Writer!Levi x Reader - Lost Girl - [AU]

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Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine he would have his own party. This party was solely for him and all of his new accomplishments. This was to honor the millions of books he had sold all over the world, along with celebrating these books being picked up to eventually be turned into a movie series. Beautiful people in expensive outfits drinking luxurious alcoholic beverages decorated the entire New York City loft. And for once, he wasn't the awkward poor guy with a flask in the corner, he was the guest of honor. Writers were praising him, women were attempting to flirt with him, and men begged to know the secrets to his success. People didn't know much about him besides that he was a damn good writer, and he had written three different books about a beautiful girl and her journeys after leaving some unknown place. The girl experiences all sorts of highs and lows that demonstrate her strengths and flaws, but Levi always points out how gorgeous and amazing this girl is. No one knows where he pulled her character out of, they only know they loved this fictional woman named (first).

    Back five years ago, he would have never imagined any of this happening; hell, he didn't know he'd end up being a writer five years ago. He was a guy with an ordinary nine to five office job, typing away reports and making tea repeatedly to not murder someone. But it didn't matter though, because he always got to come home to a loving girlfriend with open arms. You were the thing to brighten his world and give him those sweet kisses and hugs he so desired, though he would never admit this. Trivial daytime activities held no meaning when you both would cook dinner together or something of the sorts. And your face, your precious, beautiful face was the best. It was the first thing he saw in the morning, and the last thing he saw at night. But two passionate people brought about some very heated fights.


    As much as he liked your screaming under different circumstances, he hated whenever you would shout his failures and shortcoming in his face. Levi might have played the "too cool to care" card, but he was a fragile human being. His ego and self-pride could be crushed so effortlessly by your words, but why was he surprised? He did the exact same, never giving you an easy time even for the most silly of mix-ups. Going out with friends could end up in a full-blown argument within minutes, and frankly, you were starting to get fed up with it. He'd always attempt to indirectly apologize, doing the laundry or buying your favorite take out, but the cyclical pain of being two young, dumb, and in love humans was starting to become too much. So, you left. No discussion, no goodbyes. You simply walked out with your stuff when he came home. All Levi was left with, was his thoughts and feelings for you. 


    He was too ashamed to admit these painful thoughts to anyone, but they all needed to come out somehow. If he didn't find an outlet for his woes, he knew he would wither away under the pressure of his own heartache. So the money he had saved for a ring and a wedding for you came out of his fund, enough to cover basic necessities for awhile along with a new computer. He quit his day job, sat his ass down, and wrote about everything he thought you were doing. He would, of course, refrain from writing about you moving on to another man, he refused to believe that even if it was very plausible. All he wanted was some damn closure on the entire thing, and even after five long years, his ability to move on was nonexistent. His idea of you had manifested into fame, staring at him right in the face, but it didn't happen over night.


    Dozens upon dozens of publishers gave his first book the thumbs down, unwilling to take a gamble on some unknown guy's strange little tale about a girl. But one, after nearly twenty-five failed attempts, finally did, it was a rather good company in his opinion. They weren't as big, but that small company feel ended up bringing him more money and greater benefits when his book ended up becoming popular within a few short months. Talk show hosts raved about it, critics praised it, and fans wrote him kind and adoring letters and emails everyday. None of them were from you of course, so the most they could do is produce a half smile for a split second. But still, it was enough to keep him going, quickly putting out two books within just a few years of each other.

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