Chapter 6

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Violet's POV

Just as I was feeling better and was lost in the moment with David at his labels Christmas do, my head suddenly felt all light and I went all dizzy. Luckily I made it to the loos in time but I began to waiver a bit too much and the lovely lady I was chatting to during the dinner came to my rescue. She made sure I was ok and then found David for me. I remember David bursting into the toilets with her and then him helping me out of the venue and into the car but I must've fallen asleep then because I can't remember anymore.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. There's a clattering from the kitchen, which brought me to my senses. Noticing that I'm still wearing last nights party outfit, I change into some pajamas and track down David. I found him in the kitchen, pottering about trying to make breakfast.
"Morning!" I called over the racket.
"You're up!" David responded, seeming rather startled. He immediately dropped what he was doing and came up to hug me. "How are you feeling? I'm making eggs" he sounded proud of himself as he kissed my forehead.
"Not bad...ohh yay" I smiled, wiping my eyes.
"I called the doctor by the way. I think it's for the best after last night" David explained, kissing my cheek. I hated seeing the doctor but I couldn't really argue especially seeing as I nearly fainted last night.
"What time?" I asked, sitting myself down at the kitchen island.
"In an hour or so" he answered before going to back to the eggs. So, there was time to try and relax a little first. We ate our eggs and then sat ourselves on the sofa, watching some documentary about France when the doctor arrived. The doctor carried out the same brief tests as before and double checked my answers to some questions, but this time considering the fact that things weren't getting better despite my change of diet, he prescribed me some iron pills. He then promptly left, leaving me feeling a little deflated, even looking at our Christmas tree didn't cheer me up.
"What's wrong my dear?" David questioned, he was still sat beside me as I rested my chin on my knee.
"I don't know" I sighed, feeling rather overwhelmed and just kind of sad.
"Come here" his voice was low and soothing. I turned towards him and I nestled myself into his side, feeling safe with his arms engulfing me.
"I just feel bit sad, I don't know why" I admitted, my fingers coming to play with the soft fabric of David's t shirt.
"That's ok" he kissed the top of my head, "you've had some big news, it's a big change really, an important one" he put on his best encouraging voice. As ever it was effective. "Duncan will be over tonight, he'll keep us occupied" he chuckled. Duncan and I get on really well. He's a few years younger than me but he's easy going and funny like his dad. Catching up with Duncan was always enjoyable.
"It's going to be so nice to see him" I smiled, my mind already drifting to topics more positive and pleasant.
"It will, I'll leave to pick him up from the station at around 3" he explained. But in the meantime we snuggled on the sofa and watched a Christmas movie. David seemed a little quieter than usual. I gave it a little while into the movie but he was silent, and so still. It was like there was something playing on his mind.
"David?" I asked, moving myself to sit up beside him.
"Yes my dear?" He responded, his eyes flicking to mine.
"What you thinking about?" I questioned him out right, focusing on his eyes and his mouth.
"Er, nothing" He stammered unsurely. "Just last night" he added, back pedaling slightly. He knows he's better off being honest with me, he knows me too well.
"What about it? I'm ok, it was dealt with" I reasoned, unsure of why it was still playing on his mind.
"No, erm, something else happened" his eyes glanced nervously at the tv before coming back to mine.
"Huh?" I frowned, unaware of what he was talking about.
"The woman sat next to me, she came onto me" he began, taking my hands in his and his eyes staring straight into mine. "Gemma, she said some awful things and was a proper bitch but" I fidgeted, the thought made me physically uncomfortable, "but I shut her down at every opportunity" he added, his voice sounding disgusted, "oh baby I'm sorry".
"I...Er, you don't need to be sorry" is all I could say as I configured the news.
"I love you so much baby, the things she said were absolutely vile and I would never do anything to hurt you" his hands stroked mine as his voice became desperate.
"David I know, I trust you" I smiled empathetically. I am aware that David gets a lot of unwanted attention and if I gave him an ultimatum every time he had an encounter, we wouldn't be in this kind of relationship. I know David, I trust him and he really needn't worry.
"I just, I don't want to lose you" he moved a hand up to hold my face. His eyes welling with tears.
"You're not going to lose me over something like that babe" I placed a hand on his knee.
"I love you" he whispered as he moved in to kiss my lips.
"I love you too David" I reciprocated before kissing is lips again in turn.

A short while later, after our focus moved back to the movie, David began to fidget, it was nearing 3pm.
"Righto my dear, I'm going to go pick Duncan up" David announced, reluctantly leaving the sofa and I behind. "I'll bring something good back for us to have for tea" he added, pottering about the apartment locating his shoes, keys, wallet etc.
"Ok my love, I'll be here" I responded, adjusting to my new position on the sofa.
" if you need me call" he told me, dashing over to kiss my cheek now that he was ready to head off. Then I was alone in this huge apartment. Winter sun shone through the vast glass windows, illuminating everything. I rested my head on the armrest and gazed out, taking in the beautiful view. Not noticing my heavy eyelids, I slipped back to sleep.

The next thing I know is someone is tapping on my shoulder. I blink my eyes open as I come to.
"Hello there sleeping beauty" I hear David's familiar voice, making me smile as my brain kicked into gear and I sat myself up properly.
"Hey Vi, how you feeling? Dad said you've not been well" Duncan greeted me, as he wandered into our living room area.
"Yeah, I've been better Duncan but you know, I've got an excuse to nap" I chuckled, try to shed some light on the topic.
"What was your excuse before?" I heard David joke, as he busied himself in the kitchen and we all laughed at the joke. He clattered about and walked back and forth, almost like he was up to something. "Tea, coffee anyone?" He followed up shortly, as he continued banging about.
"Coffee please!" Duncan and I responded in unison.
"Are you alright in there?" I asked, concerned by all the racket he was making.
"No! Yeah, you just stay there and relax, I got this" he shot back, making me and Duncan giggle.

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