Levi x Reader - Surreal - [AU]

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You loved your lake house; there was never a day that went by that was anything less but excellent. These trips out here usually involved swimming during the day and skinny-dipping with your husband at night when no one else lurked outside. When you'd come inside and dry off from the midnight dip, a few glasses of wine were usually had before making love in front of a warm stone fireplace. It was rejuvenating; refreshing to you both in every way. Wonders were worked on your marriage while simultaneously relaxing and entertaining you and your husband. Although stories over the supernatural flooded all across the area, you never paid it and mind. Why would you? They were just some tales spat out by the backwoods rednecks that had an IQ lower than a rat. All that nonsense was irrelevant to you in every way.

    They day started off like any other out there; you making Levi breakfast, taking the boat out on the lake, and a cute little picnic out on the water. Now returned to your cozy lakeside home, you wanting nothing more than to snuggle up with your dear short husband. Walking inside, he shook his head in attempt to shake off the water from his damp ebony locks. Swimming was fine and all, but once he set foot on land, he was done feeling wet and sticky. Of course, he made sure none of this excess moisture accumulated on his pristine wood floors, so what was the harm of his cute action anyways?

    "Geez, I wanna go out for a smoke."

    "You were just outside, why didn't you smoke then?"

    "You know I don't smoke while wet idiot, it's too damn annoying."

    "It's fine, just come inside when you're done and curl up with me. Who knows, something might come out of it," you spoke with a wink.

    Smirking with his back turned to you, he headed outside with a carton of cigarettes along with a lighter. Although you were one to typically hate the smell of cigarette smoke, you defiantly loved the comfort of Levi, and that included his a mildly smoky smell. Now alone, you stretched your limbs with rather unflattering look. It was noon, a perfect time for some cuddling, possibly having obnoxiously loud sex, and then taking a nap. This was the life, staying here in this place Levi bought for you both. Sooner than expected, Levi returned, looking a bit...off? He appeared the same as always, but as soon as he entered the house once more, the air became a queasy dense mass, almost suffocating. You figured it was probably just the smoke lingering from his body, but wanted to make sure something hadn't upset your beloved husband.

    "Hey, I didn't hear you come in. Everything alright?"

    "Yeah, of course. ...So what was that about getting a little something?"

    His face turned to you at the end of his sentence, a nearly sinister glint present in his eyes. Was he just really in the mood? Was there something he wasn't telling you? Something didn't seem right, but this was Levi, so you weren't going to worry over it.

    "Someone's horny," you stated in your silky, sultry voice.

    Your arms snaked around his neck, bodies now pressed together in a fog of warm air. He looked at you with those mesmerizing gray hues, drawing you in without any effort. Slowly, his lips glided over yours, trapping them into a sensual kiss. Although warm, you felt the heat sucked right out of your body, surrounding you now in a misty chill. It was the difference between night and day; life and death. With a bite, his kiss soon turned into an aggressive one, letting out all his animalistic desires for you with a growl. You weren't going to lie, it turned you on, a lot. But there was something about this, about him that seemed so...artificial. Tightly gripping your body, his lips parted from yours in need of air, light panting heard from his lips.

    "Let's take this upstairs."

    "You're the boss," you giggled with a peck to his lips.

    All in one motion, Levi scooped you up into his arms, racing upstairs to throw you down on the plush bed. There you lay in front of him, begging for him using your face and body. This caused the built man to crawl on top of you, staring you down with that strange glint. The only light in the room cascaded through a window beside the bed, the curtains pulled back to relieve the room from darkness. Enjoying your current form, the man tackled you with aggressive kisses and love bites, causing you to wince slightly as his reckless behavior.

    "L-Levi! Careful, or you'll break the skin."

    "Hush, you'll do as I say."

    Worried and confused, your face morphed into a bewildered look, taken back by his harsh comment. This was extremely out of character for Levi, and it was starting to bother you. Sure, he could be rough and rowdy in the bedroom, but he'd never force you to do something you weren't comfortable with. Even when he liked it aggressive, you could always tell that he loved and cared for you. But in the moment, it felt as though you were simply being used.

    "What's gotten into you? You're being, AH-"

    He quickly silenced you by catching your cries and moans into his mouth, pressing his body against yours belligerently. Nothing haunted, he continues to roughhouse your body and not hold back any physical aggression. The kissing was one thing, but his "love bites" drew blood from your now swollen lip, you were at the point of fearfulness. He was going to hurt you, and you had to stop him. With adrenaline pumping through your body, you attempted with all your strength to shove Levi off of your frame, a screech reverberating from your throat.

    "Levi, fucking stop! You're scaring the shit out of me!"

    "I am? Good. That makes my job more fun."


    Your voice turned to desperate muffled grunts as his strong hands covered your mouth and clinched at your throat. You attempted to remove his grasp on your body, but it was futile since his hold on you was too strong. Eyes of (eye color) became glazed as tears started to fall, confused and frightened as you lay there defenseless. Levi, your beloved husband, was maliciously hurting you. You had no clue why. It all seemed so surreal, like a terrible nightmare you wanted to wake up from. But this all happening, and you weren't going to wake up. Feeling hopeless now, you could feel your mind starting to fade fast. With your last ounce of consciousness, you turned your head over to the one lone window.

And there you saw Levi, still smoking outside.


A/N: Thank you to all who supported this story! It placed 2nd in AOTGuysxReader's Halloween contest on Devinatart. I couldn't have done it withoutyour love and support, thank you!

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