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Wake up, we're leaving in 30 minutes. " My dad said after he violently knocked on my door.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. My dad wasn't joking when he said that he was going to visit Jasmin.

I quickly  brushed my teeth and got dressed.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I said as to him as i came downstairs.

"Because i want to talk to your mother before she leaves for work. Now are you ready to leave?"

I nodded, put my shoes on and followed him to the car

"Please calm down. I don't want you to have another fight with Claire. It's not good for Jasmin." I said as he started to drive faster than the speed limit.

"Moving her across the country also isn't good for her." He said with his eyes focused on the road.

I remained quiet for the rest of the drive because my dad wouldn't listen to me anyways.

I just hoped that he would calm down before we arrived at the hospital. I was scared that he would have a another fight with my mom.

If that happened there was a pretty big chance that he wasn't allowed back in the hospital or even worse i also would be banned.

"Wait." I said as grabbed his arm, stopping his from steppimg out.

"We can't go in until you're calm."

He rolled his eyes and closed his door. "Alright I'll give myself 5 minutes and then I'm entering the hospital."

I let his arm go and relaxed at bit. "Thank you."

After 5 minutes he was a bit calmer than before so i allowed him to enter.

"I still don't think that this is a good idea." I mumbled to my dad as he dragged me into the hospital.

"I don't care. That woman needs to realise that she can't make those kind of decisions herself."

"Why are you here?" My mom aksed with an angry face when my dad entred the room.

Jasmin didn't react to my dad which was strange.

"I'm here to make sure that you don't take my daughter away to the other side of the bloody country."

My mom stood up and walked to my my dad.

"She's not your daughter anymore."

"Guys, can't you do this ouside?" I said as i noticed that Jasmin's heartbeat was going up.

"Stay out of it, Olivia" my dad replied.

I was starting to get mad but i didn't dare to intervene their stupid argument.

"She's still my daughter."

"Not after you signed those paper." My mom said with an grin.

I looked over to Jasmin, she had her eyes rolled back and was making weird movements.

"Guys?.. guys!" I said as i slowly started to panic.

"Not now, Olivia." My mom yelled angry at me with her back still turned to me.

I snapped when she said that. Jasmin was having an fucking seizure and all they where doing was argue.

"Everybody look!" I said as i pressed the emergency button.

This caught both of their attention. They both looked at Jasmin.

My mom immediately rushed over and tried to calm Jasmin down. With no result of course.

Not even a second later Michael ran into the room.

"Everybody out!" He said when he saw Jasmin.

My parents listened to them and left the room with shocked faces.

Once we where outside my mom and dad continued to argue. This time over who caused Jasmin to act like thar

I couldn't stand their arguing and left the hallway.

I went outside, i needed some fresh air.

I was mad at my father for not being able to control himself. Why did they have to start a fight every time they saw each other?

I sat down on a bench infront of the hospital. The anger soon made room for the sadness.

I put my kneed up and burried my face in them as i let the tears fall.

"Everything alright?" A voice said asked as the person said down next to me.

I looked up and saw that is was Michael.

I quickly whiped my tears away. "Yeah, I'm okay. How's Jasmin?"

"She's currently sleeping. She had a seizure, it's unfortunately pretty common for recovering coma patients."

"You mean that it could happen again." I aksed him with a sad face.

He nodded. "There is a possibility. That's why she needs a calm environment."

I looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry, i tried to stop my dad from making an scene but it didn't really work."

Michael gently layed his hand on my knee. "You're not the one who should be sorry."

I didn't say anything back to that because i didn't believe it.

"How come your parents fight so much? Jasmin told me that they almost never argued when she was younger." Michael asked breaking the awkward silence.

An old memory replayed in my mind when he said that. My parents had been fighting with each since i can remember. I just always made sure that Jasmin didn't hear those things.

Every time my parents used to fight i would tell her stories or play loud music to drown the yelling out.

The reason that they never got a divorce was because they still believed that they loved each other.

I shook my head and looked at him. "They always fought, they were just better at hiding it then."

My dad came outside with an angry face. "We're leaving."

I looked up and shook my head. I didn't want to go home with him right now.

"I said let's go." He said as he grabbed my arm.

I didn't move a muscle.

He leaned down and whispered something in my ear. "You're going to be in a lot of trouble if you don't come with me now."

That didn't scare me. I knew that my dad would never hurt me in any way.

"Is there going to be a problem?" Michael asked the both us of.

My dad have him a fake smile." No of course not."

I pulled my arm back and stood up. "I'm walking home."

"Fine." My dad angry before he walked away.

I sighed and sat back down again.

"Does he often gets like that?" Michael asked with a concerned tone.

I shook head. "No, my mom is the only one who can get him that angry. He'll be fine again in an hour or so. "

"I should get going. Please let me know if anything happen with Jasmin."

Michael also stood up and nodded. "Of course i will. Are you sure that you're walking?"

I nodded and gave him an goodbye hug.

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