked back.
"Oh good, she might need reminding when she turns 15 though, she's a bit young yet" violet continued, heading towards he kitchen. I found this a suitable time to settle Scarlett down in her crib and to turn my attention to Violet and the food she had brought home. Fresh Italian dishes from a brilliant bistro around the corner.
"So, did you find a dress?" I quizzed her, eager to hear about her day.
"I may have" she teased, setting our food onto dishes before placing one before me and sitting down with hers opposite me. I washed my brow for her to continue. "There's one that I love and there's a back up that's equally as pretty just in case." She explained, beginning to eat her food. "But, I've got them on hold as there's a little while yet and I'm hoping I'll slim down a bit more" her words surprised me.
"Slim down?" I reiterated, pausing my actions for a moment.
"Yeah, I'm hoping to lose this belly and the flab a bit more" she added, poking her food.
"Baby, you look great" I took her free hand in mine, my eyes locking onto hers. "You've already regained your figure, you're on fire my darling" my eyes pleaded with hers, "please be careful, remember to look after yourself" I told her, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles.
"I am David. Don't worry" she gave a faint smile and returned to her food as did I. "Oh Coco said she needs us to do some publicity shots with the baby. To keep the media from going mental, she said" violet blurted.
"Oh for fuck sake" I sighed, "my baby! She's just a month old, it's the last thing the poor thing needs" I ranted, stabbing my pasta with a fork.
"I know my love but it'll be for her benefit as well as ours" she began to explain, "better than the vultures getting on it" she offered a limp but understanding smile. I reluctantly nodded.
"When?" I asked, now finished with my meal.
"She said she'll send a photographer over Sunday afternoon" violet replied. "She also said that everything is basically sorted for the big day now though" violet beamed, strategically changing the subject. My face lit up.
"Great!" I grinned, "that's good to know, I can't wait now" I kissed the back of her hand gracefully.

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