Levi x Yandere!Reader - Wake Up Dead

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I sneak in my own house,

It's four in the morning.


Not a sound could be heard throughout the entire little home other than a cold key penetrating its matching lock. It was much too quiet in his opinion, something seemed strangely off. Then again, the hour was quite late, night giving way to the morning. All the other soldier are sleeping, or at the very least attempting to close their eyes. In a world like this, sleep isn't exactly a luxury, rather a gamble to vividly recall the horrors humanity had to face. Still, even with something so terrible, he was hoping you were fast asleep, ignorant to his late night behaviors. You could tend to be sensitive after all, and making a fuss over something like this was the last thing he wanted.

    The cascading light of a candle was nonexistent as the newly opened door allowed him to take in the sight before him. You weren't in his line of vision in the living area, so he assumed you were most likely in bed. Not being face to face with his lover was a miracle at the moment. As much as he loved you, he couldn't face you right now. Not after all of his vices and wicked deeds. You were purity in human form after all, to expose you to such filth seemed like an ultimate sin. Even if you were in blissful ignorance, that was still better than facing his evil, something worse than even the titans.


I had too much to drink,

said I was out with the boys.

    Lies, oh how you just drank in every little lie you threw your way. He had lied about how you were the only woman for him, his faithfulness, how his "late night paperwork" in truth was getting wasted and fucking whatever semi-attractive woman walked his way. Guilt would still plague his conscious about it day and night, but the thought of monogamy seemed so bland to the short fool. Cheap thrills made living this hellish lifestyle somewhat tolerable. As much as he cared for you, he craved his greedy desires even more, sending him on this cycle of terrible behaviors. He just wanted to forget right now, forget all the terrible shit he had done and how he uses it to mask his woes. But you still loved him, right? Your absolute devotion to him would keep you at his side, or so he calculated in his head. Yes, he has nothing to fear. You don't know a thing. Absolutely nothing.

I creep in my bedroom,

I slip into bed.

    The door to the bedroom creaks softly as he opens it, revealing your sleeping form covered by a thick blanket. You looked so peaceful like this, your mind still unexposed to your current situation. Although shitfaced, Levi could waft up your heavenly aroma from across the room, the one that made him feel at home. He was okay now, washed away from all his past mistakes. Eyes still fixated on you, his clothes were tossed lazily into a laundry hamper, shedding the smell of sweat and alcohol so he could slide up next to you. His cold feet guided him over to the bedside where he carefully rolled next to you, your precious body held and protected by his muscular arms. Ever so slightly, he feels your body stirring next to him. Were you having a nightmare? It almost seemed like it.


    Surly he hadn't done enough to wake you. Ever if he did, he was still convinced he was off the hook for tonight. He was just home after doing some early morning paperwork. That was his story, and he was sticking to it. How would you even know about any of this to begin with? As intuitive as you could be, there was no solid proof of his infidelity. No, there was no logical way you could know. Everything was perfectly fine, you were unaware and in a seemingly perfect relationship with humanity’s strongest soldier. And he would do anything to keep things this way.


I know if I wake her,

I'll wake up...

    Your eyes fluttered softly at him, revealing your beautiful (eye color) hues that looked up to your lover. Your face resembles that of an angel, gentle and kind. Sometimes he wonders why he even cheats on someone who's a goddess sent to earth, but he supposed that your innocence made it that much more fun to toy with you. You stretched slightly upon becoming disturbed, but you were thrilled to see that he was back in your arms. Oh how you loved him, every single little thing about him.




Your voice was like a call in the distance; soft, yet firm and district.




    Sluggishly, your body weight shifted to your side, allowing you to get up and hover above your beloved boyfriend, Levi. Levi, your sweet Levi. His name meant everything to you, he meant everything to you. And you supposed that...if you couldn't fully have him...no one should...right?



    Black. Absolute nothingness what he felt the second he felt the knife pierce his chest, the one you kept under your pillow this whole time. Your eyes locked with his, and they showed nothing but pure love as the knife dug deeper, casing blood to spill all over the bed where you both had once physically expressed your feelings for one another. He didn't even knew what was happening, all he felt was himself fading, and the undeniable pain in his heart. The pain he felt from the knife, the pain he felt for hurting you, the pain he felt for completely fucking up; all of these feelings consumed him as the life slowly dulled in his eyes. Was this the price he had to pay for his actions? He didn't know or care, all he knew is that he'll see you in hell, and give you the most passionate kiss when you finally met him there.



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