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Zabdiel woke up early for a normal day at the company. He wasn't much of a morning person but , it's his job. He woke up on time to join his parents Noemi and Charlie for breakfast. It was something they always did.

" Buenos Días !" They then heard a voice that they recognized to be Sofia's.

She came so that her and Zabdiel could drive to work together in her car.

Meanwhile Camila herself was making her way to her first day at work.

Eventually the three arrived at the same time. At the sight of Camila , Zabdiel quickly stepped out of the car.

" So your late on your first day ?" He says to her.

" I actually have two minutes." She replies.

" well now your two minutes are up , I'll be cutting this out of your salary." He said smiling at her , she quickly turned around and walked inside.

Sofia just huffed at the sight.

" Están bien nenas?" Zabdiel asked Sofia and Camila who's desk were facing each other.

" Zabdiel I think they placed me here by mistake , I'll be working along side these low class people." Sofia answered , Zabdiel grew annoyed with her.

" They aren't low class people , they are our engineers and employees." He said to her , Camila had heard it all.

She sat back on her chair and huffed.

" now since that's clear it's time for some coffee , without milk and sugar. The blonde stated.

" I don't drink my coffee like that." Camila said furrowing her eyebrows.

Sofia just smirked.

" I wasn't talking about yours I was talking about mine. Now please go get it." He said , Camila did as told.

She didn't understand , why was he suddenly being so mean?

Meanwhile Sofia still had a smirk plastered on her face.

Later that day Camila's grandma met her at her new job.

" Grandma that's Selma Velez , she's one of the leaders. She's as well Sofia's mother." Camila pointed out.

Although her grandma could barely see her face she nodded while seeing a bit.

" es joven." Her grandma stated.

" and successful and beautiful." Camila said admiring the woman. 

Eventually Selma and Sofia walked away before Camila's grandma could actually greet her.

Then the two left the place as well.

" Hi Zabdiel , come in and take a seat." Sofia smiled at the tall boy.

" No need , I just came to warn you about something." He replied.

" warn me ?" The girl asked , the smile disappearing off her face.

" I won't visit your house and we'll only talk at work.  It was your first day and you barely did a thing."

" what did you want me to do , clean the floor ?" She asked once more.

" Remember Camila had her first day as well and she was very dedicated to working. Your parents are one of the top leaders so I suggest you work hard." He stated as she instantly made a face.

" don't make that face , I'm just trying to help you out as your friend and boss. Well , goodnight." Zabdiel stated and walked back inside his house.

The girl huffed and left annoyed into her house.

" que pasas mi amor." Selma asked her daughter.

" I told you ma , Zabdiel likes Camila."
The girl replied.

" He came all the way over here to talk to you , I think he likes you very much and cares about what you do." Her mother assured her.


Chapter 2 , Why was Zabdiel suddenly so mean to Camila ? Does Zabdiel like one of the two girls ?

I just wanted to let you know that most likely I won't be using the other boys in the story as much or even at all. It's only because this specific plot has a lot and focuses a lot on Camila, Zabdiel, and Sofia.

xoxo CNCOx5

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