Levi x Reader - The Window - [AU]

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They say eyes are like the windows to the soul.

For Levi though, it was the window that gave sight to the soul hiding behind it.

    Walking down that street everyday always put him on edge. There was something about it that just seemed...eerie. It was always abnormally quiet, other than the occasional dog barking. Every sense in his body heightened whenever his foot first stepped onto the cracked and uneven pavement of the sidewalk. What was he to do though? With his job so conveniently close, why waste all of that money on gas? It seemed simple enough. But the one-eighty his stomach did everyday was starting to make him reconsider. Walking down this street felt like walking down death row.


Especially when he saw it.

    He didn't know what the hell it was, but every time he passed the house with that ugly off-white paint, his eyes averted to the circular attic window. The secrets that lay beyond it always seemed to peak his curiosity. Although the view always seemed to be slightly blurred from condensation buildup, he swore he always saw something moving behind it. Maybe it was just a child. Maybe it was just a cat. Maybe his mind was just playing tricks on him. Maybe, he just missed her.


Whenever he'd bring up anything nowadays, people assumed it always had to do with her.

    "You know, maybe you're mind's just wandering since-"



    "Don't you dare fucking say it Erwin."



Unforgiving gray eyes glared at the blonde as he simply sat there, dumbfounded at Levi's tone of language with coffee in his hand.



    "...Look, just take care of yourself, okay? Don't think about it too much."



    "Oooh, maybe it's a ghost!" a familiar brunette chimed in.



    "Don't give him any ideas Hanji. He's already been through enough lately..."


    He had always herd rumors about this house as well; the stories never seemed to cease. People said that no one ever comes in, and no one ever came out. All of the packages and mail were delivered through a mail shoot, leaving human interaction little to none. The house was under some man's name apparently, but no one was able to put a face to the name. Perhaps he was just a sad hermit and had no desire to be around people. But the aura he felt whenever he passed that house told him otherwise.


    He was always a rational man, able to analyze a situation before making any quick idiotic assumptions. It was why he decided to be a lawyer after all. Endless hours of thinking and detailing were required on his part leaving no room for trivial errors. Tales of ghosts and aliens and Bigfoot always eared a rolling of the eyes from him. So why was some silly little thing about a two story house getting to him so easily? 


He wouldn't have felt this way if she were there.

    She would have smiled and told him to shake it off, hugging him warmly to ease whatever unsettled him. He never even used to feel this way back when they walked to work together. That was always an attribute about her that he loved, her ability to pacify him with ease. Whether he was angry, depressed, confused, or a mix of every emotion fathomable, she could calm his nerves with a gentle touch. She could still annoy the living shit out of him with all of her damn habits, but to say he loved her would be a gross understatement. If he knew back then what he knew now, he would have reminded her of that simple fact ever chance he had. The regrets were the worse battle to fight.


    If she were here, he wouldn't have felt so...stalked. The overwhelming sensation of being watched cascaded down his entire being, as if eyes were fixated on him at that ever moment. The thought only progressed the chills head to toe, the scarf swung around his neck feeling more like a noose now. Something felt horribly wrong, but there was no logical way to go about justifying this. He was simply paranoid, and that's the final thought he settled on, exhaling his cold breath and passing the house. 



    ...A pair of eyes were indeed watching him however, and a their owner softly whispered his name. She now knew better than to raise her voice, but she still called out to him, hoping that he somehow heard her. Emptiness was all she felt when she thought about seeing him again; she would give up her own damn life just to hold him in her arms once more. Her warm tears began to spill from those sweet eyes as soon as he was out of her sight yet again, unable to see him until later in the evening. How long had she been here now? A week? A month? A year? Time was an unworldly concept when she wasn't around him, and it made no difference when she kept in this attic.


         "Looking at your boyfriend again? Pathetic."

    His words boomed throughout the room and made her jump in fear. The nerves in her body caused her to shake uncontrollably. The cold paneling of the wall greeted her bruised back, making her escape yet again out of her reach. Thoughts of what her future held scared her senseless, and she knew what was coming next. 


    He yanked her body up by her shirt from her current position, the trembling severing by the second. The sensation of his putrid morning breath hitting the shell of her ear was enough to make any person want to cry. But what was she to do? She was trapped. Simply trapped. There was no way out and nothing she could do. Before she could even let out a cry, a disgusting free hand covered her mouth forcefully, yellow fingernails digging into her fragile skin. She became silenced, a voice unheard and a figured unseen. Her torture was soon to begin, and no one would hear or see a thing.

She could only hope that one day, Levi would see whose face it was, watching him behind the window.

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