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Camila had one neighbor she was closed to , it was the lady who adopted Selena and a boy named Richard. The lady would help Camila so much with her grandmother. Since Camila didn't have a job she decided to return to favor and help her out at her fish market near the water. The market was also location on one of the busiest streets of the island.

" Cami , we need to go fishing. We're running out of fish." Richard stated to the girl and she nodded.

Suddenly , Zabdiel appeared. As he said before to the girl, no matter what he'd always find her. 

" que haces aquí ?" She asked him.

" Cami you ready ?" Richard called out from the boat.

" Where are you going ? I'm coming with." Zabdiel said walking over to the boat and greeting Richard. Camila knew she couldn't get rid of him so she went along with it.

As they were sailing the two began to talk.  They began to talk about the job and themselves.

" why is it that everything we're together we end up going back to the same topic." Camila stated slightly annoyed.

" Listen to me please." He said taking a hold of her hands , she looked up into his eyes.

" I feel something special for you that i haven't felt for anyone else." He began.

" What is that special thing ?" She asked

" Love." He said with no hesitation.

She smiled and then said " Zabdiel
please , this isn't love."

" So your going to tell me you don't feel a single thing for me ?" He asked raising a brow.

She stood silent.

" ah ya sé no me crees , verdad ?" He asked her. 

" not yet." She smiled , he began to take off his shoes.

He then threw himself in the water , the girl squealed.

Meanwhile at the company the men arrived once more.

" oye , will Camila work at another company ?" Chris asked his niece and she huffed.

" she works selling fish." She smirked

" are you serious ?" He asked her and she nodded.

Chris just chuckled.

Richard help Zabdiel get back on to the boat.  He then stared into her eyes the two stood there for awhile.

It was like Sofia could feel it , in that very same moment she was once again ranting to her mother.

" I don't get it , what does he see in her?" She asked , her mom wasn't even paying attention.

It was now Camila's turn to talk to Zabdiel. He told how he was an incredible great guy but, there could be no them. He told her that if that's what she believed he would respect that. 

" I mean aren't you engaged to Sofia ?" She asked and he chuckled.

" her and I grew up together like siblings. She's like a sister, there could never be anything between us. Also , how could I be engage and spend time with you?" He responded.

" I'm not that type if that's what you were thinking. You clearly thought wrong."

Selma had recieved an envelope that made her nervous , it was filled with various cards. They began to make her cry as she read them. 

Meanwhile her daughter was sitting down doing nothing but , looking at pictures of Zabdiel.

Later on that day , Sofia on purpose took everyone and the men who were interested in the project to the fish market. Camila was in utter shock and Zabdiel was mad. All Sofia could do was smirk and Chris as well at Zabdiel.


Zabdiel finally confessed how he feels for Camila.  Do you think she'll ever come around ? Are we seeing who Sofia really is ? Will Chris turn out to be like his niece ?

I didn't proofread this so I'm sorry.  I'm tempted to publish my next story right now. But , Camila will be long I have a feeling and I don't want to have you guys waiting so long.

xoxo CNCOx5

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