Chapter 16

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~.~.~.~. 4 Months Later .~.~.~.~

Violet's POV

Sometimes time sees to pass so  slowly, then other times it seems like it's flying by. 4 months have passed since we found out we are having a girl. Since then we've been super busy balancing midwife visits, wedding planning sessions with Coco, decorating the baby's room, and generally living our lives. It's July and in Manhattan it is hot especially when there's a baby growing inside of you. I constantly feel like I'm in a sauna. Most of the time I was sauntering around the apartment basically in my underwear, something David didn't seem to be complaining about.
"My dear, Coco said she'll be ready for us at 1" David called from the spare room. I was in the kitchen pouring another glass of ice water.
"Ok" I called back before sighing to myself. Being roughly 28 weeks pregnant was becoming old, my belly looked like an inflated beach ball and our little girl was up to something in there. I was finding it increasingly hard to keep up with her acrobatics or kickboxing or whatever it is she seems to be doing down there. I gave her a loving rub before taking my ice cold water and heading to the bedroom. I needed to look presentable, which unfortunately meant actually putting some clothes on. As I fixed myself a light, cool outfit David sauntered over.
"Do you need a hand?" He offered kindly, scooting over to me.
"Sure" I accepted, plopping myself down on the edge of the bed. He took control and got me into my clothes, I opted for some swishy tribal trousers I had brought from Mustique and a white vest top with a shimmery purple kimono. "Feeling brave today with the clashing patterns?" David sassed with a smug smile.
"My love, I am heavily pregnant with a little acrobat" I indicated to my swelling belly and raised a brow, " I don't give a fuck about clashing patterns".
"Okeey dokey" David playfully raised his hands in defeat, "you look beautiful" he then pulled out my comfy sandals from the shoe rack and slipped them onto my feet.
"You are a gentleman" I acknowledged his efforts. I took his hand as he stood up, planting a tender kiss on his cheek as he lead the way out of the apartment.


"Ok so, the venue is booked, color scheme sorted, the men's suits all sorted. You need to start thinking about the dress, the cake, and the smaller details, that kind of thing," Coco reeled off, sounding like a teacher. David and I sat opposite her at a big desk. Our little girl was clearly wanting a say with the amount of kicking she was doing.
"We can look at dress ideas but we'll have to wait until the little ones here and Violet gets settled before we bother sorting something" David reasoned, sounding a little tired of the planning talk. I rubbed my belly in an attempt to soothe our girl. The Braxton Hicks we're becoming more distinct now too. It was exhausting trying to just keep up at this point.
"Violet, are you feeling ok?" Coco questioned, seeing the distress in my eyes. David's head darted to look at me.
"Yeah, I'm fine, she's just not giving me a break" I whined, trying to tone down the discomfort. David leant towards me, resting his hand on my shoulder.
"My dear, do you need a lie down? We can leave this for today" David locked his eyes with mine, his were full of concern.
"No, no, it'll ease off" I tried.
"Honey, I'll get you a car, you need to go home and rest" Coco insisted, getting up to make the call. I couldn't refuse.
"My dear are you sure you're ok," David seemed to be on the edge of panic.
"Yes, honestly I'm ok. Im just tired and she clearly isn't" I explained, grimacing through another bout of kicks.
"Ok, let's get you home so we can get you comfortable then" he gently moved a strand of hair from my face.
"Thanks my love" I smile fondly, ignoring the discomfort.
"Right, there's a car 2 minutes away" coco entered back into the room, "I told them it was an emergency" she laughed airily.
"Thanks you're a star" David thanked her, while focusing on getting me to stand up. I held onto him, gripping him like my life depended on it. Moments later, David and I were successfully in the car and on our way back to the apartment.  I fantasised about being laid on the sofa, hardly any clothes on, with cold flannels on me and the fan blowing , David beside me, holding my hand. Then lucky for me my fantasy came true. However, the discomfort didn't subside like I had hoped. My mood isn't as positive as I hoped either.
"I just want this baby out of me" I sighed, tears suddenly pricking the back of my eyes.

"oh my darling, I hate seeing you so uncomfortable" David soothed, coming to kneel beside me, "I wish I could take the pressure off of you somehow" he stroked my hair delicately.

"I probably sound awful" I whined, the tears now seeping from my eyes.

"Don't be silly... you're going through so much" his voice was soothing, "and this is making me fall even more in love with you Violet" he kissed my temple tenderly.

"Even though I look like a massive sweaty beached whale?" I groaned.

"You're not that big you know" he chuckled lightly, "and I still love you" he smiled fondly, making me chuckle too. "See, thats the smile I want to see" he delicately traced a fingertip along my cheek.

"I don't deserve you" I leant over to kiss his cheek in return.

"Oh baby stop being silly, we are made for each other my love" he held my hand, softly stroking the back of it. Then for a moment the discomfort eased and I was fully comfortable and relaxed, basking in our love.

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