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I was unable to move. With every muscle i moved a sharp pain ran trough my body.

The man leaned forward and kissed me on my forehead. "You've done well. I'm so proud of you."

I didn't react to him. I had no energy left, he had taken it all from me.

All i could do was hope that the guys where able to get help and track my phone. But with each minute that passed my hope slowly disappeared with it.

Suddenly i heard a loud crash downstairs. I heard the man lock my door before he ran downstairs.

I waited in anticipation as i heard mutiple people downstairs.

Suddenly there was bang before my door fell on the ground, someone had kicked it in.

I quickly sat up and prepared for the worst.

"I'm here, I'm here." Luke said as he entered the room.

I gave no reaction. I didn't have to energy to.

"I'm sorry that this happened." He said while he untied my hands.

He wasn't the one who needed to apologise, i was.

Luke wanted to put his hand on my hand but i quickly pulled it away. I didn't want to touched right now.

Luke respected my whishes and took a step back.

"The police arrested him. You're going to the hospital to get you checked up."

I felt tears fall down my face. I wanted everything to be over.


I nervously waited at the hospital with the rest of the guys.

The cops didn't allow all of us to come because it would be too dangerous. Luke was the only one who was allowed to come to comfort Olivia when they found her.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Olivia arrvied at the hospital.

We all followed the paramedics to her room. For what i saw she had almost no physical injuries which relieved me.

Calum was the one who treated her because Luke was her guardian so he wasn't allowed to do so.

"Are you in any pain right now?" Calum aksed her.

She pointed towards her lower abdoment and inner thighs. It where she exact places we thought she would say.

"Alright thank you for telling me that. I'll give some medication for that in a second."

Right now the most important was not scaring her and making sure that she could feel some what in control.

When Calum went to put her IV in she flinched back.

"No." She said panicked.

We had all saw the footage where the man had sedated her so we understood her reaction.

"This is not meant to hurt, Olivia. It's going to make you feel better. You won't even be able to feel that's there."

She hesitantly put her arms towards him but kept her eyes shut and her head faced the other way.

After everything was treated 2 cops entered the room.

"We would like to ask to Olivia some questions. We already have quite some evidence against mr Blair such as the camera recordings. But we would like know a few more things before he would lock him away."

Luke looked to Olivia with sympathetic eyes. He couldn't say no to the police, not matter how badly he wanted to do that.

"Okay." Olivia whispered.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to ask you to give us some privacy." The cops spoke to us.

I was allowed to stay because i was a licensed therapist.

"We're going to aks you a couple questions regarding what happend today. Do you understand?"

"Yes." She said with a raspy voice.

Her voice was almost gone. My heart broke  when i realised that she probably had been screaming for help. Only for it to be too late.

"I going to go straight to the point. Did mr Ellon Blair sexually assault you?"

She nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, he did."

She coughed, her voice was too weak to talk.

"Did he sedate you during that?"

"Can...i....write?" she said almost unaudiobale

The cops gave each other a confused look. "What do you mean Olivia?"

She held her hand up and motioned to write something.

The cop then nodded and gave her his  notebook with a pen.

"You can write down the answers to the questions, okay?"

Olivia nodded.

"Did you know mr Blair in any way?"

She wrote something down with shaking hands. I couldn't see what she was writing but i could tell that she was getting emotional. I wondered if she actually knew that horribe man.

The cops aksed a few more global questions before they where satisfied. The ony had the know a few things, just enough to lock the creep up for now. A detective would later talk to her with more detailed questions if that would be necessary.

The cops took the notebook back and quickly looked through the answers.

"Thank you Olivia, you've been a really big help."

Olivia simply nodded.

As a doctor I've unfortunately dealed with cases like this before but it was harder for me this time. Olivia wasn't just an another patient, she was like family.

Luke entered with the gynecologists right after the cops had left.

"Hello Olivia, my name is Wendy. I'm going to exam to you if that's alright with you." She spoke with Olivia in a soft tone.

Olivia nodded with tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to aks the 2 of you to step out." She said to us while she put her gloves on.

We both stepped outside so that she could be examined.

"He broke her."  Luke spoke with tears in his eyes.

"She can't even talk anymore." He cried out.

I put my arm around him and comforted him as he cried.

This was hard for all of us but especially for Luke. He had promised her dad that she would protect her and now this happend.

After an hour the gynaecological exited Olivia's room.

"This may seem like a weird thing to say but she got lucky. He was extremely gentle, leaving almost no bruising or damaged tissue. She also said that he had used a condom which i have officially confirmed. Physical she is doing alright."

"Thank you."

"That man knew her, he must've known her. Otherwise he wouldn't have treated her that well." Luke said with a clenched jaw. His saddness had slowly made room for anger.

"Who knows? But let's not thinks about that right now. We have to be there for Olivia."

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