Addict!Levi x Reader - Posion Was the Cure - [AU]

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Poison Was the Cure.

Every damn addict is known to have different highs. Some become happy and free spirited, while others feel completely relaxed or even depressed. He wasn't any of these; he was the type that the anti-drug ads would over-dramatize. But it was real, and the scratches on your skin and the bruises covering your body were evidence enough that you'd wrestled with him once again to try and grab the syringe from his hands. What pained you the most weren’t the physical scars though, it was the emotional ones. It was the fact that you wanted to help him and you wanted to care for him, but his destructive behaviors prevented you from doing so. Nothing was going to change, and there was nothing you could do to stop him at this point. You were defenseless against the poison in the needle, and that was the shittiest part of all. It had taken the man you loved and changed him for the worse into someone and something you couldn't even identify anymore. Defeated; that's all you were. 

    It was the good times that kept you still going though. Those random lunches in the park, going out for coffee, movies at his place, cleaning that end up in kissing; they all are what kept your attachment to him. Or at least, your memories of him. In the two years before all this that you had been dating, things honestly felt like a fairly tale. Was he conventionally charming like the princes in the book? Oh hell no. But he was perfect for you, rough around all the right edges and with all the right quirks. His swearing and blunt attitude drew you to him, and at one point, you would have said that this feeling between you two was love. That would have been a lie though, him loving you. There was never love after he came to love the 10s of the syringe. He sold his love to the poison, and you were just a face he knew in his old life.


    The worry was constant on your end, causing tears to fall and judgment to be clouded. You never knew when he'd start to act violently in your confrontations with him, you never knew if he had done something stupid and gotten arrested, and you never knew if you'd walk in one day to find his lifeless body on the ground. Everything hurt about this, every last damn thing. All you could think about was this pile of crushing thoughts as you laid your tired head down in an attempt to sleep that night. Your aches and pains were just as much of a distraction as your doubts, but you hoped and prayed that tomorrow would be different. This nightmare that was your relationship had to end sooner or later, right? All you wanted was to go back to when things were simple and when the poison didn't control every aspect of his life. All you thought about was him as you drifted into the calm of your dreams, dreaming of what once was.


    And as the sun cycles endlessly, so did your days. Just like the previous, you dragged yourself out of bed to go check on him, projecting a fantasy as always that would surly be ruined the moment you saw his current state. You'd always imagine him with packed bags and a declaration that he was checking into rehab rather than staying with his menagerie of fellow addicts. Other times it was the typical "I love you so much I'm quitting!" delusion. That's what you wanted deep down, but reason wouldn't allow such thoughts to be classified as rational. It was just that, a dream. A hope. An undying wish. 


    As you turned the knob to enter his home, the aromas of old garbage and thick musty air invaded your nostrils, causing them to flare a bit in disgust. It looked the same as usual though, dimly lit and disorganized from his activities while intoxicated. A few grunts along with a shadow were projected from the back of the house, causing you to call out to the person in question.

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