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I nodded. I was too scared to look him in the eyes. To be honest i was absolutely panicking, i was alone in a small space with an unknown man.

"I'm going to get straight into it." He said as he scanned through his papers.

"Did Ellon Blair aassault you on the 27th of August?"

"Yes." I answered with a shaky voice.

"Did he take tto his house involuntary using a sedative?"


"Did you know the man who attacked you?"

I took a deep breath in and figeted with my fingers.

"It's okay, take a second to breath." The detective said.

"Yes." I answered with a shaky voice.

"Where did you know the man from?"

"I used to clean houses for work so i cleaned his apartment a couple of times."

"So you where already familiar with the house he took you to?"

"No, i wasn't aware of the fact that he owned a house. I only was familiar with the apartment that he had."

"Did he ever make you feel uncomfortable during the time that you cleaned his house?"

"Yes." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Can you elaborate on that? What did he do that made you uncomfortable?"

"He got really close to me in and tried to touch me but i stopped him. He kept telling me that i could make some extra money if i wanted to do."

"Do you engage with this offer?"

That question made me lose my control. I burried my face into my hands and cried.

The detective handed me a tissue. "It's okay, I'm not here to jugde you in any way. All i want is the make sure he never does this ti someone else. You are in not the bad guy here, he is."

I needed a minute to calm myself down but then i was ready to continue the conversation.

"I needed the money so i meet up with him once."

"What exactly happend during the meet up."

"I had to put on a maiden costume and cleaned his house while he wachted."

"Nothing else happened?"

"Well he took pictures that day without my knowing. He later used those to blackmail me. "

"What was your reaction to him black mailing you?"

"I met up with him where he asked me to dance for him in lingerie."

I paused for a second to catch my breath.

"I thought it was over after but it wasn't. He kept demaing more appointments so i blocked him. A day later he...."

The detective interrupted. "I understand."

"Do you mind us looking into your phone and extracting any information that will help our investigation."

"I don't mind, as long as i get it back."

"You will get it back as soon as possible."

"I have one last question for you. Are you willing to testify in court?" He asked.

"No." I answered without any hesitation.

"Ate you a hundred percent sure? It may help us with delivering the right information. Which may give him a few extra years in jail."

This time i thought about his question for a second. Not because i doubted my answer but because i wanted to give him the idea that i was exactly thinking about it.

"No, i do not want to testify in court."

He nodded. "I will give you my information  in case you change your mind during this week."

I kindly accepted his information card and put it in my pocket.

"Again thank you for talking to me. I know how difficult this is for you."

I gave him a smile and then left the room

Luke was still waiting for me in the waiting room. I Followed him to his car with my head down.

"Are you okay?" He asked once we where driving home.

I shook my head. "I need to tell something to all of you."

He looked worried when i said that. He had no idea what to expect.

"Alright, I'll text the others. They'll probably be home in a few hours."

"That's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

I waited in the living room with Luke until everybody was home.

We all sat down at the kichen table with me at the head of the table.

"I wasn't planning on telling you this but i realised that the truth was going to come out sooner or later. That's why I'm telling you now. It's not easy for me to say this so please i ask you to be quiet until I'm finished." I said as looked to all of them.

They nodded, giving me the greenlight to start talking.

"I knew the man better than i would like to admit. I've meet him multiple time before he did what he did."

I ignored there faces because i didn't want to know how they would react to me saying that.

"At first i just cleaned his apartment because that was my job but then he offered more money if i dropped by another time. I refused at that time but i later was in desperate need of money. Nothing too bad happend that day, i had to clean in a revealing outfit.-"

I paused for a second, hearing me say these things to them somehow made them sound even worse.

"-He ended blackmailing me with pictures he took that day. I was so scared that i agreed to meet up with him again. He respected my boundaries and didn't do anything to hurt me that day. But after he kept texting me i blocked him. Which eventually made him do what he did." I said with tears in my eyes.

I looked at the guys, they where all speechless.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I know i could've avoided all this if i just asked for help. But i was just so scared and embarrassed that i lost sight of what was the right thing." I added.

"Thank for you telling us at what was the right time for you. We want you to know that we don't blame you for what happend. It's not your fault. You acted out of fear and tried to solve a problem that was too big for you too handle." Ashton said in a calm voice.

"I'm sorry that he put you in that situation." Luke said a bit emotional.

"May i hug you?" He asked softly

I nodded. I needed someone right now and deep down i knew that i could trust Luke.

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