Levi x Artist!Reader - Galaxy - [AU]

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I didn't expect for any of this to happen.

I didn't expect for you to happen.

   I'd spend hours wide-awake late into the night, a cigarette loosely hanging from my lips, just thinking about where the fuck my life was headed. Nothing was ever set in stone, the world and my options were left seemingly infinite. As the cloud of toxic fumes floated into the air, the plethora of empty thoughts only became greater in number. And yet, never once did I ever think of you or that you would be the one to steer my life so drastically. I mean, who would? When I first heard about, you came across as just some new bratty kid that the art museum near my apartment was showcasing. I didn't know a thing about you or your personality. All I knew was that you were supposed to be some art prodigy who produced high value paintings.


I didn't know who I wanted to be.

I just wanted to be someone to somebody.

   Even if you were a seemingly shitty brat, taking a look at your gallery couldn't hurt, right? I actually planned on making fun of it or whatever since you came across as young and dumb, cause I'm just that kind of asshole. You seemed like one of those morons who would rub a shit stain onto a canvas and relate it some deeper meaning. And yet...when I looked at your paintings, I found myself siting there and pondering on it endlessly. They were just paintings, something that normally I paid no mind to. Your artwork spoke to me on a whole new level though, as if you had taken my mind and expressed every part of me it on several canvases. My thoughts became colors; my personality became the strokes of a brush.


I became an image of art.

I became interested in you.

   The way you acted when I finally introduced myself to you was not what I was expecting. I figured you'd be much too fucking posh for my tastes, but like always, you surprised me. Your kindness and smile made my insides melt from the heat of your warm aura. I quite enjoyed being around you. I just couldn't wrap my brain around how one damn person could appeal to me so much. I figured I'd be bitter and alone 'til my bones turned to dust, and here was this gorgeous talented girl smiling and blushing at me. What did I do to deserve this? Why was the universe gravitating two polar opposites together? I didn't give a shit; I only knew that I liked it.

I became attracted to you.

You became attracted to me.

   Several months of being with you has transformed my life in ways I had never imagined. I'm still the asshole I've always been, but you make me think harder. You make me smarter. You challenge me to be the very best person I can be. And you know what? I love you for that. I love you for making me pasta, drinking wine with me, and talking about philosophy and shit jokes all in the same conversation. I love you for always staying by my side and understanding me like nobody else does. You know my flaws and insecurities, and accept me wholeheartedly. I love you. And you know how fucking rarely I say those three words. But it's because I never want the meaning of that phrase to fade. You make me somebody amazing, and your impact on my life has been your greatest work of art yet.


You never cease to inspire me.

You are the greatest force my life has ever known.

   As we stood in front of that ambiguous dark painting, a smile accessorized your entire ravishing being. Your eyes shined with their mesmerizing glow, and I feel at home in them. Having looked at this piece together for quite some time, you finally turned to me and inquired what my thoughts were on this painting. After meditating on my thoughts and observations for awhile, I finally revealed my suspicion that this painting was depicting space, the frontier of infinite possibilities. The excitement on your face as I spoke those words made my entire day, and I became lost in the wonder of you. You're a road that never ends, and all I want to do is travel down it forever. You are the galaxy. You are the stars in the sky that help me find my way.

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