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After 20 minutes i arrived at the hospital.

I ran to the reception and told her my sister's name.

"Room 16B but there is a chance that she's already in surgery." The receptionist told me.

I thanked her and quickly ran to the room where she was staying. I might not have seen her in 2 years but i still deeply cared for her. I could never forgive myself if something happend to her.

I stormed into the room without knocking. My mom was sitting in the room with a doctor next to her. The bed itself was empty.

What are you doing here?" She aksed slightly angry.

"I.. where is she?" I said out of breath.

"She's in sugery. You didn't asnwer my question."

"I've got a call about Jasmin being in hospital. She had a car accident."

"Well you can go now. I'm here for her, there's no reason for you to be here."

"I haven't seen you in 2 years." I said startled by her reaction.

The doctor who was standing next to my mom gave me a confused look when i said that but he didn't dare to interrupt our conversation.

"Congratulations with that, now leave."

I didn't say anything else and walked out of the room. I didn't plan on leaving the hospital without seeing my sister but i sure as hell wasn't staying any longer in that room with my mom.

I went to the bathroom to drink some water. All that running had made me thirsty.

As i splashed some water in my face i couldn't but think of the way my mom reacted to me.

She had left me and my dad almost 2 years ago. I hadn't heard from her once after she had mailed him the divorce papers and now she was here.

I ignored the mirror because i knew that i looked horrible. My face was probably red and my hair extremely messy, i didn't need to see it.

I went back to Jamsin's room and waited outside because i didn't want to face my mom again.


The operation was successful and went smoothly. I didn't expect much else because it wasn't a complicated one to us. The only scary part was the fact that she might not wake up.

After Micheal and I were scrubbed out we went to tell her mother about everything that had happend and would happen in the future.

There was a girl waiting outside of Jasmin's room, she was an the phone with someone.

She looked a lot liked Jasmin but then older. She had the same brown hair with blue eyes. I wondered if she was her sister.

I waited for her to finish her phone call. I assumed that she was calling her boss or something because she still wearing her work clothes. She also didn't seem to happy about the call.

"What's wrong?" Micheal asked confused when i stopped walking.

I shushed him and pointed to the girl.

He laughed and whispered an apology to me.

"No...i completely understand. Of course, sir......yes I'll see you in the morning." She said before hanging up the phone.

After she ended the conversation i walked up to her to introduce myself.

"Hello I'm Dr Hemmings and this is dr Clifford we're Jasmin's doctors. Are you family of her?" I aksed as i shook her hand.

She looked up with a smile. "I'm Olivia , Jasmin's sister. Are there any updates about her condition?" She aksed looking at the both of us.

I nodded. "I was just about to tell your mother."

I opened the door and let her in first. Her mother didn't look to happy when she saw Olivia enter.

"And? Where is she?" Her mother immediately asked worried to me.

"Calm down, let's take a seat." I said calmly as i sat down myself.

"Jasmin is currently in the recovery room, waking up from her surgery. We don't know if she is going to awake because her body is currently in a deep sleep."

"When do you think that she'll wake up?" Claire asked.

"We don't know. I could be within a few hours but it also be days." Michael said to her.

"One more question. Why was she called when she's not a legal guardian of Jasmin?" Claire said pointing to Olivia.

"They called the emergency contacts that were listed in Jamin's phone when they found her after the accident."

She nodded but didn't really look to happy with the giving answer.

"The nurses should bring Jasmin back to her room within an hour."

Olivia smiled and thanked us for everything. Her mother stayed quiet and looked at the empty bed.

After making sure that neither had any more questions i stepped outside the room with Ashton and Michael.

"Did the mom give you any trouble?" I asked Ashton while we walked to the cafeteria to get some coffee.

He shook head. "Not really but i believe that she has a complicated relationship with her daughter."

"What makes you say that?" I aksed confused, the relationship between them seemed normal to me.

"When Olivia entered the room she almost got mad and tried to sent her away. Olivia then said that she hadn't seen her mother in 2 years. The mom just ignored her and then Olivia left until you came back."

"Mabye she lives with her dad or something that they're divorced."

He shrugged. "Could be but it still was a weird way to greet your daughter after not seeing her for almost 2 years."

"I've gotta go guys." Michael said before he ran out of the cafeteria.

"Don't you have any patients?" I asked Ashton.

He shook his head. "No but i am on call for the night, you?"

"I'm going to check one more time on Jasmin and then I'm going home."

I walked past Jasmin's mom as i walked back to her room.

I gave her an confused look.

"I'm going home for the night, I'll be back in the morning." She said with her car keys in her hand.

I  nodded. "We'll contact you if antyhing changes."

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