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"Assholes." I said when i walked angry back to the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" My boss aksed confused.

"Nothing, just some stupid teens."

My boss shrugged and continued with what he was doing.

It was probably best that i did the same. I mean the boy was probably just talking trash because he was with his friends.

I definitely changed my mind about the girl. If those guys where her friends i wanted nothing to do with her.

Normally i cleaned as fast as i could so that I would be home ealier. Today i tried to stay as long as possible in the restaurant.

"You're slow today. You know that i don't pay for you making extra hours right?" He said a bit confused when i still wasn't finished with cleaning.

"I know, I'm just not in a hurry today." I said with a smile to him.

He shrugged and went into his office to fix his paperwork. I always wondered if he slept in his little office because i had never seen him go home during the night.

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow." I said to my boss as i put my jacket on.

"Goodnight." He yelled to me before i shut the door behind me.

I shivered when the cold air blew in my face. Mabye it wasn't smart of me to leave later then usual.

As i walked to the bus stop i saw that my bus was already at the stop.

"Shit." I said to myself as i started to run.

I was too far away to make it.

"Fuck." I said when the bus rode away. That was the last bus of the night that would go to my house.

As i was walking i had the strange feeling that i was being followed.

The same car had been driven behind me since i had left the restaurant.

I walked into an alley in hope to lose the car or to see that it was all in my head and that i wasn't being followed.

I waited in the alley for the car to pass it so that i could continue walking without having the feeling of being followed.

But the car didn't pass the alley, i stopped right it front of it.

I immediately panicked and tried to ran away but i was stopped by a boy.

"You really thought that you could embarrass me like that infront of my friends and not face the consequences?" The boy said to me.

An other boy stepped out of the car but he didn't walk up to me.

I recognized them, they where the same boys for the restaurant.

I shook my head as i walked backwards.

"Come on where's that attitude of yours." He said with a grin as he walked closer.

His friends stayed on lookout at the of the alley so i couldn't run away.

"Please i don't want any trouble." I said scared to the boy as my back hit the concrete wall.

"Neither do i." He said as he balled his fists.

The first puch he trew was right in my face causing my nose to bleed.

My first reaction was to turn around but that didn't help.

He grabbed my hair, span me around and tilted my head back.

"Don't fucking turn away." He said with a clenched jaw.

"Fuck you." I whispered to him. I may be scared but i wasn't going to be nice.

I trew my knee up and hit him in the stomach.

He let go of my hair but before i could do anything else he puched me again.

I let myself fall in the ground and covered in my head in hope to protect myself.

He kicked me multiple times in my stomach and ribs until his friend called him.

"Ray, we gotta go." The boy on the lookout yelled.

"I hope you learned your lesson bitch." Ray said out of breath to me.

I remained on the ground after i heard there car leave, i was way to scared to get up right now.

After 15 minutes i found the strength and courage to get up. A sharp pain ran through my ribcage when i did that.

I put my hoodie up and walked home with my arms clenched against my ribcage.

I wanted to be home as fast as possible but it was too painfull to walk fast. So i just accepted the fact that i had to walk slow with a lot of stress.

When i got home i immediately closed the door behind me and did the same with every single window that was downstairs. Even if they did follow me home there was no way that they would be able to enter unnoticed.

Walking up the stairs was more painful than i thought. I had to stop twice to recollect my strength.

Once i was upstairs i let myslef fall infront of my dad's door. I didn't want to be alone right now.

"Dad please let me in." I said through my tears.

I raised my hand and tried to open the door.

It was fucking unlocked. My dad had probably opened it without me realising.

I pulled myself up and walked into his dark room.

His room was pretty messy and smelled bad. He must have not opened his curtains or window for a almost a week, let alone showered.

"Dad?" I whispered as i walked towards his bed.

He gave no answer.

I could tell that he wasn't sleeping but he still didn't bother to say anything and i for once didn't mind that.

I pulled his sheets up and lied down under it with my back against his. He didn't need to see my face.

It felt good to hear my father's heartbeat. It often felt like he was more died than alive when he locked himself in his room like this.

"I love you." I whispered to him as i closed my eyes.

"I love you too." He said in a raspy voice back.

I smiled when he said that. I hadn't heard his voice in so long.

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