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There was a party tonight at the Velez household. Chris made it his business to invite Camila and of course Zabdiel would be there. Sofia was still pretending and being nice to Camila. So she allowed her to borrow one of her dresses. Camila kept refusing but , Sofia kept insisting. Nonetheless , Camila looked stunning in the dress.

The two girls then walked out , Sofia had a huge smile as always , she hoped Zabdiel would focus on here. But as soon as they walked out both Chris and Zabdiel looked up from their separate conversation. The two stared at Camila in awe.

Camila smiled and made her way towards Zabdiel. Sofia's smile instantly dropped and so did Chris's.

" She's still stuck to him but , it's my fault. I made her look better than how she already looks." Sofia complained to her uncle.

" se ves hermosa." He complimented Camila.

" But she's with him and not you." She shot back as they watched the pair .

" te ves muy bonita." Zabdiel complimented her

" gracias Sofía me lo presto." Camila thanked him.

" bueno yo no hablaba del vestido hablaba de ti , te ves hermosa." He said to her causing her to smile. He then took her to meet his mother.

"Oye amor." Someone said behind Camila causing her to turn around. She came face to face with Selma.

" I - I'm sorry i thought you were Sofia because of the dress." She apologized but , the two were frozen.

Camila and Zabdiel couldn't stop smiling and talking to each other. That of course frustrated Sofia , so she did something terrible. She grabbed a cup of water and began to walk clumsy. She then bumped into Camila spilling the water on her. Chris had seen it all.

" I'm sorry Camila." Sofia said innocently.

" Sofia learn to be careful." Zabdiel spat.

" It's okay I was leaving anyway , I need to get back to my grandma." Camila said , Chris walked over.

" I'll take you home don't worry." He said.

" No need I'll be taking her home." Zabdiel cut him off.

" I'll be back , I'm going to change." Camila said awkwardly.

She then made her way to Sofia's room and in walked Selma.

" Listen , I suggest you keep away from Zabdiel. The two of you are worrying my daughter." She spoke.

" Mrs , there's nothing going on between us." Camila replied.

" and nothing could ever right? I mean he's just like Sofia , rich , and the only child. I'm sure he'd pick to be with a girl whose on his level and you are far from it." Selma said to the girl.

" don't worry about me."

Camila ran out the house and didn't even bother to get Zabdiel. The girl began to walk home.

As she walked all the memories she has shared with Zabdiel came to mind along with Selma's words. The poor girl began to cry. Soon she found a bus stop and decided to wait there.

Suddenly a car pulled up and out came Zabdiel. He would always find her no matter what.

" What are you doing here ? We were suppose to leave together ?" He asked the girl.

" I didn't want to bother you." She responded rather quickly. He began to ask her questions but , she didn't respond.

" okay fine but , it's cold so I'm taking you home." He stated.

" I'm waited for the bus like I should , you don't have to." She a seres him not looking at him.

" then fine , I'll wait here too." He said , as she looked at him. " We either leave together or get sick together , so choose." He added.

The girl sniffled , he took of his jacket and gave it to her.

Zabdiel couldn't help himself , she looked beautiful. He gently cupped her cheeks and placed a soft peck on her lips.


He did it , he finally kissed her !
Selma getting on my nerves.

Sorry I didn't proofread. 

xoxo CNCOx5

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