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Every muscle in my body hurted when i woke up. It probably wasn't a good idea to sleep on the floor.

I stretched before i was able to stand up.

"Good morning to you too." I said to my dad knowing that he wouldn't say anything back.

I walked downstairs to make some tea. I had forgotten to do groceries this week because of Jasmin so there was almost nothing to eat.

I walked back upstairs to my room with my cup of tea. I had a math test this morning and i was definitely going to fail it.

After an hour of pure stress i had finished the test. It went horrible but atleast it was over.

I wanted to close my laptop but then i noticed that someone had emailed me.

It was from the cleaning company that i worked for. I didn't have to come in for work to tonight because the woman had a heart attack and unfortunately died in the ambulance. It wouldn't affect my salary because it wasn't my fault.

I needed to read the email twice before i believed it. I knew that woman so the news made me a little bit sad. But i was happy to have a night off while still being payed.

I finished the rest of my schoolwork before I closed my laptop and changed into my work clothes.

I walked downstairs to see what i needed to buy at the supermarket later. After i had written everything down i went back upstairs to give my dad something to eat.

I layed a apple infront of his door with a glass of water. I wanted him to come out his room so if he wanted more to eat he would needed to grab it himself.

"I'm going to the store after work, do you need anything?" I aksed my dad.

He again gave no reply.

It started to annoy me that he was shutting me out. Couldn't he see that i was trying to help him and he was making that bloody difficult.

"Fine, don't say anything. I hope that you're still alive in there! I'm going to work, enjoy your food." I said with a raised voice to him before i ran downstairs.

I took a bus earlier today so that i was a hundred percent sure about being on time for work.

"I'm back." I said to my boss when i arrived.

"And on time." My boss said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes and put my jacket away. The restaurant was empty which was a sad sight to see. We weren't even really a restaurant anymore, we were more like a coffeeshop nowadays.

I decided to do the dishes until a customer would come.

"Customer for you." My boss said to me.

I dried my hands and walked out of the kitchen.

A girl was sitting at the window. She appared to be around my age and had back hair with 2 blue strands.

She was wearing a crop top with ripped mom jeans, she was wearing fishnets under them.

I grabbed my notebook and walked up to her to get her order.

"Hello, my name is Olivia and I'll be your waitresses for today. What can i get for you?" I said with a smile.

"Just a cup of tea with a brownie." She said sofly. She was pretty shy.

"Can i just say that i really like your outfit."

She smiled as she tugged her hair behind her ear. "Thank you."

"I'll be right back with your order." I said cheerfully.

I gave the order to my boss who was the only chef right now.

After a few minutes he rang the bell and i walked back to the girl with her food.

"There you go miss." I said as i put it down infront of her. She was writing something in her notebook but quickly put it away so that i couldn't read it. I also put the bill down that way i didn't have to come back a second time.

She thanked me and went back to writing.

I returned to the dishes. After i was done with that i walked back to see if she was stil there. I really hoped that she was still there. Due to online school i had no friends but i really hoped that i was able to change that soon.

Her seat was empty when i came back, she was gone.

I walked to her table to get the bill and to bring her plate back to the kitchen.

She had folded a 10 dollar bill into a bird and left it for me as a tip.

I quickly put it my pocket with a smile on my face.

"Does somebody has a crush?" My boss asked me with grin as walked back into the kitchen.

"Oh shut up." I said back to him.

There were a few more customers after the girl but it was still a calm evening.

I cleaned up after the last customer had left. My boss cleaned the kitchen as i did the rest.

I put jacket on when we were finally finished cleaning up.

"See you tomorrow." I said to my boss before i left the restaurant.

He mumbled a goodbye back.

It was already dark outside which kinda scared me. I only had to walk 10 minutes to the supermarket but still a lot could happen in 10 minutes.

I put my keys in between my fingers and started walking. It may not protect me perfectly but it did made me a bit more safe.

I arrived safely by the supermarket. I put my keys back into my pocket and grabbed my shopping list.

After i had got all the stuff i needed i went to check out. It was always painful to see the money you worked so hard for disappear within a second.

I thank god only had to wait a few minutes  on the bus.

It wasn't that long of a walk back home but i preferred to take the bus with all the bags that i was holding.

I struggled to open the front door with all the bags that u refused to sat down.

I eventually gave in and put the bags down so that i could open the door.

I picked the bags up again and out them down in the kitchen.

I didn't bother to check on my dad. It wasn't like he was going to be any where else besides his bedroom.

I put all the groceries away and trew a few chicken nuggets in the oven.

I sat down on the couch and watched tv until my food was ready.

I almost burned my hands when i got the chicken out of the oven but i was too hungry to care.

I sat back down on the couch this time with food. I unfortunately didn't have Netflix so i skipped through the channels until i saw something that interested me.

I got bored after a while, why did tv have so many goddamm ads? I turned the tv off and let my head fall back. My body felt tired but my mind was absolutely not tired.

I needed some fresh air before i went to sleep.

I carefully opened the door. My dad might pretend that he can't hear me but i knew that he still heard everything.

I locked the door behind me and let the cold air feel my lungs.

After 10 minutes of walking i noticed that i was subconsciously walking towards the hospital. Mabye that wasn't such a bad idea. I wanted to see Jasmin and the chance of bumping into Luke at this hour was extremely low.

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