Chapter 18

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Violet's POV

No one told me before I found out that I was pregnant, that pregnancy was so exhausting physically and emotionally. Or maybe they did and I didn't quite understand the seriousness of it. David has been great every step of the way though and we have nearly made it. I'm roughly 7 and a bit months or according to the doctors in week 30. Everything, from timings of this whole process is news to me. Over the past day or so our little Scarlett was having a right little boogie in there.

"Baby, just lay down for your mummy please, she could really do with a little rest" I spoke comically as I tried to enjoy my only coffee of the day in front of the morning TV. David was in his study, working on some music.

"at least when she arrives, we can take it in turns to deal with her" I heard David's lovely voice. I laughed at the truth in his words, "How are you?"

"These Braxton hicks really are kicking in now" I grimaced, riding out the sensation .

"How close are they getting now?" he questioned, perching beside me on the sofa, a concerned look on his face.

"I don't know, every 30, 40 minutes or so" I answered. The time between them did seem to be getting shorter and shorter but I refused to over think. Everything would be ok, David said it would.

"Ok my darling" he brushed the stray hair from my face, "she's just having a right old time in there" he chuckled, lightening the mood. Then, he left me to it again and returned to his study. 20 minutes passed and another wave of Braxton hicks hit me, catching me off guard. 'Ok, don't panic, it's too early yet' I repeated to myself. I rubbed my swollen balloon of a belly soothingly before closing my eyes and trying to snooze once more. Gradually, I began to drop off.

Away with the fairies for a moment, I did my best to ignore the intense wave of the Braxton hicks. But after a second or third wave, I urgently needed the bathroom. As I got myself to my feet I let out a groan and stepped unsteadily towards the bathroom.

"Violet?!" I heard David call but I was concentrating on not falling over and getting to the bathroom to answer properly.

"Arrghh!" I groaned aloud, feeling what must have been my waters breaking.

"Violet!" David called after me, luckily I had made it to the bathroom but David soon darted in behind me. "Whats happened? Shit Violet!"

"Erm I think my waters have broken..." I answered, trying not to panic, steadying myself against the wall.

"Are you sure, it sure looks like it? Its too early!" he panicked, almost bubbling with excitement and fear.

"I know David" I snarled, "just go call an ambulance" I told him, doing my best to use my nice voice. Without hesitating he darted back off and I could hear him making the call and faffing about. I did my best to control my breathing and tried to keep myself walking about. David immediately returned to me and updated me. The medics were on their way and I was advised to walk around or have David rub my back. "Shit, David, can you put together an over night bag or something" I suddenly thought, "we're not ready for this! I'm not ready for this!" I sobbed, everything suddenly seeming far too real and overwhelming.

"My darling, I'm not leaving you, I'll get coco to sort something when we know whats going to happen" David soothed, kissing my temple. I was now sweating and panting through the overwhelming and completely unfamiliar sensations.
"she can't be coming now!" I screamed through the pain, unsure whether it was the physical pain or the pain of the thought.
"Don't panic baby, just breath" David tried his best to help me. He locked his eyes with mine and he did keep me as calm as possible. The medics soon arrived and took control of the situation. With direct questions and lots of faffing and sorting things out they got me ready to go down into the ambulance. It was once I was carted into the vehicle and on the way to the hospital that they explained everything more clearly. Ultimately baby was on her way but because she's premature, she would definitely need specialist care when she arrives. The thought scared me to death and the look on David's face read the same, despite his will to try and stay strong. The medics were wonderful at keeping me calm and reassuring us that they were doing everything they could for us.

~•~•~•~• hours later •~•~•~•~

After hours of agony and strange waves of contractions, pain and squeezing she finally arrived. Scarlett Lynn Jones, born 7 weeks early weighing a tiny 3.5 lbs. Despite making an early arrival, which was likely to be related to my anaemia, she was ok, all things taken into account. She was put on a respirator and tube fed as with most premature babies at this stage. It was awful seeing her hooked up to all these wires and machines but she looked so peaceful and delicate. I couldn't stop looking at her, she was beautiful and so tiny. David sat on the bed with me, our little girl in her special cot beside us. He was in awe just as I was. We took it in turns to bond with our baby, even if it was holding out a finger for her to grab.
"She is so perfect, look at those teeny tiny fingers" David spoke softly, his face lit with pure love and joy.
"She's going to grow up so big and strong, I'm going to make sure of it" I smiled back, relaxing into the bed.
"I don't doubt it my darling" David responded, glancing back to see my face, "just focus on getting back to full strength for now though yeah" he patted my leg with his free hand. Then, without even realizing I slipped off to sleep. For the first time since actually getting pregnant I slept and felt fully rejuvenated when I came back to reality. My body felt like it had been hit by a bus and my emotional state was fragile and temperamental as hell. I opened my eyes to see David, reading a book to Scarlett through the cot, and I just burst into tears, it was so heartwarming I could only cry.
"Sorry My darling, please excuse me, your mother is a weeping mess at the moment and needs a little cuddle" he explained to Scarlett, "you girls" he sighs comically, he's clearly in his element, looking after us both.

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