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When i woke up i decided that i would go trough with the appointment.

Because i didn't know how long i would stay at the creepy man i decided to visit Jasmin in the morning.

Luke had sent me an schedule with Jasmin's appointments and she didn't have one in the afternoon so that was good.

I got out of bed and put my black skinny jeans with a hoodie on.

My dad was still sleeping which i was happy about. I didn't want him to know that we didn't have any electricity. But i guess that he would found out sooner or later. I just hoped that he wouldn't get to mad about it.

I walked downstairs and ate some breakfast.

I left my dad a note that i would home around dinner time so that he wouldn't be worried if he noticed that i was gone.

With those things taking care of i left the house and walked to the busstop.

I bumped into my mother when i was walking to Jasmin's room.

"You're leaving?" I aksed confused.

She nodded and looked briefly up from her phone "Jasmin just got back from her first physical therapy so she's a little agitated. I need to go to work but I'll be back in the evening." She said quickly to me before she left.

I waved goodbye even though she probably couldn't see it. I missed the old relationship that i had with my mom.

I entered Jasmin's room and looked at her. She had cried, her eyes where red and puffy. She had lolly in her mouth.

Luke was sitting next to her in bed as he was trying to calm her down.

I carefully closed the door behind me and looked confused at Luke.

"We've had a bit of a rough day." He said as he looked at Jasmin.

"I couldn't even stand up without falling over. It's like I'm a baby." Jasmin said annoyed.

I didn't know what to say to that because i was scared that i was going to upset her even more.

"Why don't you play a game with Olivia?" Luke asked her in a soft tone

She looked at up with a smile. "Yess."

Luke and i helped Jasmin to the table where there layed a box of jenga.

I hadn't noticed before how much help Jasmin exactly needed. She could barely hold herself up.

Luke sat down next to Jasmin incase she needed any assistant.

Jasmin and sat up the tower, she was slow and had a difficult time grabbing the pieces but she didn't let that stop her.

Luke only needed to assist a few time which was a good sign.

I let Jasmin win the first game but she was smart enough to see that i did it on purpose.

"You let me win didn't you?" Ahe aksed with squinted eyes when the tower fell over.

"No" I lied to her.

I looked at the clock, i had time for one more game.

We sat the tower back up and again.

Luke had to help more this time because Jasmin was getting tired.

Eventually I pulled a piece out causing the tower to collapse, this time not on purpose.

"Let's play again." She said happy.

I shook my head. "I can't i have to be at work in an hour."

She looked down with a sad face.

I lifted her chin up and looked at her. "Don't be sad I'll be back tomorrow. Besides you have to best doctor in the world to keep you company right now."

Luke and i exchanged a quick smile when i said that to Jasmin.

"Byee, i love you." I said as i kissed her forehead.

"I love you too." She said with a sad tone as i left her room.

I waved goodbye to Luke and closed her door behind me.

But not even a second later Luke came running out of her room and stopped me.

"Wait! I have to tell you something."

"What?" I aksed confused.

"I spoke to your mom this morning and she was talking about a job offer that she got. She said that if she accepted it that she would have more time to care for Jasmin while making the same money."

"That sounds like good news to me."

He shook his head. "The job is on the other side of the country. She is thinking about moving away and transferring Jasmin to a different hospital. I can only delay that decision but eventually I'll have to give her permission." He said with a sad voice.

I stayed quiet when he said that. There was no way that my mom was taking my sister away from me again.

"I'm sorry. I just thought that you deserved to know." Lule said as i looked shocked infront of me.

"Thank you for telling me. I..i gotta go." I said as i tried to process it.

He nodded and said goodbye before walking back to Jasmin's room.

As i was waiting on the bus i thought about the things Luke had said. I wouldn't be able to see Jasmin anymore if she would be transferred but i also didn't know how i could stop my mother.

The bus arrived and i got in. I needed to forget about the things my said and focus on what was about to happen.

I stepped out of the bus and walked to the apartment. They area started to look familiar to me and i absolutely hated that.

Did i wanted to do this? No absolutely not but i also didn't really have much of a choice right now.

I took a deep breath in and ringed his doorbell.

The old man opened the door and looked me up and down.

"You're alone right?" He asked as tried to look behind me.

I nodded. "All by myself sir."

"Good, come in." He said with a kind smile.

I followed him into his apartment. The place felt different than when i was here alone yesterday.

There was a wrapped box lying on the table when we entered the livingroom.

"That's for you." He said pointing to it.

Hesitantly i opened the box. Inside was one of those ridiculous maiden outfits that you always see at the halloween store. There was a note laying on top of it.

Clean in this outfit and I'll happily give you 200 dollars.

There way no that this man was serious about this. It had to be a joke or something.

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