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A few months later

"They're here." I said enthusiastic to my dad when i heard the doorbell.

He smiled and told me to open the door.

I ran to the door and opened it. Without any hesitation i hugged Luke.

He lifted me up and span my around. "I'm so happy to see you to."

I greeted the other guys with the same excitement and let them all in.

We where having a barbecue with the guys and of course my girlfriend Emma.

We haven't told anyone yet that we're an official thing because her family would murder the both of us. But i knew that my dad and the guys would be supportive so we didn't have to worry about anything when we were around them.

My mom and Jasmin were unfortunately unable to come.

After Jasmin got released from the hospital she decided to accept the job offer and move away. I still have contact with her through text and facetime but i stilll missed her.

"How are things?" Ashton asked my dad.

I giggled when he said that, he was using his therapist voice.

He gave me a glance causing me to quicky turn around.

Ashton was the one who i saw the most because he was still my therapist. I went to him once a week to talk about anything that was bothering.

We had made the deal that i would sleep at their house atleast once a month. But it usually ended up being more nights.

The man who had assaulted me was currently in jail. His sentence was 40 years in prison which means he'll stay there until he died.

I had a pretty bad setback when his trail started. I didn't need to be present at first but as new evidence showed up i had to testify.

The worst part of it all was that they played a part of the audli from the video that the creep took that day.

It was a difficult thing to hear for everyone in that room but especially for me. It felt like i was back in that room again.

I didn't sleep for almost a week after that.

But when i heard his sentence everything felt worth it. He had gotten what he deserved.

Thankfully my dad and the guys were there that day to support me. And they still are here to do that.

"Is emma coming today?" Michael said with a smirk as he sat down next to me.


"Have you made it official?" He whispered.

"I'm not gonna tell you."

"Oh come on, i will keep it a secret."

Just when he said that the bell rang, saved by the bell.

I ran to the door and opened it, it was Emma.

She hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I've missed you."

I smiled at her. "You saw me yesterday in school silly."

"That doesn't mean that i didn't miss you."

I rolled my eyes and let her in.

I now attended to same school as Emma but unfortunately we weren't in the same class. She was a year higher than me but only because i had to redo a year.

Now that my dad was healthy again and i had the support of 4 awesome friends i didn't need online school or work anymore. I now went to a regular school where i had a lot of friends and somewhat better grades.

I reallly tried to focus more on my schoolwork. All that time i had spent in the hospital had caused me to want to become a doctor, or atleast a nurse.

I haven't told that idea to anyone else because then they'll pressure on me and i don't want that.

"Ah my second daughter is here." My dad said sarcastic when Emma walked in the garden.

It was kida true though, Emma spent more time here than she did at her own house.

We sat down next to each other in the garden as we giggled at they way my dad and Ashton where arguing about making the perfect burger.

"How's school going?" Luke asked killing the fun.

I sighed as my smile faded, i didn't like to talk about school.

"It's going fine, I'm not failing any classes." I said as i looked to the ground.

"That's good .No need to feel stressed about grades as long as you give it all you've got."He said as he noticed my reaction to his question.

I looked up and smiled at him.

After we both had eaten enough and made enough fun of the guys, we decided that it was time to spent some time together. Well actually Emma was the one who had decided that.

"We're going to get some fresh air, we'll be back in an hour." I said to my dad as Emma drag me back inside the house.

"Jeez do you need to be any more obvious?" I said to her once i had closed the front door behind us.

She kissed me as response. "Who cares? My dad is not here."

I smiled, she was right. Everyone here probably already knew about us and couldn't care less.

"Let's go to that hill. I want to see the sunset" She said as she grabbed my hand.

We had spent almost our entire summer on that hill. It had become out secret spot.

We had to walk around 30 minute before we finally arrived at the hill. It was a beautiful place hidden by the trees that surrounded it. You could almost see the entore city from here.

"It's going to be atleast another hour until the sun sets. " Emma said as we sat down in the grass.

"I'll text my dad that we'll be home later than expected."

She nodded and did the same. Neither of us wanted our parents to worry about us when it wasn't necessary.

We layed back in the grass and look up at the sky.

"That one looks like hippo." Emmas said as she pointed at the clouds.

I smiled and pointed to another cloud that looked like a turtle. This was definitely my favourite game.

As we looked at the sky i thought back to something that my dad had said a few months back. He told me that everything would go back to 'normal'.

My dad wasn't exactly right, things never went back to the way they used to be. They only got better.

                               the end

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