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"Talk to me." I said to the paramedics as they brought in a new patient.

"10 year old female hit by car. Found unconscious at scene, possible fractured leg and head trauma."

"1,2,3" I said to the nurses before we lifted the girl into the bed.

"I need blood." I yelled as i saw the wound on her head.

One of the nurses immediately did as i said. The room was pure choas like it always was when a new patient arrived.

"Is the family notified?" I said quickly to one of nurses.

"Both emergency contacts that were listed in the girl's phone are called. They are on there way."

I nodded and focused back on my patient. She wasn't looking good, there was a pretty big chance that she would need surgery for her leg.

"I need an x-ray on her leg and page dr Clifford." I said to my intern.

He nodded an immediately did what i asked him.

She had hit her head on the pavement that caused a big wound on her head.

I inspected the wound on her head now that most of the blood was washed off and the room was bit calmer. It was a pretty big cut that would need stiches but give no sign of fractures in the skull. But i would order a head scan if that changes.

But the thing that worried me the most right now was the fact that she was still unconscious. It could mean that she has a traumatic brain injury and may end up in a coma if she didn't wake up within the next 6 hours.

Just when i put the bandage back on her wound Michael entered the room.

Michael didn't need to look long at the girl before he saw what we were dealing with. "Did you call for a x-ray on her leg?" He aksed as he put his gloves on.

I nodded. "They should be here any second."

I was right, within a minute the x-ray tech arrived.

We all stepped out if the room as they took a picture of her leg.

Micheal and i stepped back into the room to inspect the photo.

Out of nowhere a stressed woman ran into the room. "Is she okay? Please tell me that she's okay."

My guess was that the woman was the girls mother. My patient may be unconscious but i still prefered to not have a distressed mother in the room as i diagnose my patient.

"Ma'am I'm going to ask you to leave. We need some space in order to help your daughter that best that we can." I said as i gently pushed her towards the door.

She shook her head and tried to get to her daughter.

I stepped in front of her as i quickly paged Ashton. I didn't have time to calm her down right now, i needed his help.

Not even a minute later Ashton arrived to calm the woman down.

"Please follow me while these doctors help your daughter. She's in good hands." He said calmly as he led the woman out of the room.

I sighed and turned back to Michael who was looking as the x-ray of her leg.

"And?" I aksed him before looking myself.

"Looks like surgery to me. "He said in a disappointed tone as he pointed to the x-ray.

I went to stand next to him and nodded. The bone was broken and had shifted. We would have to realing the bone with the help of metal screws.

I stepped out of the room to get Ashton and the mom.

Ashton was stitting in the waiting room with the mother. He was talking her but she didn't seem to listen.

I slowly walked up to her and introduced myself. "I'm Dr Luke Hemmings and this is dr Michael Clifford."

She quickly shook my hand. "Claire Perkins. Please tell my that my girl is alright."

"Yes, you're daughter is in a stable condition right now but-"

She intrupped me. "I want to see her."

"Alright, please follow me." I said to her.

She immediately walked to her daughter and grabbed her hands. "Oh my poor baby." She said with tears in her eyes.

We all waited for her to calm down so that Michael and i could explain the situation.

"Tell me what's wrong with her." Claire eventually said to me.

"She a has broken her leg in a way that her body won't be able to heal it on it's own." Michael explained to her.

"What does that mean?" She aksed worried.

"We'll have to operate her leg and put metal screws in ber bones to make sure that she'll heal correctly."

"That's all?" She akses as she was holding
her daughter's hand.

I shook my head. "There could be a chance that your daughter will land in a coma. She  hit her head pretty hard which has caused her to be unconscious for more than 2 hours now. There is no telling yet when she'll wake up."

"Oh god." The mother started crying again as she kissed her daughter's hand.

"What happens now?" She asked through her tears.

"We'll prepare Jasmin for her leg surgery. Dr irwin will stay with you durning the operation. We understand that this a scary situation but we assure you that she is in good hands." Michael said calmly to her.


"Olivia phone for you." My boss yelled to me from the back.

I immediately thought something bad had happend to my dad because no one ever called me unless something bad had happend.

I set the plaits that i was holding down and ran to the phone

"Hello? Who is this?" I said stressed.

"St Mary's hospital. We unfortunately have to inform you that Jasmin Perkins is currently in critical condition in the hospital due to a car accident.

"Is she going to be alright?"

"We are doing the best we can, she is in good hands."

"Alright, thank you."

I hang up the phone, what the hell was i supposed to do? I hadn't seen my sister or my mom in almost 2 years.

"Well what did they say?" My boss asked impatient, he wanted me to go back to work.

"My little sister is in the hospital. I've gotta go." I said as i put my jacket on.

"You can't just leave!" My boss yelled at me when i ran towards the exit.

"I'm sorry." I yelled back before the door fell shut behind me.

I ran to the hospital as fast as my legs could carry me.

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