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I nervously smiled back at him. I just hoped that my dad would exactly call him.

After i said goodbye to Luke and Jasmin i ran home as fast as i could.

I slammed the door shut behind me and ran upstairs to my dad's room.

His door was already open and he was sitting on the bed watching tv.

"Are ready for the phone call? I've got the script right here." I said stressed as i handed him to papers.

"I don't know Olivia. This still doesn't feel like the right thing to do. I still feel like it's better to get help than lie about the situation."

"Please dad just do this one thing for me." I begged to him. I didn't want any help. I had the situation handled.

He hesitated for a second but then took the phone from me. "Alright but only this time, there will be no lies next time."

I nodded and gave him an grateful smile.

I typed Luke's office number in my dad's phone and handed it to him.

"Yes this is Olivia's dad speaking." My dad said to the phone.

I quickly wrote down on the piece of paper that he had to put it on speaker.

He did as i said and layed the phone down infront of him.

"I assume that Olivia has told you the reason why I'm calling?" Luke asked my dad.

"Yes, she told me."

"Alright, so i guess that i want to know what Olivia's home situation is like." Luke asked.

I smiled as i heard his question. I had predicated that he would ask this.

My dad looked at the script and read what i had written down.

"Olivia's lives in a stable, loving home. She is a very independent girl so i don't stop her from working because that's her choice. It is true that i am sometimes distant from her but i always make sure that she is okay."

"Could you elaborate on that?"

My dad looked panicked at me for a second but then answered the question.

"By distant i mean that i sometimes stay longer in bed or don't really talk to Olivia. But this is something that I'm working on. I want to be the best dad i can be to her." He said truthfully.

I smiled at him when he said that.

"That's good to hear."

"Was that all that you wanted talk about?" My dad aksed Luke.

"Actually i have more question. Did Olivia tell you what happend to her a couple days back?"

I knew that Luke was going to say that so all i had to do was point to the script.

"Yes I'm aware if what happened that night. I've talked to Olivia about going to police but she doesn't want too which i choose to respect." He read out loud as he gave me an confused look. He knew nothing about what happened.

"I'm happy to hear that everything is going alright and that Olivia has talked to you. Thank you for calling me." Luke said.

"And thank you for making sure that my little girl is alright."

He hung up and looked at me with an angry face. "Care to explain what that was all about?"

"What do you want to explain?" I asked as i looked down.

"About you going to police or something. Did something happen to you?" He asked worried.

I shook my head. He wasn't ready for the whole truth so i just twisted the truth.

"I got into a fight with some stupid girl at work. She thought that i was looking at her boyfriend but i wasn't. So she got mad and punched me, hench the black eye. Don't worry i also punched her back. But i didn't tell Luke that."

"What did you tell Luke?" He asked a bit confused.

"I told Luke that some guys had beat me up while i was walking home. I didn't want him to know that i had started a fight."

"You need to stop lying to that man. He's smart, sooner or later he'll discover the truth and i don't think that he'll be happy about that."

"I know." I said guilty to him. Luke was the one who knew the truth.

"But atleast you're alright now." He said relieved as he hugged me.

It was quiet for a moment as we both held each other.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" My dad asked as he let me go.

I shook my head. "I need to finish my homework."

He nodded. "Scream if you need my help with anything."

"I will, goodnight." I said as i hugged him.

"Goodnight, don't sleep to late."

I laughed when he said that." I'll try."

I closed his door behind me and went my own room. There was no way that i was going to be able to sleep early. I was really behind on my schoolwork

As i was working on my essay my light suddenly turned off.

"What the hell?" I said confused.

I got up and flipped the switch mutiple times but nothing happend.

I turned the flashlight in my phone on and tested the lights in my bathroom. They also didn't work anymore.

They must've shut the electricity off because i hadn't payed the bill.

My dad was still sleeping which i was incredibly thankful for. If he where to know that we couldn't pay the bills anymore he would most definitely call someone to take me away.

There was only one way i could think of right now to make some extra money. It wasn't something that u wanted to do but i didn't really have a choice at the moment.

I picked up my jacket and got the crumbled piece of paper out of the pocket. He did wrote down that it was nothing sexual so why not give it a shot?

Me: How can i make some extra money?

He replied right away which kinda creeped me out, he was probably waiting for me to text.

Unknown: meet me at 2 PM tomorrow at my apartment.

I shut my phone off after he had said that. I needed to sleep over it.

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