Chapter 12

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Violet's POV
I woke up to a splitting headache, it hurt to lift my head off of the pillow.
"Arghh" I groaned, feeling David shift behind me.
"Violet?" His voice was groggy.
"My head" I moaned, my voice faltering. I put my palm to my forehead in attempt to soothe the pain. I felt David sit up.
"I'll get you some water and painkillers" he informed me, before rubbing my shoulder and hastily heading to the kitchen. I couldn't help but groan, the pain was intense, like the migraines I used to suffer from when I was at university. David soon returned with the painkillers.
"Here you go" He soothed, holding out the bottle and a palm of pills as he sat beside me on the bed.
"Thanks" I groaned, taking the water and pills.
"Don't worry about taking your dad to the airport this afternoon, I'll take him" he told me authoritatively.
" You don't have to" I tried, my eyes screwed shut.
"Baby, you can't even keep your eyes open. I'll take him" he stroked my hair from my face.
"Yes I can" I insisted, knowing full well that he was right.
"Let me see those beautiful eyes then" he hummed, I could sense the smirk on his face. So, I tried to prove him wrong and I opened my eyes fractionally before instantly screwing them closed again, the pain unbearable. "See, you just rest my dear, I'll take care of everything" he chuckled softly before kissing my forehead. He then left me to get some more sleep, the pills now easing the pain enough to allow it. I snoozed for a few hours before I tried to get up. It was midday and dad would be going to catch his flight in an hour or so.

Carefully, and gradually, I got myself up and washed. Then I found my dad and David sat watching the news in the living room.
"Violet!" My dad exclaimed, a pleased expression on his face. David turned to see me, a surprised look on his face.
"Hows your head my love?" He asked as I joined them on the sofas.
"Sore" I admitted, feeling a bit fragile. "I don't get it, I'm on the pills now for my deficiency, and I was doing fine" I moaned. Feeling hopeless and cheated.
"Maybe they take a while to kick in" dad offered.
"Yeah and maybe you're just a bit run down, it's been a busy week or so" David tried. Between them they did their best to make me feel a little better.
"It's just not fair" I sat back against the sofa.
"It really isn't my dear, but things will work out" David cooed. I laid my head against David's shoulder and relaxed a little. The time flew away and it was soon time for David to take my Dad to the airport. After hugs and bidding him farewell, he headed off. It's nice to have Dad around, even though we aren't as close as we used to be, he reminds me of home.

Now fully alone, I laid out on the sofa and flicked through the channels on the tv for a movie to watch. After settling for some rom com, I settled down and got myself comfy. A couple of hours later I slowly came to, hearing keys turning in the lock. I blinked and registered the sound. There entered David who looked to be moving cautiously as to not wake me up.

"Hey you" I called, startling him slightly, his shoulders relaxed and he threw the keys in the bowl before heading straight to me.
"Did he get off ok?" I queried, sitting up to enjoy his company.
"yeah no worries" he told me, budging close beside me, his body radiating warmth and comfort.
"Thanks for doing that" I smiled, feeling his warm hand on my back.
"Honestly it was no drama my dear" he leant down to kiss my forehead. "How are you anyway?"
"I've just slept" I admitted, hating this kind of attention, "I feel better now, I just don't understand, I was doing so well" I moaned, not caring if I sounded like a stroppy child.
"well..." I could see his brain whirling, "maybe its something else" he questioned.
"What do you mean?" I was baffled, it couldn't be much else.

"I mean, you might just be a bit fatigued or..." he tried, I could sense what he was about to say next but I pushed the thought away, "you might be pregnant?" Yep my thoughts were right.
"Pregnant?",I questioned, raising my eyebrows.
"Yeah, I mean, you have all the symptoms" he added. I shook my head knowing he had a point. "Don't you think it's worth a test? I mean just Incase" his voice was tinged with excitement.
"I can't be...but... I actually haven't been on in a while" I thought aloud. The thought scaring me slightly.
"Ok. Well let's deal with this one step at a time" David took control, his voice serious. "I'll get a test thing" he continued, "then we take it as it comes" he nodded. Our eyes locked. The air suddenly became heavy and I felt a strange combination of disbelief, nerves and excitement. "I'll nip out and get one now, so we don't drive ourselves mad"  he patted my shoulder. I threw my arms around him, almost instinctively. I was nervous as hell at the thought.
"I love you" I whispered in his ear, struggling to use my words.
"I love you too" he whispered back "what will be, will be baby" he finished before stepping back. I watched as he darted straight for the door and practically ran from me. I was left alone for the second time but this time with more thoughts to keep me company. I paced around the apartment. Overthinking, my biggest talent. I tried my best to push each thought as the appeared. I busied myself by making some food for David and I. A pesto pasta favorite.

A little while later I heard David practically crash through the door. The door slammed closed.
"I'm back" he declared as if he hadn't just made the biggest racket. I abandoned the food and instantly went to his side. He pulled out a few tests from a bag. "I got a few cos I don't know how accurate they are" he rambled adorably. I took them from his hand and kissed him on his lips.
"There's food on the stove, I'll do these" I told him, a slight spring in my step as I scooted to the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. The world seemed to fall away and I was in my own little bubble.

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