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I was just about to clock out when Calum texted me that their was an emergency regarding Olivia.

Without any hesitation i ran to the room that Calum had texted me.

"What happened?" I aksed concerned to Calum.

He stepped aside, giving me a look into the room.

"Olivia's dad committed suicide. He's stable right now but it was a close one." He said to me.

Olivia was sitting next to her father with blood still on her hands and clothes. My heart broke for her. Everything that she loved was slowy slipping away.

A woman was trying to talk to Olivia when i entered the room. She was a psychiatrist and needed information about her dad's situation. I always hated it that those people needed to have the information as soon as possible. Waiting a few hours wouldn't hurt nobody.

"Please i just need a minute." She said as her voice broke.

The woman ignored her request. "I just need you to answer a few questions."

"Please...a minute." She spoke barely audible.

"Let's respect her wishes." I said as polite as possible to the woman.

The woman rolled her eyes but listened to me.

"I've already contacted social services. They should be here any moment to pick her up." The woman said to me once we where outside the room.

"What about her mother? Isn't she contacted?"

The woman shook her head. "Her mother isn't listed as a caregiver. No other family is known to us besides her dad."

I finally understood why the relationship between her mother was so strange.

"Is there any way that i could possibly foster her until her dad gets cleared?"

There was no way that i was going to let her stay with some stranger. She needed to be with someone who she could trust right now.

"You would have to aks them. I'm just here to make sure that mr. Westwood gets the best care right now."

I waited outside for social services as the woman went back inside to talk to Olivia. I just hoped that she would take notice of her feelings right now. She may seem calm but one wrong word could change that.

As i waited i texted the guys to make sure that they where okay with it.

I was relieved when they all gave me the green light. They didn't mind the company and had already met Olivia so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable for her.

Not even a minute later an old woman walked towards me.

I quickly introduced myself to her and offered to talk further in my office. She nodded and followed me as i led the way trough the halls.


The woman who Luke has sent away was back again.

I quicly whiped my tears away and tried to look at her.

"I'm just going to ask you a couple questions about your dad. Tomorrow i will also talk to your dad but you may have some information that he won't be able to tell us. Just let me know when you don't want to answer the question."

I nodded as i watched her take out a piece of paper.

"Did you dad ever show any symptoms of being suicidal?"

I stayed quiet. Now that i was looking back i realised that he showed all the symptoms.


"Can you elaborate on that?"

I touched my grandmother's necklace that i was still wearing. He only gave it to me because he didn't plan on staying.

"Seeming happy after being extremely sad and giving things away." I said as i held back my tears.

She nodded and wrote down what i had said.

"Are you aware of any reasom that could have caused this behaviour? Like losing his job or something."

"He got depressed after he divorced my mom 2 years ago. It had been ups and downs ever since. But my little sister being in the hospital must have been the tipping point for him."

It got too much for me after i had said that. I burried my face in my hands and cried.

"I'm sorry."  I said to the woman after i had calmed down a bit.

She handed me a tissue. "Nothing to be sorry about sweetie. I understand that this is a difficult thing for you to talk about."

"I just have to aks a few more things if that is alright with you."

I whiped my tears away and nodded.

"Did your dad ever hurt you in any way? Was he unable to control his anger."

"He never hurt me. He may not always have been able to control his anger but he still knew not to hurt me. He only ever hurted himself." I took as tried not to look at my dad's arm.

"Alright that was all, thank you. A social worker will come soon."

She left leaving me alone with my dad. For some reason it felt weird to be with my dad right now. But one thing was for sure, i wasn't going to leave his sight.


I shook hands with the woman as i guided her out of my office. Everything was taken care of, Olivia would stay with me until her dad was stable again.

The woman gave me her phone number incase Olivia demanded to be placed somewhere else. I highly doubted that but you never knew.

I walked back to Olivia to see how she was doing.

"What's going to happen to him." She aksed as she looked at her dad.

"He'll stay her for a bit but after that he'll go to a mental hospital where they will take care of him."

"I don't want them to take him away." She cried out.

"They need to, he needs help. He will hurt himself otherwise."

She shook her head. "No he won't. I'll make sure of it. I can help him."

I kneeled down and looked her in the eyes. "You can't help him like you want to. You need to let other people help him."

She remained silent for a minute as she let her tears fall down her face.

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