Levi x OCD!Reader - Uncertainty - [AU]

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Every single day was another 'x' on the calendar, another anxiety, another battle. It had been quite sometime since you had relapsed on your torturous rituals, and the fear of them returning never ceased to worry you. As you and your boyfriend grabbed coffee before class, your mind was completely elsewhere, fixating on what was to come with your disorder. Living with OCD sure as hell wasn't easy, and running Levi off was honestly the last thing you wanted. Having him by your side was quite comforting though, despite the fact that sometimes he had a tendency to be an asshole.

    "Are you not going to talk to me or what?"

    You were soon pulled out of your little world, your eyes once again meeting his grey ones. His expression wasn’t exactly a pleased one, and you figured you had an idea as to the reason why. You had zoned out again. While he was talking.




    "Ugh, you're an inattentive idiot. How are you in college again?"


With a slight smile, you sipped on your cup once again to take in some more of your addictive drink. His off sense of humor was always amusing and refreshing to you. His odd charisma would forever remain a mystery.

    "You were saying?"


    "I was asking you if you wanted to go to that stupid birthday party Hanji's hosting. I mean it looks lame as hell, but if you were going...,"


    He lost you again. Of course you were still thinking of his offer, but your mind reverted back to the anxiety and "what ifs" you always conjured up. Every fear related to that situation seemed to be thrown at you all at once like missiles hitting a target. Everything could go wrong if the stars were aligned to do it, how would you know everything would be okay? You turned to Levi in desperation to know for sure things would be turn out fine. If not, you could only imagine the horrifying experience you'd have to endure.


    "But...will everything be okay?"


    "I don't know."


    Of course. He wasn't going to give you what you wanted to hear. It was just in his nature to be blunt and honest, what else did you expect? This was Levi we were talking about, not some sweet talker that could make hearts swoon at the drop of a hat.

    "Well then no!"

    Calloused fingers gripped the hot cup, warm steam rising up from the small hole in the lid. Your response obviously didn't faze him as he casually ingested the bitter black coffee as if you said nothing. 


    "Listen, I can never guarantee to you that life will be a perfect fucking tea party. No one can. I don't make empty promises I know I can't keep or can't control. There's a lot of fucked up shit that happens in this world too. Will something happen? Probably not. But even if it does, you're strong. You made it through fucking Anatomy and Physiology, you can face your OCD and fears."


    His response to you left you simply blinking and staring at him, pondering endlessly on his words to you. Frankly, it caused your insides to get all warm and fuzzy like a damn child. Even when he was brutally honest, his caring nature still managed to shine through the cracks. Rather than giving you the words you craved, he gave you the words you needed to help you improve your quality of living. In the end, he truthfully was looking out for your best interest under that deadpanned expression he always wore. If he was going to make an effort he help you, you decided to make an effort to help yourself. With a newfound sincere smile, you revealed your resolution.


    "Yeah...you're right. I think I'll go then."

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