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I woke up in the middle of night by a loud bang.

I immediately stat up in bed, it came from my father's room.

I ran to his door and knocked on it because he had locked it.

"Dad! Is everything alright?" I asked panicked.

"Go back to sleep, Olivia. I just fell out of bed." He answered grumpy back.

I calmed down a bit but i was still worried. What if he had a nightmare?

"Can you please open the door?" I aksed a bit calmer to him.

"Go back to sleep." He said with a raised voice.

I didn't dare to ask it again but i definitely wasn't satisfied with his answer.

I wasn't able to go back to sleep after that so i grabbed my laptop to do some things for school.

I completely lost track of time because when i finally had finished all my school work it was 10 in the morning.

I closed my laptop and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I sat down on the couch and watched tv as i ate my cereal. I rarely had work free or school free mornings so i enjoyed this a lot.

I got bored of the tv after a while so i turned it off. My dad still hadn't come out of his room which worried me.

I needed to leave for work soon and i also needed to stop by the police to report my stolen bike.

I grabbed some food with a water bottle and walked upstairs to my dad's room.

I put everything down infront of his door before i knocked. "I'm leaving for work but I've put some food and water infront of your door, please eat something. I love you."

I waited for him to response but his room stayed quiet.

I sighed and walked back downstairs. It was hard to see my dad like this because i had no idea how to help him if he didn't even open his door.

I quickly checked on my phone which bus i had to take and what times they were going. I hated taking the bus but now that my bike was gone i had no other choice, it was the only affordable option right now.

The bus was almost empty which was something that i was happy about.

After 20 minutes i arrived at the police station.

I entered the building and walked towards the receptionist.

"Can i help you?" She said in a kind voice.

I nodded. "Yes i would like to report a stolen bike."

"Of course, just fill these forms in and hand them back to me when you're finished." She said as she handed me a bunch of papers with a pen.

I thanked her and sat down. I had to write my personal information down, what my bike looked like, where it got stolen etc.

There didn't seem to come an end to these stupid forms. I was definitely going to be late for work.

After 15 minutes i was finally finished with filling everything in. I stood up and handed it back to the lady.

"Thank you, we will contact you if we have any updates." She said as she scanned through the pages.

I thanked her and left. I had little fate that my bike was ever going to be returned to me but atleast i tried.

The timing was perfect, the bus arrived when i got the the busstop. Maybe there was still a chance that i wasn't going to be late for work.

"You're late." My boss said angry to me whem i clocked in.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"It better not or I'll find someone else to do your job." He said to me before he walked back into the kitchen.

I wasn't really scared to get fired because he needed me. The job didn't pay enough according to most people. The only reason that i worked here was because i could work a lot of shifts.

There where only 2 waitresses and i was one of them. I had only seen the other girl a few times because she mainly worked when i didn't.

It was a surprise to me that this place was still running. There where only a few customers a day and he struggled to pay the bills.

I was happy when my shift was finally over. I hated working but loved the paychecks.

I had missed the bus which sucked. The next bus would come in half an hour which i definitely didn't want to wait for. Walking  home took me around 30 minutes so i would be faster home if i walked.

"I'm home." I yelled as closed the door behind me.

The house still looked the exact same as i left it this morning which meant that my dad was still in his room.

I was starving so i first went to make something to eat before i would check on my dad.

It had been 2 years and still missed my mom's food. She would aways make these amazing meals for us and now i was eating frozen lasagne out of a pack.

I walked upstairs and was relieved to see the food and water gone. Atleast he was still listening to his body's basic needs.

I knocked on the door. "I'm home, I've put your dinner infront of your door. I'm going to take a shower but shout if you need anything." I said trough the door.

He again gave no response.

A little bit disappointed about that i went back to my room to take a shower.

After i finished showering i brused my teeth. I noticed my hair was really starting to get long which was something that I've always hated.

It got in the way and wasn't doing anything besides annoying me.

I grabbed the scissors and thought about just snipping my hair off right now.

My phone intruped that idea, somebody had texted me.

I layed the scissors down and picked up my phone to see who had texted me. It was Luke.

Luke: Jasmin missed you today:(

I sighed as i thought about what i would sent back.

I either had to send a lie or the truth and make him worried. I wanted neither of thoses things. I hated lying and he may seem like a nice helpful guy but he still was a doctor who could call child services and take me away from my dad.

I decided that it was probably best that i would just not send anything back. I shut my phone off and put in the charger.

I layed down in my bed but my head was too busy for me to fall alseep. I was thinking of all the bad things that could happen with my dad right now.

I grabbed my pillow and blanket. I walked towards my dad's room where i layed down infront of his door.

The floor was cold and hard but i was too scared to sleep in my room right now. I wanted to make sure that i was here if my dad needed me.

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