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As i walking home someone suddenly called my name. I turned around and saw Emma running towards me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She aksed out of breath.

"Walking home." I said kinda annoyed that she had interrupted the silence.

"Do you have anything to do right now?" She aksed exited.

"No, not really. Why?"

"Wanna hang out at my house?"

I stopped walking and looked at her. I was surprised that she aksed me that. I can't ever remember the last time someone had invited me to their house.

"Sure." I said with a smile.

"Great, i only live like a 5 minute walk away from here."

I followed her to house. She wasn't as shy as i thought she was. Their wasn't an quiet moment in the entire walk, she kept talking. I didn't mind it though, i was better at listening than at talking.

I listened as she was rambling about the road that we where walking on. According to her there had been 4 accident on this exact spot. I didn't really believe her but she seemed to confident about it to accept the fact that i didn't believe her.

"We're here." She said as we stopped infront of a pretty big house.

She definitely lived in a better neighbourhood than me but i didn't expect much different knowing that her dad was a cop.

"I'm pretty sure that my little sister is downstairs so follow me to my room."

I nodded and followed her up the stairs.

I sat down on her bed as she closed her bedroom door.

"Is everything alright? You seem a bit down." She aksed me as she set down next to me.

"There's just a lot going on right now."

"Tell me." She said with a smile.

I didn't want to tell her but there was about her that just made me feel comfortable. I didn't have to hide anything for her.

"My little sister is in the hospital. She got in an accident causing her to be in a coma. She's awake now but she's not really doing great. My parents are also not a big help."

"What do you mean that there no big help?"

"They keep fighting every time that they're visiting her. I mean there are divorced so it's not a new thing. But i don't know i just fell shitty about this whole thing. Like i need to help her but i just don't know how."

"I understand that feeling, my dad was in a coma for almost 2 months after he got shot.  I stayed with him as much as i could but eventually i kinda lost hope that he would ever wake up.

"I'm sorry that happend." I said bot really knowing what else to say.

"It's okay, it happend 3 years ago but i still got worried when he comes home late from work. I don't think that is ever going to leave."

"Did you dad ever fully recovered from it?"

She stayed silent for a minute but then answered my question. "I think that mentally he never recovered. Physically he is fully recovered after a long time of recovery. But he was never the same person after."

"Doesn't that make you sad? That your dad will never be the same person."

She shook her head. "You learn to love the person he has become."

I sighed and rolled on my back. I don't know if my mom would even give me the time to love my sister.

"Why don't we listen to some music to lighten the mood."

"Sure, what kind of music do you listen to."

She shrugged and walked to her record player. "I listen to whatever makes my feel something. You want to listen to harry styles? "

I sat back up and gave her a smile. "Hell yeah."

We both layed on her bed as we just listend to the music.

After a while someone knocked on the door.

Emma stood up to turn the music off. As she did that her mother entered the room.

"We're having dinner in an hour, is your friend staying?" She asked to the both of us.

I shook my head. "No thanks, i should go home. My dad expects me home."

Emma's mother nodded and left the room.

"Too bad that you can't stay any longer."

"I'm sorry, i don't my dad to worry. "

She nodded. "I understand, my dad freaks out when I'm home 5 minutes later then i said i would. Any way, let me walk you out."

I followed her downstairs and said goodbye to her mother.

"Shall we hang out tomorrow? I have school until 3 but after that I'm available." Emma said with a smile as i put my jacket on.

I nodded. "Yeah i guess, i have online school so I'm pretty much all day available."

"Good, I'll text you. Byeee."

"Byee." I said to her before i turned away.

She waved at me until i was too far away.

As i walked home i couldn't help but smile. She really made me feel like my life was perfect for a couple of hours.

My dad was sitting downstairs on the couch when i got home.

"Where were you?" He aksed not looking away from the tv.

"At a friend's house." I said to him as walked into the kitchen.

"A text would be nice. I was worried sick."

"I'm sorry, i just figured that you needed a few hours alone to calm down. I don't like when you get like that."

This made him look away from the tv. "I'm sorry that threatened you when you weren't listening. You know that i would never hurt you in any way."

I sat down next to him and layed my head on his shoulder. "I know you wouldn't but it's still not a fun thing to hear your dad say to you."

He stroked my hair. "I'll try to be better. I also don't think that I'm going to visit Jasmin again."

I sat up straight and looked at him with a sad face. "You can still visits Jasmin, you just need to make clear agreements abiut when mom is visiting. That whay you guys can't fight at the hospital."

"I don't want to fight with your mom but i just can't help it. I want to believe that i still love your mom but she makes that really hard."

"Why do want to believe that? You only end up hurting yourself."

"Because I'm too scared to let go of the comfort of the past."

I felt a tear fell down my face when he said that. I wanted him to move on so that he could be happy on his own.

I wanted to sit on this couch with him forever but i couldn't. I needed to do some schoolwork.

"I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight, love you." I said to him as i got up from the couch up.

"Goodnight." He mumbled back with his eyes focused on the tv.

I went upstairs and opened my laptop. I sighed as i saw the new grades. I was officially failing every single class. But i couldn't really do anything about that right now. I would just have to study harder for the next tests.

I finished all my assignments and did some things for extra credit. I had little faith in making it this year but i still tried.

I closed my laptop after i was finally done with school. I looked at my phone, it was already 2 AM.

I quickly got ready for bed and went to sleep after i had taking a sleeping pill. Tomorrow was going to be another busy day.

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