Levi x Reader - Gratitude - [AU]

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Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. 

There were a lot of things Levi could complain about in this world. Financial issues, politics, loneliness, and of course the shitty attitudes of customers he had to deal with on a daily basis. Owning a teashop had its struggles, causing the short man to be in a rather bitter mood a majority of the time he worked during the day. People would bitch about the smallest things it seemed, even though a teashop was supposed to be a laid back and relaxing environment. It always seemed as if he was the one always having to deal with every damn thing though. He was the owner, the manager, and even tended to people as a server throughout the day as needed. And, of course, he cleaned the entire place spotless every night after closing. The only other staff he had were three college kids; Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. It was times like these, when stress took over, that he forgot what he was grateful for. 

But all of that negativity seemed to disappear when you walked in each and every day. 

   You always came alone in afternoon, ordered a cup of tea, typed away at your laptop while drinking said tea, and came back the next day to repeat the cycle yet again. Not that he didn't appreciate his other loyal regulars, but they didn't smile at him like you did. Socialization was hard enough as it was for Levi, being the awkward and stoic individual that he was, so interaction with other assholes became quite a frustrating task. He couldn't exactly be snarky to them after all. His other customers also weren't nearly as attractive as you. To him, you held that perfect combination of sexy and cute. Everything about you gravitated him towards you; from your luscious locks, your dreamy eyes, your irresistible body, your smooth voice, and of course that damn near perfect smile you had. That always seemed to pull him in the most. 

   This routine became broken one day though when he noticed you coming in for a second time right before closing. It was the day before Thanksgiving, which made it even more shocking since most people were at home and preparing for the next day. There was something else horribly off about you; he noticed that your smile seemed to be nonexistent. Even if your lips did move upward from time to time, it seemed so incredibly artificial. What could be causing you such grief at such a seemingly happy time of year? It just didn't feel right. 

   The time had come to close down the teashop, so you made your way outside with your trusty laptop in a bag. Levi took note of how you stood there outside, waiting with apprehension. He didn't know who or what you were waiting on, but after a full thirty minutes passed while he cleaned the place up, he became increasingly worried. Setting down his rag, he began to saunter rather swiftly towards you outside, that trepidation still apparent. 

"Oi, (First), is something up?"


   You turned over your shoulder to glance at gaze at him, that sparkle from your eye dull as ever. 

   "Oh, I'm fine. I promise."

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