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You came!" She said as she hugged me.

Hesitantly i hugged her back. I'd rather not hug her but then she would get suspicious.

"Was that you dad? He looked so young." She asked as she looked at Michael who drove away.

I laughed a little when she said that. "No he is just a family friend. I'm currently staying with him and his roommates until my dad comes back from his business trip." She didn't need to know how broken my family actually was.

"I would never want to leave if he was my family friend." She said with a smile.

Emma was her cheerful self while i on the other was not.

"I brought a game that we can play." She said as she grabbed a pack of cards out of her bag.

"Sounds fun." I said with a small smile.

"Are you okay? You seem different." She said after wr played for a while.

I froze, i didn't expect her to notice.

"If I'm honest with you, no I'm not okay. But that's not something that's your fault." I said a i looked down.

So many things had happend since i last saw her i didn't know how to talk about them.

"That's okay, we don't always have to feel fine. Do want to talk about it or shall i take your mind off of things?"

I smiled at her, i felt like it was impossible to say the wrong thing to her. I could tell her anything, i trusted her.

"Let's forget about everything for today."

She gave me a grin and grabbed her phone out of her pocket. "Let's take some pictures."

Michael was the only one in the house when i got back. The rest was still at work. He was sitting in the living room playing video games like he always did.

"Can i talk to you about something?" I aksed him.

He turned his videogame off and looked at me with a smile. "Of course, what is it?"

"How do you know if you like somebody more than just being friends?" I asked as i sat down next to him.

He smirked when i said that. "You've got a crush?"

"Maybe." I said nervously.

"Nothing to be ashamed about. Getting a crush on someone is normal."

My heart was racing, what if he didn't think that having a crush on a girl was normal?

"You didn't answer my question."

"It's a difficult question. Actually liking someone is only something you can feel. It's different for everybody."

I looked at him. "How can you tell when you like someone?"

He smiled nervously and looked down. "I'd admire every bit of them and can't help but smile every time i see them. And when i think about the future i see the two of us together."

I nodded and looked up at the ceiling. That was actually how i felt for Emma. But for some reason it was difficult to make peace with those feelings.

"Why did you aks these things?"

My eyes started to water even though i wasn't even sad. I had so many mixed emotions that i didn't know what to do.

"I have a crush on Emma." I whispered to him

"That's okay, there's nothing wrong with that. I'll love and support you no matter who you have a crush on." He said softly.

I whiped my tears away and looked at him. "Really?"

"Really." He said reassuring.

I smiled and hugged him. That was one less thing to worry about.

"Can you keep this between us for now? I don't think I'm ready to tell it to the rest of the guys."

"Of course, your secret is safe with me."

I relaxed my head on my shoulder and closed my eyes. For a second i felt like there was nothing to worry about.

I woke up in the middle of the night not
remembering going to bed. Besides the nightmare that had freaked me out. I was freaked by the fact that i didn't fall asleep in my own bed.

When i checked my phone i saw that it was 3 in the morning. I sighed and sat up straight, there was no point in going back to sleep.

I opened my phone and looked at the pictures that Emma and i had taken at 3rhe park. I smiled when i saw them, she truly made me happy.

The time went by faster than i thought.
There was a knock at the door, it was Luke.

"You're already awake?" He aksed confused as he entered my room.

I nodded. "I went to bed early."

He walked to me and sat down on my bed. "What are you looking at?"

"Some pictures Emma and i made yesterday." I said as i showed them to him.

A smile appeared on his face as he looked at them. "These are great. Emma looks like a good friend."

He handed my phone back and stood back up.

"We're leaving in 30 minutes, you're coming with us right?" He asked before he closed the door.

"Yeah, I'll be ready in 30."

He nodded and closed the door behind him.

I got out of bed and quickly brushed my teeth. It was way too early to put effort in my outfit. I just wore sweatpants with a big hoodie that i had stolen from Luke. Underneath that i wore a turtleneck.

Without looking in the mirror i went downstairs.

"I'm ready." I said tiredly to Luke.

"So am i." He said with a smile as he grabbed his car keys.

I followed him to his car and got in. I suddenly felt incredibly tired and wanted to sleep.

"Do you want to go to visit Jasmin today?" He asked as he drove away from the house.

"Mabye, Is my mom going to be there?"

"I don't know, she might be.Why are you asking me that?"

"She probably wants to talk to me about what happend and I don't feel like talking to her right now. "

"Mabye it's not so bad to talk to her about it. She might be able to comfort you in a way we can't because she's a woman and your mother."

I shook my head. "That's where you're wrong. She stopped being my mother the moment she left me with my dad. I don't want her to pretend like she still is when she's not."

"I understand, if you really don't want to talk to her you don't have to. I'll make sure of it."

I smiled at him. "Thank you."

We soon arrived at the hospital.

"Oh before you get out i have to tell you something." He said as i opened my door.

I closed my door and gave him a confused look. "What is it?"

"Ashton wants to start therapy with you today. He'll pick you up around noon. Is that okay with you?"

"Of course, it will be good to talk to him." I said not sure if that was the truth.

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