Levi x Hooker!Reader - Alive - [AU]

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Everyday was the same, your empty soul held the equivalent to feeling dead. The filth you have to give yourself up to was so revolting it made you question the essence of your existence. Men, sometimes even women with greed and no patience would pay you cheap money for cheap thrills, and you accepted with a void expression every time. Sometimes you wondered about how your life could have been if you would have just stayed with him, your asshole of an ex. But when he left, so did his money, and you had run out of options. Being a streetwalker wasn't all it was cracked up to be, most of the time you didn't even fell alive while putting out for clients. This was your world, and there was no way to escape it's treacherous clutch. Some days were better than others though, as with any job. Especially the days with him.

    All you knew was his name was Levi and that he was a businessman that was loaded beyond belief. Every time he'd pick you up, it was always in a suave sports car, and he treated you like some high-class girlfriend of a CEO. You enjoyed him more than you probably should, but when he paid you nearly ten times what your other costumers shelled out, how the hell were you supposed to say no? He could have possibly had a family, a wife any kids, but you'd never ask him about any of that. You were there to please him, to make him forget the woes of whatever life he was living. Unlike your other clients though, Levi always made sure you were feeling just as good as him, handling you like you'd dreamed of for years. And hey, the man was handsome too, easily making him your favorite customer.


    Whenever you were feeling like shit, he always seemed to drive by in his car, ready to cheer you up and brighten your day. Sometimes, you'd even hound yourself almost smiling at him. You never were one to smile for customers, you just never saw the point unless they asked. You'd moan their name, scream, whatever the fuck they wanted, but you always refused to smile for them. This was a business, a cold and broken business, and you weren't going to give any of your clients the wrong idea. You felt nothing for them, or all but one.


    Your metamorphosis began like any other, at a sad, sad low. Your face was covered in bruises and cuts from your previous client, one that became rather hostile towards you when you refused a rather vulgar act. Your objection, of course, wouldn't be enough to make this man forget his wishes. You were taken advantage of, and his words towards you made you fell more worthless than shit on the ground. You were just an object, and object whose thoughts and feelings were nonexistent. After all, how can you take something that has no value seriously? With broken bones and flowing blood, the man discarded you in a stench-filled dark alleyway, leaving you for dead. It didn't even cross his mind as a crime, you were a hooker, and what positive did society see in you? "One less whore to worry about," would be all that was said before burying you six feet deep in the ground. Forgotten.


    Breathing heavily, your vision duplicated all that came into sight, feeling your conscious drifting further and further away. Was this the end? Were you going to die? You weren't exactly sure, and that's what fucking sucked. You attempted to call for help in desperation, but all you were greeted with was the sound of pouring rain and your voice bouncing off the walls with an echo. With your hair sticking to your sweaty face, stained with running mascara and tears, you felt hope slowly leaving your body. With a heavy heart, you accepted this inevitable fate, closing your eyes and saying goodbye to your pathetic excuse for a life.


This time though, the goodbye was a lie.

    "...(First)? Is that you?"


No response.

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