Chapter 14

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Violet's POV

Pregnant? Me, pregnant! The world slipped away from me. I suddenly felt very overwhelmed and scared. Having David there made me feel a lot less intimidated, in fact talking things through with him soon made things seem more exciting than scary. I knew I could trust David and he's already done such a great job with Duncan. The prospect of having David's child thrilled me. David was great as always. He drew us a nice warm bubble bath and began doting on me instantly. We're both so easy going and open minded so the baby soon became affectionately known as peanut. We didn't want to start referring to them as he or she, so Peanut is was. We relaxed into the warm, soothing bath. Bubbles quietly popping and the water sloshed slightly as we moved about. The scent of vanilla and peach tantalizing our senses along with the sight of each other.

"So much for us having an easy year" David declared, his face relaxed into an adorable smile.
"Yeah" I laughed, realizing how busy we were going to be.
"So, this one will probably arrive in September" David calculated, I could almost see the cogs whirling as he thought.
"I guess it depends when they were actually conceived" I suggested, trying to think back.
"I mean it could've been anytime really" David chuckled cheekily, a smirk stretching across his lips. He had a point, we hadn't exactly held back in that department.
"True" I blushed, "I guess the doctor will be able to tell us".
"Yeah, they'll be here before the wedding" David added.
"So I'll be going to the gym to make sure I lose the extra bulk I put on" I sighed, knowing I'd better start that habit sooner rather than later.
"Nah" David shook his head, taking his hand up to my face, "do what makes you comfortable, you're always beautiful" he cooed, gently stroking my cheek and then my hair. I blushed again and dropped my gaze down into the bubbles. "I'm so unbelievably happy that we're having a baby together" he told me, tracing his forefinger along my jaw before tilting it up, forcing our eyes to lock. "My heart belongs to you baby" he finished before leaning in to kiss me long and passionately.

•~•~•~•~ 3 Months Later ~•~•~•~•
So, 3 months have passed and our little Peanut is certainly growing. My bump is very noticeable and I'm living in  loose dad style jeans. David can't keep his hands off of me or the bump which is adorable but also sometimes a little annoying but I can't complain. So, it turns out when we realized I was pregnant, I was actually about a month along so Peanut is actually about 13 weeks. All of the dates became very hard to organize and wrap our brains around so we had to write everything down so we could plan and prepare. We have 5 months til baby arrives in August and 7 months til the wedding in October.

The lack of time between our Peanut arriving and the wedding makes me anxious as hell. Would I be able to fit in my dream dress? Will the baby scream the whole way through the wedding ceremony and reception? Every time David and I discussed the potential issues he insisted it would all be ok and that things will work out. I guess I need to relax a little more and just go with it. I've been keeping on top of my exercise as I want to be fully fit and healthy, I know it is good for the baby too and it'll give me a kickstart in dropping the excess weight postpartum. David dug out Duncan's baby things and we began to accommodate for the lil Peanut.
"Violet my dear" I heard David's voice call from the bedroom.
"Yeah" I called back from the kitchen, having filled myself a glass of water
"Celebratory meal out after the midwife appointment?" He asked, appearing in the doorway.
"Oooh yeah," the idea sounded very appealing.
"Thought so, I was thinking that cute lil Thai place we tried before" he suggested, sauntering over towards me. "You know what, you really are glowing" I felt his warmth as he stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, his hands resting on my belly. "They sure are growing" he hummed before planting a tender kiss on my cheek, "I can't wait to find out if they're a boy or a girl" he kissed me once more before stepping back.
"Me too" I added, turning to face him, a big content smile on my face.

A few hours later, David and I were in the midwifes room. I was on the bed, ready to be scanned, and David was right beside me, gripping my hand so tightly.
"Good afternoon, let's have a look at baby shall we?" The pleasant slightly older woman announced as she entered the room.
"Oh yes please" David beamed, squeezing my hand. The lay smiled and got to work.
"Right" she began, running the scanner over my belly on the cold jelly, "hmmm" I felt David's grip tighten again, "hmm, ok" we both looked at the lady desperate for news. "Would you like to know the sex?" She asked, prompting David and I to look at each other before simultaneously looking back for her and answering.
"Yes" we both blurted.
"yes please" I added politely yet excitedly.
"Mum and Dad you have a healthy little baby girl" the lady beamed, setting down the scanner.
"A girl?!" David blurted again, I was speechless. It seemed so real now, despite having the bump for a while and the sickness.
"Yep, everything is as it should be, congratulations" the lady smiled sweetly pulling out the prints of the scan. My eyes pooled with tears. David pulled me into a warm hug.
"A baby girl!" He repeated, holding me close.
"She's our lil peanut" is all I managed to blurt.
"You guys take your time, just book in for a routine catch up in reception when you leave. Now take care" the midwife declared before leaving the room. David helped me down from the bed and we did our best to compose ourselves until we got to the car.

"I'm so glad it's a girl" David admitted, as we waited for our food in the restaurant. Our hands entwined over the table.
"I thought you didn't mind" I pondered, the news gradually settling into my mind now.
"I didn't but I'm just really glad it's a girl" he beamed, "they're a girl" he indicated to the growing baby girl.
"We can start thinking about names" I announced, "and get a color scheme for the room" I thought aloud, even more excited now.

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